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RE: "whale" you help me understand? 😏

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

hey... i appreciate you trying to come up with a solution :) i really do!

i'm gonna give her the post rewards (well, liquid I guess? ) from this post too - I didnt say it on the main post cuz its not anyone's business. hahaha and yes - they can read through the comment section but most don't bother. lol

I'd love for what you suggested to happen - my concern is that people who are "bad apples" would come knocking too - and then it becomes more of an issue than you can handle.

I'll keep thinking about it though - and bring it up to a few people like - well, I'll tag them here.. @snook @deraaa @wesphilbin @samsmith1971 @shadowspub @bluefinstudios @kenechuckwu97 @kemmyb - and maybe we can put our heads together and come up with something that makes sense too!

Again - THANK YOU for just being willing to talk and bring some direction to where to go from here.

I know it doesn't get fixed - but maybe we at least offer some temporary help while the cloud passes!




Gosh... I am not really a "call" guy lol. I have not been able to attend PYPT for some time either; life, health, "grandkids" lol... Free time is always a commodity, as you know. As is quiet to be able to hear lol. But for sure... hit me up in DM or whatnot. I don't really have that much in terms of finances... but I have fingers!! Also... appreciate your input @acidyo ✌️.

You didnt tag me but I'm throwing my hat in the ring. Just give a shout and I'm there for whatever I can do.

Absolutely! I'll DM you but set up a call and let's talk it through with a few people!

yeah - i'm up for it! I'll see who is around for a chat tomorrow maybe???

maybe like 8am EST hehehe

That sounds doable 🤗