My 6th Hive birthday & little freewrite on fulltime Hiving

in Loving HIVE ❤11 months ago (edited)

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

Time really flies - it´s November 29 today again and that means that I´m celebrating yet another Hive birthday. I cannot believe that I have been a part of this amazing community for 6 years already. Although my memory sucks pretty bad in general, I still clearly remember that day when I opened my account here and wrote my first post on the terrace of our apartment on the Caribbean coast of Mexico where we lived back then in 2017. What a ride it has been since then! But as I always do in these "birthday posts", let me start out with a bit of stats and numbers first.

Bez názvu.png

Over those six years, I have...

...published 1,848 posts.
...written 34,540 comments. 3,656 followers.
...reached a reputation of 78.8
...earned over 50k Hive in author rewards.
...earned almost 18k Hive in curation rewards.

...but most importantly: made countless friends from literally all over the world and even met dozens of them in real life :)

Just out of curiosity, I scrolled my blog all the way down to the post where I celebrated my first birthday on the chain and found the other four too. For future reference, I will link them all here:

My 1st Hive birthday
My 2nd Hive birthday
My 3rd Hive birthday
My 4th Hive birthday
My 5th Hive birthday

I read them all again and it was interesting to remember and relive the feelings that I had when I was writing each of them. This birthday post, however, is a bit different than all of the previous ones. Unfortunately, this is first one that I´m actually writing as someone who is not a fulltime Hiver anymore, a status that I always was so proud and happy about but also a status, that I - for different reasons - simply couldn´t maintain anymore. Sad but true. The past year was kind of a transitional year for me when I was gradually abandoning the fulltimer status and becoming what we can call for example "Hive normie" :) I have mentioned the reasons for this change on my blog many times already and I don´t want to bother you with them again so let me just say that even though I now post, comment, curate and engage (much) less frequently than before, I still love this place and I really hope to get back to my old "Hive fulltimer" routine one day again. It was a routine that I loved and enjoyed very much over the years and it also was a routine that let me live that exciting and carefree nomadic lifestyle with my wife. That´s something that I will be forever grateful to Hive for.

Now, however, I would like to reflect on those years from a bit different perspective. From what I just wrote, it seems that my efforts to be a Hive fulltimer and live off Hive were not successful, which is actually true. For the most part, I was extremely inefficient with my withdrawals and to cover my real life expenses, I thus have gradually spent all my fiat savings. Now, I have zero fiat reserves and will have to look for a job very soon (once we move out of Prague actually) as I would hate to misspend the rest of my Hive earnings as well. But was this outcome really inevitable? Not at all of course! Let me now play a bit with some numbers to show you...

As I mentioned in the stats above, over the six years, I have earned over 50k Hive in author rewards and almost 18k in curation rewards. If we add other earnings from interests, internal market trading (Hive/HBD), Hive Engine trading, various Hive related airdrops (including the big one after the fork out of Steem), prizes that I have won in contests etc. then, the total number of Hive that I have earned is more than 100,000. I actually know that for sure as I always keep my records and stats about everything, not just Hive. Now let´s play some what ifs... If I was lucky/experienced/skilled enough to sell this amount of Hive at the very ATH, which is - according to CoinGecko - $3.41, that would be some $350,000. That would actually make me a multimillionaire in my country as that would be almost 8 million Czech Crowns at the current rate. An amount of money that you can buy a house for in here or live very comfortably for long years. In some parts of Latin America, Africa or Southeast Asia (and we are talking about some real tropical paradises here), you would be able to live like a king for decades with such an amount of money. Sure, selling the entire Hive earnings at the very ATH is practically impossible but even if I managed to sell just 1/4 or even 1/5 of it at some reasonable price, it would make a huge difference, allowing me to keep living my minimalist and low-cost but exciting lifestyle while also happily maintaining my Hive fulltimer status.

So after putting all these numbers together, I realized that the concept of fulltime Hiving was perfectly real and doable for me and it was only because of my horrible ignorance/bad luck/incompetence/whatever in the "trading department" what put a merciless end to this experiment. So the moral of this story is that if you guys want to be Hive fulltimers, being productive authors and highly engaged community members is not enough. You need to be good at trading as well. Good luck to everyone who have tried or will try this path ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Blahoželám! Ja som tiež narobila plno chýb pri tradingu, ale snažím sa nemyslieť na to, kde by som mohla byť keby.... ale zas, každý deň je školský deň 😊

Pozdravujeme rodinku 😍

PS: Stefan je furt chorý a dnes sa cítim blbo už aj ja...

Moc děkuju! Jasně, chyby děláme všichni, ale já jich tady udělal fakt dost a hlavně je rozdíl, když to máš jen jako koníčka a nebo se tím snažit živit (sebe a teď už i rodinu).

To mě fakt mrzí, že jste tu poslední návštěvu Prahy takhle odskákali, teď už oba :/ Tak snad se aspoň budete moct prostřídat, že už bude Stefanovi brzy líp a bude se moct zase na oplátku starat o tebe ;) Já jsem to od vás ale nechytl, cítím se dobře. Teda aspoň v rámci těch bojových podmínek, co teď doma máme :D :/

Time does fly, 6 years already. congrats! Don't worry, you are still a full time Hiver and post regularly. At it's current price it might not get you your dream but you have done well just the same and will continue to do so and it will build up, good advice from your experience in there. Some day bro...Some day...Never know, could make all our dreams come true. Happy 6 year anniversary and to another 6 years ahead!

Thanks for these nice and encouraging words my friend but I haven´t been considering myself a Hive fulltimer for quite some time already. Where I´m currently living, I would need Hive at at least 2 dollars to keep it up. And building up? Well, I´m currently left with just some 1/4 of my all time Hive earnings and it´s very probable that I will have to make some more desperate undersells to keep going in the next few months so while many agree that things will pick up significantly next spring (the long awaited approval of the BTC ETF combined with the BTC halving), I´m not sure if I still will have something to trade at all by that time :/ But again, it´s all my fault so it´s ok...

I suppose that's rough and requires a transition. Because it's so unfeasible to do in North-America I can forget that folks can actually consider this/crypto their full income. In the meantime, you have accumulated a bank of AMAZING photography. Ever thought of developing a product or sales via a third party website that sells photoprint swag like blankets, calendars (whatever else they do these days) and you earn a commission and probably no cost to start along with hive. I think you should find ways to try to cash in on all this photography and material/knowledge you have accumulated. It's only dead after 7 days if you think it is. It doesn't solve everything immediately and finding a more permanent mundane job will probably be a thing you will have to face but perhaps a temporary one. Perhaps sell your photography skill via a portrait photo sessions for a fee.

Location is a very important factor when you work online. There are many Hivers here from countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Philippines or Nigeria and some of them easily live off Hive even at the current prices. In my country, I would need some 3k USD a month to live a decent life and we are not even among the most expensive European countries, quite the opposite actually...

Thanks for those kind words about my photos. Yes, I have been places and probably have a few dozens of thousands of pictures in my files but I have taken them all just with my phones and the quality is thus far from great. I do have a portfolio at ShutterStock with some 1500 photos but the sales are a joke. Literally a few dollars per month. So when I need to look for a job (and that will be very soon), I will probably search in the area of translation / copywriting, which is what I did before I stumbled on Hive (Steem).

I suppose location makes a difference for sure. Too bad about Shutterstock. Obviously sounds like you don't have to fall to the bottom of the traditional labor market, you already have some experience in something valuable.

Happy 6th birthday on #Hive @phortun friend!!!!!!

Greetings and blessings to you, Florecita and your wife, hope you are all excellent!!!


!discovery 35

Thanks for your wishes and support amigo! Much appreciated as always :) Saludos!

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Ta čísla jsou opravdu impozantní :) Je z nich samozřejmě cítit ten full time :)

Na druhou stranu porovnávat potenciální zisk při prodeji v ATH, které trvalo jen okamžik, je docela přísné. I nad dolarem jsme byli dohromady kolik? Tři měsíce? Možná čtyři? Kdyby se ti reálně podařilo vybrat větší počet hive v paritě s dolarem, hodnotil bych to jako skvělý výkon.

Edit: A samozřejmě všechno nelepší k narozeninám! Málem bych zapomněl popřát :)

Díky moc, na české poměry ta čísla nadstandardní jsou, ale v celosvětovém srovnání to zas taková pecka není. Máme tu autory, kteří už se reputací pomalu blíží devadesátce, takže ti do toho šlapali hrubým odhadem třeba ještě desetkrát víc než já ;)

Máš pravdu, že s tou (ne)efektivitou tradingu jsem na sebe asi trochu přísný. Ty cifry při ATH byly jen samozřejmě čistá spekulace a teorie. Vlastně souhlasím, že průměrná prodejní cena okolo dolaru za Hive by byla dobrá. Ta moje je ale bohužel výrazně níže. Jsem zvědav, co se bude dít na jaře, kdy hodně lidí očekává kryptorakety lítající minimálně na měsíc a taky jsem zvědav, jestli tou dobou budu mít ještě eventuálně co tradovat :D :/

Přinejhorším se budeš muset během dní věnovat rodině či práci a po večerech datlovat do počítače, aby ti naskákaly autorské odměny :P

Spánek je beztak buržoazní přežitek ;)

 11 months ago (edited) 

Jo, tím se taky trochu utěšuju. Že kdyby teda nakrásně ten Hive zase vystřelil někam do nebeských výšin a já už žádný vlastní neměl, tak bych zase usedl k pomyslnému peru a začal publikovat. Materiálu mám v neméně pomyslném šuplíku hromadu, jen toho času se nedostává...

Heslem "sleep is overrated" se nedobrovolně řídím už měsíc, kdy funguju na v průměru asi třech hodinách spánku za noc. A zatím žiju. Teda myslím. Ta kombinace péče o novorozence a vrozené insomnie je vskutku vražedný koktejl :/

No, jestli se Flora v tomhle potatí, čekají tě perné dny a noci :)

No, vypadá to, že minimálně z části to opravdu podědila... Chabou útěchou nám insomnikům budiž alespoň skutečnost, že nespavost bývá (někdy :D) známkou vysoké inteligence :)

Happy Birthday! That's pretty awesome! I don't even know what birthday I have coming up. I think it's in January. I guess I will find out when it happens! Looks like it might be six for me as well! I would have guessed seven :) I think HBD has made a huge difference in whether you can live off Hive or not. Imagine you took that $350,000 and moved it into HBD then put it in savings? That's $5,800USD per month you could be living on. That's even more than my wife and I make a month with full time jobs!

Thanks man! Well, looking at your profile, it says you opened your account in January 2018 so yeah, you will be in the Sixers Club soon too :)

Great point with those HBD parked in savings! That´s something I didn´t even consider as a (hypothetical) option but you are right! Crazy numbers! If only they were real one day :D

I'm pretty bullish on what HBD can do for me. Even if they cut down the interest rate, it will still be a great investment.

Absolutely. Many people have let´s say 100k USD or even more on fiat saving accounts these days where the APR is just a fraction of what we have here.

Congratulations @phortun! You've made tremendous career as a Hiver, you have to be proud!

I also had my birthday last week, it's already 5, let's keep growing, each one at its own pace and possibilities, and thus be able to live from this that is so exciting, a hug!

Thank you Sofia and happy belated Hive birthday to you too! You have been one of the most consistent and dedicated Hivers that I know, keep it up! :)

Thank you! 😊

Congratulations @phortun 🎉🥳 that’s awesome! To many more years.

Yep, you have to have many talents to make it work… it is possible though.
Have a fantastic week further.


Thank you Little Bee! :) Happy weekend to you, wherever you are :)

You are welcome @phortun 👋🏻😊 I am in Sweden going north on a road trip.
-14 during the day today… nights are much colder. I have seen a lot of wild life already, hope to see much more.
Have a fantastic new month 🤗

Sweden?? In winter?? Wow! :D Enjoy and take some cool shots of the Northern lights!

Yep… in the winter. We are just above halfway now. In a couple of days we go up north more.
A road trip from a month 😎
We had -14 during daytime… so far the lowest. Will go to -22 soon. ☃️☃️☃️

I will do my best 😊
Have a good weekend.

Wow! For some reason, I thought that you liked warm and sunny seaside destinations like me :D

Hahaha funny…
Let’s say, I used to like the warmth and the sun. But the last years in southern Spain made me not like it that much anymore.
I like to travel to any country and place…no matter what the weather is. I love adventure 😎
Have an awesome new week 👋🏻😊

Dear @phortun, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @littlebee4.

@littlebee4 sent you LUV 🙂 (3/5)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Happy anniversary! Your numbers are really impressive. You did it, it's cool.
Now you changed your fulltime Hiver status to the Father status! Enjoy this precious time as it is something that you can't get later. The moment is now. And Hive is always here whenever you have a chance to post.

I hope that your little princess and your wife are doing good.
Sending you my virtual hugs and !LUV

Aww, thank you Zirochka! You are right, there has been a change of statuses indeed and I respect it and embrace it but it still sucks to realize that I could still be doing Hive fulltime if I did some things differently in the past :/ I still cannot get used to having so little time for Hive, missing so many great posts by my friends including yours etc. :/

Yes, we are tired but ok :) Sending hugs and greetings from snowy Prague back to Ukraine! :*

... back to snowy Ukraine! 💙 It is snowing today all around Ukraine.

Your dedication and your devotion to Hive is fascination and highly respactable. Active or not your are still a valuable member of the community.

Hugs and !LUV

@zirochka sent you LUV 🙂 (1/1)

Made with LUV by crrdlx


@zirochka sent you LUV 🙂 (1/1)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Happy hive birthday.

Best of luck with future endeavours and job hunt. I can imagine there are many new things happening in life. Although you won't be full timing hive, you'll still be here. And I'm happy because of that.

Thanks buddy! Yeah, many new things, many changes. But that´s life ;) Cannot wait to return to my old Hive routine. Hopefully things will pick up enough next spring after the BTC halving and ETF approval so that fulltime Hiving will be a real option for me again. Wil see :) Have a great weekend man!

Trading je imho strašně náročnej na sebekázeň. Respektive člověk se musí svým způsobem úplně emočně vyvázat od těch peněz. Což jde velmi těžko, když to opravdu nejsou peníze, který si můžeš dovolit ztratit bez jakýkoliv újmy na tvůj životní standart.

Jo no. Popravdě, já tuhle část dlouho vůbec neřešil. Na Hive (Steem) jsem tehdy přišel jako obyčejný, kryptem nepolíbený content creator a nějaký trading, burzy, analýzy, býci, medvědi apod., to šlo úplně mimo mě. Já chtěl jen psát :D Pak už časem nějaké to povědomí bylo, ale stejně jsem měl vždy drtivou většinou svých Hive zamklou v HP, takže i kdybych chtěl, tak jsem na ty příležitostné svíce reagovat nemohl. Navíc takový ten věčný narativ o Hive na měsíci, kdy tady budou lítat tisícidolarové posty jak na běžícím pásu apod. takže člověk i tak nějak podvědomě furt čeká, až to přijde, že :D No nic, nasekal jsem za ty roky chyb jak máku, tak to prostě je a teď už s tím nic nenadělám...

Já myslim, že chyby udělal každej. Asi je to nevyhnutelná součást hry.

Myslim, že jednu z nejlepších rad ohledně tradingu/investování, kterou jsem kdy dostal (a popravdě řečeno si nepamatuju zdroj) bylo, vždycky zůstat sedět jedním zadkem na dvou židlích. Nebo teda být jednou nohou ve hře a druhou mimo. Procentuálně se to mění (může měnit) podle situace na trhu, ale v zásadě jde vždycky o to, mít nějakej cash a nějaký krypto/akcie/whatever. :)

Osobně si myslim, že je to hlavně psychicky mnohem jednodušší.

 10 months ago (edited) 

Což o to, takhle jsem začínal. Když jsem to tady v roce 2017 objevil, tak fiat rezervy byly. Jenže postupem času se ta fiatžidle začala dost zmenšovat a teď najednou sedím už jenom na té kryptožidli, která se ale dost nebezpečně houpe! :D

To je strašně náročný no. Jako svým způsobem to obdivuju, protože to chce koule. A znám lidi, kteří z toho krypta fakt reálně žijí, takže to i jde. Ale za mě je to teda brutálně náročný na psychiku. Zvlášť když to není Bitcoin.

Každopádně bych ti fakt přál, aby ti to vyšlo. Byť s pár kotrmelcema! :D

Díky, to je od tebe hezké :) No jo, to by nebyl Bodý, aby si i do komentu o kryptu neprocpal nějaký ten pohybový prvek, co? :D

Na palici (psychiku) je to fakt dost no... Už jen to, že ti denně lítá hodnota portfolia (ze kterého máš jakože žít) o desítky tisíc korun nahoru a dolů, v extrémních případech i o stovky tisíc... To není úplně sranda ustát to s nějakým vnitřním klidem a btw je dost možné, že i tohle se na té mojí nespavosti podepsalo...

:D TO mě ani nedošlo!

To není no... Já zkoušel v minulosti futures na akciový indexy americký (DOW, NASDAQ). Pokud si dobře vzpomínám, tak 1 tick byl na 1 kontraktu třeba 5 dolarů. A denně se trh pohnul třeba o 200-300 ticků. To byl taky fofr :D

Ta nespavost je hrozná. Já třeba vůbec nechápu, jak někdo může existovat v životě se spánkem pod 7 hodin. Myslim samozřejmě dlouhodobě... Půl roku jsem jezdil s pečivem a musel jsem toho nechat, protože jswem šel úplně do kytek snad po všech myslitelných stránkách...

Happy hiversary Petr!! Our life priorities change over time and I know this year has been a particularly big one for you. I don't think it is ever feasible for most to live off Hive unless you invested heavily, and I mean heavily in the first place, or live in a low cost country like your ex low life scumbag mate 😉

Anyway, I hope you find a balance in work and life next year, and spend more quality time with Flora

Thank you Pauline! Big year indeed, many changes, many challenges... Well, location is an important factor when it comes to having an online job (which fulltime Hiving is). What you need in one place for a month can make you comfortable somewhere else for a year. But yeah, here in Europe, it´s tough. I hope to find some balance in work, life and Hive indeed. Thanks again for your wishes. Little Flora says hi! :)

Congratulations man! I think it's also a great achievement to have been a regular writer on Hive for 6 years. I think it's going pretty well. It's not possible to be a full time Hive writer at these prices. For me to be a full time Hive writer in my country, Hive would have to be 50 cents. Only then I can comfortably say that I am a full time Hive writer haha. And I'm not 100% sure about that either. I'm just guessing. Anyway, I hope everything will be good in your life man! You can come back here full time one day and also what you said about trading is right. Unless you are a good trader, you can't earn much.

Thank you! Well, 50 cents is not that much, there were times when Hive was at this level or even higher for relatively long periods. The thing is you really need to take advantage of the price spikes. What I mentioned in my post (those 350,000 USD) was just theory but I could have definitely done much better in the trading department and if you make enough reserves during these uptrends, then you can easily survive the lows. Now I know haha, too bad I didn´t know (or didn´t realize) before...

We all learn over time, man. I hope you make so much profit this bull season that you can be a full-time Hiver again!

Thanks mate, I just hope that I will still have some Hive left when the (altcoin) bulls finally arrive :D

For going back to something a bit more full time, I'd really recommend looking into safe account options for earning interest on cash held. Especially in this market. Many stock brokers or just regular banks these days offer around 4% - 5% on cash held. It's a very safe way to earn on savings and hedge a little on money you may be spending on day-to-day things.

Since it's cash held, you aren't relying on the volatility of markets to earn, the risk really isn't there (unless you're trying to earn interest on stables like USDC and not true fiat).

I've been doing this for a while now since the markets went south, and it has been pretty useful, a nice way to still earn something or hedge. Some banks/brokers even offer cashback incentives so if you do spend, on top of the interest you're also earning a nice 1 - 10% on purchases in some stores.

Thanks for these tips, sound safe and reasonable. Well, my bank also offers 5% on the saving account but like I mentioned in the post, the problem is that I already spent all my fiat reserves during those years when I was a Hive fulltimer (and a horrible trader). But once I get a job and start earning again, I will definitely look into these things. Thanks :) Oh and btw sorry for the late reply...

Congratulations for this new year here that opens for you !

It's really clear that you belong here and that you're enjoying writing and sharing !

Keep up the good work :)

Thank you! Yeah, I love this place ;)

Gratulace! 6 let! To je opravdu super baklažán! :)

Za těch víc jak 100,000 Hive, co jsem tady za ty roky vydělal, jsem si mohl baklažánu koupit celý kamion a asi i to by byla lepší investice než většina mých zdejších pokusů o trading :D :/

V polštině se říká: analiza wsteczna zawsze skuteczna ;)

Haha, my říkáme "po bitvě je každý generál" :D

Happy anniversary, @phortun! I'll have my celebration in 2 weeks and even if it's still a 6 years long anniversary, I can't say that we have similar achievements because it's obvious you had this journey on a way better path than mine, haha, but i can't complain about it as there are a lot mlre things to take into consideration including that we both are veterans here!

Thank you Gabriela! Well, as I mentioned in this post, I was trying to do this thing fulltime for the first five years or so, which means that I spent many hours on the chain every single day. As far as I remember, you never posted that frequently but you always focused on quality rather than quantity and that´s awesome! You definitely are one of the most renowned travel content creators here and that means a lot, don´t forget about it ;)

I posted once per week for 3 years and the other 3, 2 times per week with one exception when I posted daily for a month until I ended up with a burnout and got back to twice per week.

I forced my limits posting long, informative and qualitative daily posts in more fields since I have a lot more passions than travelling but my body said I need a break, lol. Now I train myself by getting posts ready in advance haha

But thank you for the kind words. They do mean a lot 🤜🏻🤛🏻 🙏🏻

Yeah, I can totally understand. Even if you do what you like (travel blogging in this case), you can sooner or later get to the point where you feel like you need to take a break. I remember it happened to me too when I was posting daily, not just once actually. Just like with everything in life, you need to find some reasonable balance ;)

Blahopřeju k výročí. Ať se Ti daří hlavně v osobním životě, ale i jako autorovi, kurátorovi a případně traderovi.

Díky moc :) Myslím, že jako autor a kurátor jsem si tu nevedl špatně, ale na tom tradingu bych měl opravdu zapracovat :D :/

Congratulations my friend, wishes success and for sure you will be a millionaire soon!

Go hive 🚀

Thanks mate! Well, no need to be a millionaire, just being to able to pay the bills with my Hive earnings would be enough :D So yeah, go Hive! :)

Gratulujeme! 🎂 6 let je dlouhá doba. Za 2 měsíce budu mít první narozeniny :)

Díky! Na to, jak krátce tu s námi jsi, si vedeš velmi dobře :) Jen tak dál!

Dziękuję! 😊

Happy Hive Birthday Sir, Wow That's a long time, hope I'll still be here on hive too until I reach this milestone.
Cheers to more contents, friends and followers !

Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes! Good luck to you with reaching your goals and milestones here on this chain! :)

Very excited for the future too in the chain, I know being patient will give us reward soon. Growth in the chain takes time and effort. Cheers !

I’m glad that you have never had any regret being here
I wish you more years on here
Congratulations to you!

Thanks for your kind words and wishes :)

...velmi zaujimave citanie..dokonale vysvetlenie mojej zvedavej otazky
nechapem ako som tento post skipol, dokonca som ho upvoutol!!
mas moj respekt chlape, zil si moj sen, pevne verim ze sa k tomu coskoro zase vratis naplno, hive hitne $4,20!

No bylo by to krásné, ale popravdě už tomu moc nevěřím...

len dockaj.. crypto zacne pumpovat (aj hive)a ludia sa zacnu vracat a tiez nakupovat..

Snad máš pravdu :)

Happy anniversary. That's right, you have achieved all these things by working hard and the best part is that you make friends here and you get to know what's going on in the whole world.

Well said my friend, meeting the people that you only know from the internet in the real life is always a very special experience ;) And thank you!

Most welcome dear.

Congratulations Dear, keep inspiring us ,👍

@vikbuddy sent you LUV 🙂 (1/1)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Thanks for your wishes and support! Much appreciated :)

De todo la experiencia Hive que has comentado, creo que lo más bonito e importante no son las recompensas, sino los amigos que has conocido, el dinero va y viene pero los amigos quedan para siempre en nuestras vidas..

Unas palabras muy sabias tuyas, amigo. Gracias por leer este post y dejar este bonito comentario aquí. Saludos! :)

Congrats! Six fucking years is quite a long time. 350.000 usd here would get you a decent house at the beach or a really really nice ranch.

Thanks mate! Your account is almost as old as mine and I´m glad that you are still here too ;) Well, let´s better not list all the things that I could have had for that money if if if... It is what it is ;)

Turning 6 before Xmas. Import thing is not the ifs, is the fact that the chain is still here when many many others vanished, including that whose name shall not be said XDD

Well, technically Steem is still there so it didn´ t really vanish but it has become literally the epitome of shitcoin and shitchain :D They still even have some daily trading volume but that´s just bots trading with bots I guess :D

 11 months ago  

Loving Hive ❤️


Thanks amiga! :)

Congratulations on your six years wow I know Lee little but I know it is quite a lot of sacrifice and love for our blockchain.

Lovinghive ❤️

 10 months ago (edited) 

Thank you :) It´s not so hard if you enjoy your time here and I certainly do ;)

Great, congratulation.

50.000 is a lot, I am far away, but I hope I will reach it in few years too ;)


Thank you :) Considering that your account is not even 3 years old yet, you have been doing very well here and I´m sure you will reach the milestone sooner than you think ;) Good luck!

Congrats, 6 years is real commitment

Díky moc, snad tu s námi taky nějaký ten rok vydržíš :)

Happy (Hive) Birthday 🥂

Thank you! :)

Congratulations and welcome to the club of the "sixers" (those of us who have 6 years) in Hive.

Thank you! Your account is even a half year older than mine, wow, look at you, early bird :) Good that some of us "2017ers" are still active here :)

Indeed, unfortunately many of the people who joined this platform at that time are no longer active in Hive.

Yeah. I think most of them actually. When I read my posts that I wrote on the occasions of my previous anniversaries and saw who upvoted and commented on them, I realized that most of these people are not active anymore. Sad but that´s life. People come and go.

Congrats mate! A great success. Right, time flies so fast, I just remember your post of last year and I said mine was about two months later :)

Thanks buddy! Yeah, I remember that your account is almost as old as mine :)

Happy Hive Birthday! Some amazing accomplishments, congratulations! Some day I hope to eclipse the same. Keep up the great posts! Once of these days I will retire and travel again all the time like I used too!

Thank you! Yeah, traveling around the world while funding it through blogging about... well... traveling around the world is a really cool concept and I hope to get back to it one day again once the price is favorable enough ;)

I can't wait myself, blogging sure won't pay for mine! I do have good friends around the world to visit, so that may be my excuse!

Who knows, maybe one day Hive will be worth 10 bucks and such price might be enough even for you to live off your blog :) But yeah, having friends in different countries is a nice excuse and opportunity to see the world too! :)

Happy hiveversary!!! It's just a beginning! Keep it up and thank you for your contests!👍

Thanks :) It´s a pleasure to host these contest for your guys, I love the engagement over there.

A big congratulations to you
That is Consistency and persistency at work

Thanks man!

Felicidades por esos 6 años. Vendrán mejores momentos. Saludos y éxitos.

Gracias! Saludos y exitos :)

In this new year you may attain your goals.

Thank you.

Long Time for me not post on Hive. Happy Hive birthday 🎉🎉🎉

Thank you! Glad that we have you back :)

Happy Anniversary

Thank you :)

You are highly Welcome 🤗

Happy 6th birthday, it is really a milestone and I wish you higher earnings.


Thank you very much!

Happy hive birthday congratulation bro for your achievements

Thank you and sorry about the late reply :)

Congrats on your awesome journey on hive which is not an easy one and keep up the good work you do.

Thank you, I will try :)

Happy birthday! 🎂🎈🥂💚

Dzieky! :)

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 11 months ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks man. Yeah, time flies but your consistency and determination here is really admirable. Keep it up! :)