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I mean write beautiful stories like the love story about the Geisha, of yours, that I read earlier this evening.

You're a good writer. You have talent. If the downvotes upset you (and I know full well how much effort it takes to write a story like that... and it's a lot of effort and time, so that sucks but it isn't personal) and are not discussed with you in person so that you can change why you are receiving them, then I only see a couple of choices right now.


If you want to look after yourself and not waste precious time. And not give up writing (please).

But it's best you give that some thought and maybe consider three options you can come up with, to deal with this situation. Just to learn and grow a bit. Because this is life. And it's a good opportunity for you to learn more stuff.

What I would not do is believe everything you hear about anyone, on the internet of amazing things. Or in actual life either. Unless you hear it directly from that person yourself.

Be smart. Be strong. Take care of yourself. You've got this. πŸ’₯

And you are a good writer.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I am just seeing this comment and trying to place "Geisha"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Did you somehow mention those three options and I missed them?
Truth is, I always try never to be clouded by opinions from others especially when it is from people. Even if they have the evidence, I'd like to see for myself because Mr. A's story would always be different from Mr. B's. As for growth, I really look forward to learning something everyday. The main reason I am stuck on hive has a lot to do with how it has helped me grow as a person. It is not everyday you find something like this. I really appreciate you!!

Hey you :)

I don't listen to anyone's story unless it's directly from them these days :) Too much ego and misunderstanding in the world already.

It's an older one. I don't remember the name. Sorry. I rarely remember names :/ Or dates so well either.

I was skimming to check your content, after things came to a head, because I remembered your writing and have always enjoyed it.

It's a few weeks back with a pink flower as the featured image. A "discarded" woman who finds the love that's been waiting for her patiently all these years. Very beautiful 🌹

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Oh. Bai Li Mei!!! Thank you very much. And I'll remember to poke you should I need it.


Oh... I mean poke me when I "forget" and fall asleep again, please!

We support each other in staying awake and progressing. The "shadow" is sneaky, sneaky!

Stay you. A lover and a peaceful warrior. We need you, please. ❀️

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Hehehe. Yes ma'am!!!