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RE: "whale" you help me understand? 😏

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago (edited)

I don't stop watching because knowing is part of doing. Can't do a damn thing if you don't know what you're talking about, even though what you say will be converted into something else anyway, but that still doesn't stop me or scare me away.

Some days I feel like I can't build. The community I built around my work is nearly all gone, it seems. Outside forces beyond my control are making it difficult to do business here. So why should I bother...

It is a problem. Becomes an even bigger problem when that line that doesn't need to be there gets jammed down the middle and crammed down everyone's throat. You are not contributing to that but, as someone who's watching, I did see some "they". If I can't speak without becoming a "them", without anyone asking how I truly feel, then I have nothing to contribute, no matter how much I care to see this problem go away. And I don't feel like being smeared, dragged through the mud, thrown under the bus, or once again made out to be a lesser human by some of the people involved, though I already know it's happening, because I watch.

The collateral damage you speak of extends beyond the painfully obvious. You're in a position where you can still speak, so go ahead and do it. I'll watch. If I can help, I'll help. But I'm not going to waste my time spinning my tires knowing from experience where it'll put me.

I do get the point, @dreemsteem. 100%


ughhhhhhhhh the pain of the "ea" in my name!!! LOL

and yes - i dont mean i ignore... but i do mean I FOCUS (as you so deftly continued to remind people to NOT lose that focus)

at some point - you just have to know when watching is just a waste of time. hehehe

i just posted... and some of what you're saying here - you'll see exactly in the "personal note" at the top of the post - i feel you dawg. lol

and I love Hive -i love being here. and I love building here - but I also have a place that is my own. under my control. that is not able to be affected by outside forces.

for me - that is what i needed. after watching 3 of my projects die with a platform when IT imploded - I said nope -never again.

so i'm here - and i'm invested as much as i can be. but i'm all in for my own project that will undoubtedly help Hive as it grows - but will also be protected from an self-induced implosions. i think its the balance i was finally looking for. i'm so much better now :)

I've come to expect and can even thrive in the chaos that is a decentralized arena. I don't need control. Those needing control create the issues in most cases. Especially when they don't just up and use what they're in control of, which is themselves, to build something they can be in control of, if that's what they desire. Some of the people that have issues boast about the big projects they have lined up, claiming they'll solve issues, but years later no signs of progress as they sit in the comment sections using the same script eventually leading to the same claims that don't yield results.

I'm glad to hear you're doing what you want, how you want to do it. That's what this is supposed to be about.

hahaha you just updated - the pain is soothed. LOL

Told you. I watch. LOL


ok that post took too long to write. hahaha i'm logging off here for the night and will catch up with the comments tomorrow - be good to yourself!
sweet dreems and deep sleeps.

look at all those lovely little ee's :)