(personal note - skip down if you care not... lol)
Before I begin, let me say that I wrote the previous post because a sweet Hiver, who is a wonderful writer, was in need of help, and reached out to me. (I just let out the biggest sigh just now 😂) Not cuz I'm asked for help - but because the NEED for help is never-ending. whew.
So... I did what I could. I wrote the post, and people rallied, and some were calm and some not so calm lol - and then people came publicly, and more came privately to brainstorm. We have an idea, and I think parts of it have been used before? - and parts are new? - and there is a bit of hope and now I'm sitting down to write it all out for you and.....
I honestly just don't feel like it LOLOL
That is the God's honest truth. 😨 I'm freaking tired, man. hahaha
Cuz this is not the first attempt to fix these problems, and it will certainly not be the last. This might fail like other attempts before it, and what is the POINT!? When we can do ALL this work (and it WILL be WORK) only to have one (or two? or ALL???) person(s) throw a wrench into the mix, stir up animosity and division - and boom. BOOM.
And the answer is... Cuz it's who I am, and what I do. There are days when I HATE THAT. Because I do NOT want to take the risk again. I do not want to exert the energy ALL OVER again, with no guarantees.
But here I am writing, thinking loudly over the other thoughts: "Who cares if it fails? Who cares? It might be the failure that leads us to the next idea that actually succeeds."
cool. here we go.
In America, we have unemployment insurance that comes out of every paycheck. We do this so that if you lose your job, you can apply for assistance temporarily into the system that you have supported - for the time when you need it.

Of course "decent posts" is a subjective qualification - but reputation, post quality, downvote effect, and account age will be some deciding factors in determining the assistance granted.)
In the same way, I, @dreemsteem, have created an account (@oopseedaisee) for the sole purpose of boosting morale on Hive by helping to offset any valid downvote repercussions on decent posts. (
Posts of this nature can get very lengthy and overwhelming. I decided to present it in the form of a Q&A session, so that you can skip through to questions that pertain to your interest! Hope this helps!
Can anyone get help?
Yes, ANY person in the community that needs help can request it, as long as they supported the initiative PRIOR TO their request. Think its a good idea? Support it now, BEFORE you need it. (Please do not support it NOW.. read the post FIRST. LOL)
- GENERAL SUPPORT: This is for people who think they may need the help in the future. Assign a 1% beneficiary reward (no more, no lessno more, no less) on your posts to @oopseedaisee, AND delegate 1 HP () to @oopseedaisee.
This is a small enough percentage, that it should allow for anyone to be able to afford it. Hopeful that a little bit adds up for the good of the community.
- MAJOR SUPPORT. This is for people who would likely never need or request help, but would love to give the account greater voting power to help those in need. Assign a 1% of post rewards to @oopseedaisee as beneficiary AND delegate AT LEAST 1000 HP to the @oopseedaisee account.
The reason for these small, tokenary delegations and beneficiary amounts - is that it allows us to SEE at a moment's notice WHO is actually invested in helping the community, WHO is publicly aligning with support, and... who is not. We are invested in those who help, and will use the support raised FOR those who do so. Delegations also allow us to see the DATES when people became supporters, which is important.
What happens if someone drops their support?
Feel free to support the best option for you. If you feel that this initiative doesn't align with your objectives, please do drop your support. Removing the delegation will negate ANY ABILITY to receive any help or disbursement from this account - final.
How will you keep track of who is supporting and who is not?
Each week, an admin on the account will publish a weekly post reporting (1) who has been affected by downvotes/and has received help from the account. (2) show copies of the data received from affected Hivers from the PREVIOUS week's post (3) show wallet transactions to affected accounts for transparency and accountability (4) provide the opportunity for people to leave comments on the new post requesting help for the next week.
What if I'm blacklisted by Hivewatchers?
No matter what you think about Hivewatchers, they do perform a service for Hive. Do they do it perfectly? Nope. Because spoiler alert - they're human just like you. But their input will be used to determine the eligibility of the one asking for support. They are not the final say, but they will carry significant weight.
What do I do to ask for support?
there are no posts there yet, this initiative has not started.) with proof of your affected post.Comment on the most recent post of @oopseedaisee (
What serves as proof of my affected post?
- the URL of the affected post.
- screenshot of proof of beneficiary reward on post, and 1HP delegation
- screenshot of downvotes. (yes, these will be verified, but help the process along please)
- any pertinent info you'd like to share.
Failure to provide truthful information will result in request being denied. note: person who downvoted will be tagged by the @oopseedaisee account to allow for a valid reason given for the downvote.
How do I receive the support?
The @oopseedaisee account will use available liquid HBD to pay out author rewards the person would have received from the upvote that was reversed. Half of the author rewards will be given as HBD to the wallet. The other half will be converted from HBD to HP, and sent to their account. This prevents further reversal action from downvoting accounts since further downvotes cannot touch anything sent directly to wallets/accounts.
This sounds like a TON of admin work. Are you just volunteering the time for this?
We will be making a proposal for the DHF ($35 HBD daily) to cover the cost of the admin, and provide some of the assistance for reward reallocation. Three admins (@ $10 HBD each, daily) plus $5 HBD daily to be allocated towards weekly assistance. Any amount of HBD that was remaining in the account at the end of each month, would be powered up to HP on Hive Power Up day, strengthening the vote.
(the DHF proposal has NOT been made yet. We are waiting until we have feedback from comment section, and can adjust based on that.)
What do you need to have a vote for? Who do you use it on?
Getting caught in the cross-fire of a whale war is demoralizing, discouraging and simply "bad" for the platform. Not only do we want to restore rewards for worthy posts, but we'd like to boost morale and bring a little cheer back to the platform. The week that a post receives assistance, the user will also receive daily votes for up to 7 days, provided that the post is of decent quality. (manual subjective evaluation)
How MUCH of a vote do they get?
The account has ten 100% upvotes, just like every other account on Hive. Up to ONE 100% daily vote (and not to exceed one vote) will go on any applicable post /comment from @oopseedaisee to help build the account's power. The remaining votes will be distributed to all weekly "helped" accounts equally, until the value of the ten 100% votes are dispersed daily.
This sounds like @ihealyou. Is it the same?

I have no idea, to be honest. @wesphilbin shared this with me when we talked, and he said it was similar, but not the same. I don't know how it differs, but if anyone would like to offer some reasons why it's not around anymore? Perhaps we can avoid any mistakes that were made? Problems that was caused? I'd love insight! Drop into the comment section and feel free to tag me 😊
Who is going to be in charge of the votes?
This will not be an automated upvote. This project is a human-powered job, requiring manual evaluation. One of the admins on the account will be in charge of daily upvotes and weekly distributions. One in charge of compiling data, and writing the weekly posts. One in charge of vetting all the requests.
Do you already have the admins chosen?
In my opinion, the admin role requires humility, trustworthiness, gentleness, integrity, dependability, and attention to detail, and most importantly ,THE TIME to do the work. I have three people in mind that can share the role and would most likely be willing to do the work. They are people that I would be willing to trust with my name/ reputation. (and that is absolutely the highest honor I give anyone).
Are you the only one with the keys to @oopseedaisee?
As of right this second? Yes. But, the four people who gave the most input on this initiative will also be holding copies of the keys as of tomorrow (May 15, 2023). They are: @snook, @wesphilbin, @samsmith1971 and @penderis. This will allow for transparency, accountability. and responsibility in case of an unfortunate, unforeseen event.
Do we get any benefits for delegating? or adding beneficiary rewards?
As of right now, you get the benefit of helping the community and ensuring that you have access to assistance should you need it in the future. Tada! 🤩 I have spoken to @trostparadox privately, as he reached out after my post to say he was encouraged by conversation he saw happening and to reassure me that there are others on Hive proactively working to improve anti-abuse methods. I am a firm believer that multiple options to help is a great opportunity for people to seek the care they need. While our initiatives will remain independent of one another, we reserve the right to link arms in the future to maximize morale on Hive! Please do stay tuned for any updates by him!
So you're building up the account, but what happens if you end the service? Where does all that HP go?
Upon the dissolution of the account, (if the initiative is no longer deemed necessary by the community) the HP will be powered down to liquid Hive. 50% of the liquid HIVE will be divided among/ distributed back to MAJOR supporters according to the amount of time they have supported. The remaining 50% will be divided among/distributed back to GENERAL supporters, also based on length of support.
If I give more than 1HP delegation, can I increase the dissolution distribution alloted to me in the future?
Why did you choose the name @oopseedaisee
Blame @penderis for that one, and blame @wesphilbin for adding in all the ee's hahaha. We liked the name @oopseedaisee because we want to keep it light. Though bad things happen, sometimes it's just an unfortunate oversight that can hopefully be fixed. By basically giving people the benefit of the doubt, giving grace, but offering help also - we think its the best approach to moving forward on Hive with hope. If we named it something harsh, every time someone thought about the project, or wrote the name of the project, it would just further enforce the negativity. We want even our name to keep it all about harmony.
What if the DHF proposal doesn't get passed?
We did think of other ways that we could try to take upvotes and maneuver the account in a way to be sure that our admins got the support they needed. But after careful thought, it is not wise to do so, nor is it clean and easy.
Simply put, if this proposal isn't valuable to Hive, then we happily will step aside and wait for a better alternative to be proposed and passed. This is merely our attempt to help provide a solution. Perhaps, others would prefer alternative methods. We wish the best of luck to anyone who would like to try!
(the DHF proposal has NOT been made yet. We are waiting until we have feedback from comment section, and can adjust based on that.)
I delegated too late, now I can't get help?
Correct. Not on THAT post, but feel free to delegate and maintain that delegation and 1% beneficiary, and we will be able to assist on the NEXT instance.
Even if you don't ever use it, you're contributing to the healthy and culture of Hive for a more positive platform where people help people - JUST for the sake of helping people. I think that's a win/win/win/win.
Oops, I mistakenly removed that delegation!
You mistakenly went to your wallet, clicked on delegations, clicked to remove a 1HP delegation to us, and then accidentally confirmed that you wanted to that? 😉
Well, that's very unfortunate. lol
If you can show within 24 hours that it happened, I'm fairly certain that it can be rectified. Once. 😏
I lost $2 but you only gave me $0.37
You are very welcome for that 🤗
We can give what we have. And whatever we have, we share amongst those affected. It is not a perfect system, but its the system we offer as help to the community.
What if your upvotes get VERY huge and dividing them amongst the affected is MUCH MORE than what they lost?
The system will be tweaked against abuse as we evaluate it practically. I'm known for opening up discussions to the community. We will have no problem writing an open post to the community to ask their opinion of the service from time to time. If adjustments are requested, and seem to make common sense, we'll simply adjust in a way that is for the benefit of the community as a whole.
Why did you post this on your account, Dreem? and not the @oopseedaisee account?
I have much more visibility on this account. It will be reblogged onto the @oopseedaisee account, and it has also been named as the 100% beneficiary. Please do feel free to reblog and tell anyone that you think would benefit. I would HOLD OFF on delegating until we know if the DHF passes the proposal. Yes, there are delegations already, but that's only because it was on our mind. Do as I say, not as I do. 😂
Can I upvote the weekly report post for some rewards?
Sure, we'd love that! The normal curation rewards from Hive will apply. And the reward of knowing that you're helping an account grow that will help the community and possibly help you in the future. Tada! 😍 In all honesty, this is for the community, by the community. If you want to help - it's a group effort. If you have more to give and you want to give for the sake of giving. Please do so! But don't give just to receive back. Just give, in whatever way you feel is best.
How can I help?
We literally had most of this hashed out yesterday, early morning. It was crazy how fast stuff happened. lol So, as of right now? My best guess is to share the word, support the proposal, and keep Hive happy. If you have a better idea - don't talk talk talk. go for it.
Any other questions?
Ask away! I'll try to read and respond to them all in the comment section.

I apologize if this tag annoys you - it will be the last - I just thought that since so many people were invested in the problem post HHAHA maybe the potential solution would be of interest?
Please - I am not saying this is the great saving solution.
It's an option, and its more than just talk and barking.
if it doesn't work - no harm, no foul. but please give some criticism where we can improve it - or.... let it fuel your own ideas to try to solve it. I'm good with either! thanks all :)
@deraaa @themarkymark @xeldal @acidyo @samsmith1971 @snook @wesphilbin @penderis @deeanndmathews @nonameslefttouse @ura-soul @kencode @tengolotodo @trostparadox @coquicoin @owasco @tattoodjay @silversaver888 @jacoalberts @nkemakonam89 @unorgmilitia @hylene74
and if you're not in the mood... i totally get it. lol
you do you . much love ❤️
Hey -- I'm in.
hey sweets...
doesn't look like I'm on the right path here... a lot of people (smarter than me in the ways of Hive's inner workings hahaha) are thinking that I don't have the right plans here - and i'm ok with that!
because I know that there are more plans to have other people solving this issue. so I think I shouldn't try to push for this when it's not really a good plan for rewards and people's losses.
I didn't (and still don't hahah) see all that. I still see it as a great plan LOL But that's exactly why I'm not the one to run this. Because anything that I do - any decision I make - any tweak I make will CONTINUE in this vein. And if its not hitting the target? It's just gonna keep not hitting the target
so I gladly bow out... and wait for others to come up with better solutions. Because I sincerely cannot ask anyone to be an admin in good conscience, and NOT guarantee that they will be compensated for their hard work, rain or shine. I just think that's probably my bare minimum requirement. And if the DHF can't guarantee that - then people have to rely on the good graces of whales. And as we can see from past history, whales are not perfect. And mistakes are made. and pride gets bruised. and anger makes for bad choices... and for that reason, I can't put any admin into a situation where their compensation isn't guaranteed.
and without the working power of admins (that will do the vast majority of the work here) - this plan has no fuel! lol
so... i tried. but it won't work.... so I must pass the baton.
thanks for all your investment into this whole issue. It's people like you (and others from the posts) that make Hive have a heart - with the way that you care deeply!!!
love to you!!!
Love to you too ... it is just refreshing to have seen the effort ... I have been praying about this issue for some time (because no matter how big the whale, I know Who made every ocean)... so, another path will be found ...
Nothing to apologize for... Thank you for tagging me!!
Wasn't able to comment earlier, but, I'm not sure if a proposal is necessary or the right approach. In general I've been a bit skeptical of the current ones getting funded as well, I think in many if not most cases they're ignoring transparency and just looking to get as much funding for personal gain as possible. I'm going to be a lot more stricter in the near future and the newer ones I approved to see how they report and document what they're doing with the funding if they wanna keep my vote.
In this regard, if the downvotes stopped for instance, we'd have to rally people to unvote if it got funding. At the same time, I'm also not sure why 35$ daily was the number it landed on, it shouldn't require that much work and effort to have a place where people can report their content being a target of this and curators checking that that's the case and then compiling some of those posts into a CCC or something to send them post rewards through while the curators and compiler gets a cut from the post rewards instead.
So my thoughts would be that some smaller rewards go this way to those behind the project rather than turning it into a big thing with proposals and stuff, after all this is about helping people, not profiting off of it, which even with the best intentions could lead down to more manipulation over time.
I feel like for smaller things like these, personally, it's okay to use the post reward pool, at the same time it makes each day unique and people can curate them accordingly. I.e. if there were only 3 posts that suffered these downvotes that day then u vote it a bit less and give the curators/people behind the project less rewards. I can tell you that close to no proposals have returned any funds to the DHF so far so that maybe explains my thinking here as well. A lot of the delegate 1 hp here and give 1% beneficiary here seems a bit unnecessary as well.
Anyway, just some initial thoughts of this idea.
Thanks so much for your input! I honestly thought $10 a day per person was cheap! lol
but I am American, so my perspective is different. I know what we get paid for an hour's work is a lot different than around the world. I don't even see that as profit but simply paying people for the time to run a project for the benefit of the community. When I talked about this idea... literally so many people were like...ummmm too much work lol I don't have the time for it. 🤣
And a 1 HP delegation, again, I would have thought this was something that is so minimal for everyone!! But you're the second person to ask why it's so high. I'm so used to seeing much higher delegations all around the platform. I don't think I've ever seen one as low as 1HP. and it's a delegation.. lol people can literally remove it and get it right back if they decide it doesn't align with their objective anymore.
But I must just have a clear picture of what's common on Hive anymore. oh well! lol
Im excited to see what ideas spin off this conversation to see what help will come to the community for these issues. Maybe Trost has something a lot more feasible!! So let's be on the lookout for his plan! 😊
Thanks again for all your support for deraaa.. and for your responses on the last post snd this one! I know she was only one person that we got to help but I guess until this situation gets solved, it's just the reality of Hive right now.
well, we do eventually get a break between one whale war and the next. 🤷
keep our heads up and find the joy!!
have a great night acid..(or day hehe)
No the delegations aren't high, I just think that whole idea is a bit pointless. Unless you fear that the "compilation posts" of those targeted will also get downvoted? In that case I could understand going the proposal route + delegations and beneficiaries. Also it's not about 35$ being high, it's about getting something for your time and effort for helping out, whether that's 10$ or $100 is all up in the air in these markets and if you value the main currency of the ecosystem. I just don't want it to be seen as "work" and we do something similar in ocd where curators and post editors get a little bit of the rewards we give out for the time and effort to find the posts to curate.
It's not a big issue and I'm happy something is done about it or attempted, guess I was just hoping it'd be more of a genuine gesture to help out (not saying this isn't), but the current "proposed" idea doesn't feel right to me somehow.
Either way, just some thoughts at first read, will try checking what other people say over time.
@dreemsteem, it was good chatting with you.
I’ll try to post an update soon about what I and a few others are working on in this regard.
Others might be able to provide some better technical details, but it seems the key-sharing you mentioned is something you would want to do with multi-sig instead of actually sharing the private keys. I’m not sure the status of that feature, though.
In the short-term, you can delegate posting authority and/or active key authority to the other admins. That's safer than sharing the acting keys themselves.
thank you @trostparadox - sounds like a better idea to wait for the multi-sig for the added security in that :) I appreciate all your insight and your willingness to share with me. And I think a lot of people will love to see more options out there that are set to help the community! Looking forward to it - and please tag me in it!!!
Night to you! thanks again!
This could definitely take off big time :) ...
May I suggest that those who are getting consistent downvotes on every post (as opposed to randomly having a whale vote negated) have the ability to select a friend or an alternate account to receive their upvotes?
Reblogged ♥️
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
Hi you! Thanks for your encouragement! but I don't think that my ideas are the kind of ideas that are supported by the DHF - for all the various reasons that have been stated in the comment section by people who know Hive's inner workings better than me LOL
so i'm stepping aside for someone more qualified to step up! hehehe
I miss you so much. i know we both have been busy - and my life just got busier - and i'd love to come and tell you in DM - but i'm absolutely exhausted. LOL
hopefully on wednesday evening, i can catch up!!! love to you, my brotha!
Good On You Dear Wes!!!
Wednesday sounds good ♥️
I can't help but wonder if this might have actually been too much for your schedule anyway???
(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(8/10)@dreemsteem! to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Downvote insurance.
I'll keep my opinions to myself at the moment so I do not contribute to swaying any others. And I'll watch how things develop.
making me wait. nice. ok, i can dig it LOL
Create a problem, offer a solution but charge a fee.
How can I know the problem wasn't created intentionally in order to collect fees? I'm not accusing anyone of any wrongdoings. I'm pointing out the fact insurance scams exist.
Take one account, downvote people. Offer insurance with another account, upvote people. Skim profits. Keep them paranoid and paying. Business is slow? More downvotes. Brief periods of no downvotes, still collecting fees. Competitors roll in. More downvotes.
There's the worst-case scenario.
Sure, I mean I guess there is a way to incite fear in anything to scare people.
quick sell hive... the price is going down. then it's lower, big investors buy at a great price and push the price back up for their own profit.
all kinds of scams exist. it doesn't stop people from choosing their best case scenario.
right now the choice is... "you got a downvote, so what?"
that just doesn't seem like a great plan for the future 🤷
Your post is asking for feedback.
I presented a problem. There is a solution. Figure it out.
Hi! Happy almost Monday to you!
Question: would it not be better if you see a problem and know the answer, you just offered the answer instead of making someone guess what you are thinking?
Just my 2 cents.
I can see where you are coming from. I think it is a concern. but this post was all about the community helping each other and asking for feedback and ideas or both.
No. When there's money and community support involved, I expect those behind the project to be able to have all the bases covered on their own. This isn't my project. If it's not up to my personal standards, I don't support it, but that doesn't stop others from supporting it. If I present a problem but it doesn't click as to how it could be a problem or is simply written off as a nonissue, I'd sooner back away from the discussion instead of arguing and trying to get my way since this is not my project and I don't want to create problems. Nobody here has to agree with me or see things my way.
I have the solution but I think it might be a bit too simple for you to believe...
Don't create an insurance scam 🤣
which I haven't.
The details are literally pay 1 HP and 1% beneficiary post rewards.
If people would feel more comfortable with 0.01 HP AND 0.01% beneficiary rewards...I'm good with that!
The project doesn't keep any of those funds and at the time of dissolution...it's returned to the community. Literally nothing stays with the account. So I'm not understanding where we have created a problem and are charging people through fear.
I'm not being argumentative...I sincerely don't see where we are making money from a scam?
I wasn't accusing you of any wrongdoings and made that perfectly clear.
I highlighted the fact it is a worst-case scenario stemming from one of the oldest tricks in the books.
Opening the door to this sort of thing, this way, could potentially create a problem similar to or worse than the problem intended to be solved.
Perhaps framing it as insurance is the wrong way to go about it, but this is not my project, so it is not for me to say. Coming up with suitable alternatives based on my personal preference is not my responsibility.
In its current form, I am neither for nor against it.
My criticisms of this project should not be interpreted as personal attacks.
Have a nice day.
Did I miss the link to be able to vote on the DHF DooHickey?
And thank Goodness YOU had to write this and not me :D
you did not miss it... i needed to get the post out first, so that if I needed to tweak the proposal, I could get some insight inthe comment section to see what to add/ subtract hehehe
and lady.
this post.
my brain is like "can we be done now?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I love you - and thanks for you!!!
Maybe add that to the bottom of the post or in the DHF question part? So others reading this do not go looking for it?
and I bet LOLLL
will do now :)
Great initiative ❤️🔥💪🍀, i am not good at words like you. You are doing great , whatever the results will be i am totally in 😉🙏🎉❤️
words are good. 😂
thanks @bhattg! as soon as i get feedback on the post - for anything that needs to be adjusted - I'll make the proposal properly and we'll see if it passes or not!
If not - anyone else is free to try again using any or all of our ideas here and implementing them into a new proposal!
😅👌, so fast and full of energy ❤️. Let's hope for the best 🤞.
It would be a miracle if the proposal passes.
Downvotes are equally as important as upvotes and are far more important in practice to be used because currently, they are drastically UNDERUSED. We need to normalize downvoting, as we would give a "thumbs down" on any content on web 2.
Read some solutions of dan and smooth with counter talks. It will really help you understand a new side of picture.
If you wanna dive more, learn about L2 burn to get L1 votes. I am not even talking about club100, hawk, beetoons,or tdtv.......
(Will this provides insurance if all the votes they got were inorganic cause of delegate, hold and burn methods? It can reach upto shocking number of 30$+
Also, some were allowed with 1 ratio 1 (which I was also against) but they implemented cheap tricks to take L2 burns to get L1 votes to 1 ratio 3 by adding tribe votes like #tribes bee token votes. Now these offers are highly exploitable with bot farms. Even a 0.001 hive difference of profit can trigger it and we are talking about 1 ratio 3.)
Also, there was a known project freezepeach recently got closed. I liked their approach and aims although not many delegated to them.
In short, there are many sides of stories. One's wrong can be right for someone. While I respect your thoughts, I want to add what you saw or observed is just a tip of the iceberg.
Starting any conversation with a negative comment is rude.
This post is about helping tiny minnows when they get a 2.57-cent downvote. And because of that downvote on a wonderfully written post, the lady that wrote the post will now be getting 1.57 cents per the posts payout in 7 days -the curation rewards.
And when she misses that 1.00 USD, she will not be able to eat FOOD or pay RENT and might end up homeless.
You can take all your numbers and facts and figures and shuffle them around and write your heart out about how downvotes are needed on the blockchain. To which I agree, by the way, and have been hit by HUGE downvotes and small ones, but this post is about the LITTLE GUY.
The ones that come and become great writers. The ones that bring others that become great writers. The ones that, occasionally, need a little kindness and understanding from fellow humans and not numbers thrown in their faces. Because you know what? No one can eat numbers. Numbers written in a comment do not feed or pay go to college. With the money they earn on Hive they take that 2.00 USD a post and make a better life for themselves.
I do not think that is asking too much.
Crowdfundedwhale or cfw was a project a bit similar to this but had different aims. It didn't got passed which makes me believe this one will not too. While I also gave an alternative solution:
I have no problem with downvotes that are used with consideration and I think many people are fine with them. I think the problem that we are talking about is downvotes that are simply used to counter upvotes without manually overseeing if the posts actually deserve it.
I think people are losing sight of the actual problem.
This has nothing to do with normalizing downvotes. This has to do with the collateral damage caused by whale wars that do not involve anyone but the two whales.
That is what this proposal is seeking to do. Assist people who have been adversely affected by a whale war, that has absolutely nothing to do with the quality or content of their post.
I hope that makes it more clear 😊
(and if this proposal doesn't pass, that's perfectly fine as I stated in the post. My hope is that it pulls people out of the talking mode...and into the problem solving mode. then maybe we all win! )
Who makes the call? The people who gets pressure cause they will loose their funding if they don't listen to lords aka admins. Xeldal and marky both r right in their own CONSIDERATION.
If both parties claim they manually view it (there is no current way to find out nor asking for this information makes sense). Even in this case of xeldal and marky it's too hard to draw a line, atleast for me based on my knowledge gathered from dark habit holes. The people who will be incharge will end up not doing favours but politically pressured cause of capitalist POV, resulting in favours by any means possible.
Unless it's a more decentralized and solid concept, that's a no from my side.
We r talking about decentralization here but always end up with centralized ideas like HW while mostly don't even know about hivedownvoterewards, curangel, freezepeach, watchingthewatchers, hiveminds.
Your thoughts are beautiful but......
I guess I could ask you who makes the call now?
who made the call to downvote all those posts that were decent posts, right?
I didn't say they were wrong....i asked Marky if he has actually read Deraaa's post to see if it was worthy of xeldal's upvote.
He said "I was merely countering his upvote"
Does that seem like consideration went into evaluating the post? or just an automatic counter?
I'm not sure how to keep the focus on the fact that this was a whale war, and the downvote has nothing to do with the quality of her post.
it was a counter to an upvote... regardless of the quality of the post.
That is the collateral damage that is happening to many people because two whales are arguing.
This is not an issue of someone using a downvote. It's a matter of two people warring and damaging other accounts that are uninvolved.
Good luck 🤞
I have peace about whatever is decided, hehehe so no luck is needed for me.
I am actually hopeful that whales see the bigger solution is actually much easier than this whole approach.
The only people that can truly and EASILY end that are the whales themselves.
So we await that....I think THAT is where "luck" is needed 😉
A whale like marky was also a victim for last one year. Not many were interested cause it wasn't ALOT of peoples rewards. His fault was loving hive and protecting the reward pool.
I really wish you all the best but a centralize solution is not what Hive needs and especially with beneficiary and delegations plus funding involved in my pov. I wish all hivers will think together but not starting from xeldal counter votes but from beetoons days slowly coming towards tdtv and then currently going hawk.
Read and then read comments below. I'm not up to times with the whole DhF thing but it was a pretty good idea to me. I see that others have different opinions. But what you've done, Dreemie, is not small. This is great how you were able to actually get people to communicate about these things. It's really hard getting anyone to mention upvotes talk more of downvotes. There's this fear that always lingers around especially for someone like me who's actually dependant on those votes. So, we just slide and don't talk about it. Hoping it'll end.
But what does this mean? That @oopseedaisee will not be functional?
Good morning... and hello there, dear soul. I can not speak for @dreemsteem but I fear that all the uncertainty, and not-so-positive reactions/comments, have basically put a hold on this initiative. Sometimes, the simplest things don't always seem so... simple. In a world of numbers, rules, and division. Things often have to be re-molded, before they come about...
I would say this... you have many people that see you, for you. We know where your heart is... and you continue to create positive energy for us on our blockchain... I am sure dreemee will soon reply, but don't worry... positive energy, breeds positive energy!
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as you state to use hivewatchers as a weight, I stopped reading the post at that mention and will not support the account. Otherwise it's a good idea and I would. But Hivewatcher and their false positives and arbitrary actions and arrogant attitude against AI artists a few weeks ago forever made them go on my mental blacklist.
p.s. I am also an AI artist lol
and I also don't agree with the blanket resistance to using AI art for our purposes... AI art is an amazing new tool that should be used responsibly, as everybody else in life. hehe
have a beautiful day 🏵️
A very sane view of things.
oh I wish you would have continued to read further then... because I very clearly stated that they would be used but not the final say.
I happen to have an amazing Hiver friend who is one of the best content creators I've seen on Hive in a long time who was blacklisted by HW... lol and I support this person fully because HW made a mistake in this case. As I said...they are human and do make mistakes! lol
HW would be used but not the final say
Because HW has immense resources and I do not...it would be silly of me to NOT use the work that they do to help me further our cause.
But if you cannot support a community project that also uses some of the info from HW to make our job easier...hehehe I understand and would never want anyone to go against what they feel is best.
But in order to duplicate that amount of account checking, I would have to increase my DHF proposal significantly
And I'm already being told that $10 a day is way too much for our admins... lol
So, yes.. we have to use what is at our disposal to make the system work as best as we can with the funds we can get.
I'm sorry that negated your approval for what we are trying to do. I'm certain that some other better idea will come along that will be more attractive 🙂
That convinved me now 😎
I think, sometimes your project would be needed to protect accounts against HW victims.
hahaha well I'm sorry that I convinced you a little too late! LOL
because according to some very smart people on the chain - this proposal is highly unlikely to pass. and so I'm stepping aside and welcoming others to join in with their vision!
Let's hope that the solution is on the horizon!!!
Thanks for your very kind engagement! I appreciate it!
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