oh... sorry, I misunderstood. You actively downvoted deraaa's post? It had nothing to do with xeldal's upvote?
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oh... sorry, I misunderstood. You actively downvoted deraaa's post? It had nothing to do with xeldal's upvote?
I am merely countering his votes.
Right - and I totally get that when he's using his upvotes to vote spam or low quality stuff.
but when it's a decent post - that's what I'm asking for you to reconsider.
If it actually benefits a good writer - would it be possible to just leave the upvote there to help a Hiver who is trying to do well?
So it's ok to squash one person's rewards for their personal work over a stupid fight with someone that's not even related to the content creator or quaility of their work?
Who do you think you are?
That's got to be the most arrogant, immature and asinine outlook on something I've ever heard on Hive or anywhere. I think anybody over the age of 10 knows better than that. You want to fight then fight with the one who started it and leave others out of it.
God, I feel like I'm talking to my kids.
How many times did we hear that over the years? Lol.
The sad part is that none of you whales act you like feel any remorse for the ones that you actually hurt in these petty wars. I suspect that you don't. Because if you did these wars wouldn't be happening.
Perhaps one day you guys will grow up and act like actual adults that newbies would look up to & try to emulate your success. I know that's probably just a silly dream of mine and it most likely isn't going to happen.
I can only hope that someday all you whales involved in these petty childish fights reap what you sow.
I've thoroughly enjoyed my time on Hive these last 2 years and I will continue to use Hive even if I end up in the middle of a stoopid pissy fit and down voted to hell. I don't care. But I will not and can not in good conscious continue to promote it to outsiders when there is a bunch of immature elephants dancing in a pit of ants.
There are several people with HUGE followings in the millions across many platforms that are ready to jump ship and bring their audience to a place like Hive and there is no way I or anybody else with a brain would dare to ask them to check out our blockchain with stupid temper tantrums like you whales are having.
I'm sorry if I'm throwing any shade your way @dreemsteem and hope he throws it my way and not yours. I'll take whatever Hive I have left and send it your way in an attempt to counter it if he does. I don't care about the money. I came here for the Freedom.
But I'm done with watching this stupid crap being done to people. I've kept my mouth shut long enough!