Hey. 😊
I've read your post a long time ago 😁 but didnt have the chance to leave a comment. And I didnt want to rush it. Now I have time and I came back.
First, congrats about the baby and the wedding! I know and I truly believe that you guys have had a hectic stresful period of time, besides a happy, full of emotions one. Its understandable, all the questions, the worries, the thoughts! But in the end you simply know: a child is such a blessing. I hope your baby will come on this world safe and sound. Thats
the most important.
I'm sure both of you, as a team, will find a way to work things out.
And my personal opinion is that you shouldnt apologize for not having as much time here on the blockchain as before. We all have lives, we understand you.
Now is about you, your family and the baby. Take your time and put your lives together as a whole. We'll still be here.
And why not, maybe you'll find some useful stuff on my blog related to baby activities and education hehe.
Really, congrats guys! I am happy for you, for having a baby. I'm sure you'll be a great dad, involved and caring. Same as you are here.
Take care! 🙏
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave such a nice comment here my friend, I really appreciate it ;) Well, rather than apologies, that post was meant to be an explanation. As you might now, I was trying to be a fulltime Hiver before. I used to spend many hours on this blockchain every day. I built a solid and active fan base of friends and followers here that I engaged with on daily basis. Now everything changed so I felt like I should explain why, that´s it ;)
Actually, I was already thinking about using some of your tutorials and home schooling materials ;) I always knew they were really good but soon, I will be able to actually use them and I cannot wait to do so :)
Thanks again for your kinds words, wishes and encouragement. Have a lovely weekend!
Yes, the word explanation works better, thats right. I just wanted to underline that we all understand why you wont be active as much as always were, and I'm sure all the community members and your friends and followers will get it.
I know you worked a lot, everyone could tell that only by scrolling your blog.
Keeping others involved and have a community of people who follows you is not the easiest job. So you definitely did great on this, and for that you are truly appreciated. You were and you are dedicated to the chain. Just because you wont have the same amount of time from now on, it doesnt mean a thing. You're still here, and that matters.
You'll find a way to put everything together and wheb the baby grows a little bit, things can become easier.
Though, the truth is, having a kid literally takes a lot of your energy, time and resources. In the first two years with my son, I was barely active. I dont know if in two years I blogged more than 20-30-40 posts. I'm sure you'll do great compared with me haha.
Anyways, I just wanted to tell that we appreciate you wrote this lovely explanation and shared it with us, now we know what are u going through and how your life goes at the moment.
Thanks again :) You know, it´s not just the baby on the way, we will also be soon moving from Prague, I will be looking for a job (unless Hive goes to the Moon :D) etc. Busy times ahead, especially after all those years where our only "problem" was to decide where to go next :) But we will manage somehow. I really appreciate your support and encouragement ;)
I understand all the changes (the baby, the move, the job, the lifestyle changes) and I can only imagine how stresful it is to adapt the new, I get it. So I really hope you guys will be ok. Well, I'm sure you will. You are a "phortunate" hehe.
And why not, lets hope that hive goes to the moon 😁😅.
Hugs for you both.