All good, superstar, I encourage you (and everyone) to consume whatever content suits you at your own pace.
Yeah, I translate most comments with DeepL, and @cynshineonline is Colombian so she helps me translate the odd post here or there (she made a GIANT Spanish version of the Hive guide, for example.)
Yeah, I figure if I'm not gonna do something whole-heartedly, why do it at all? The world benefits from humans brining their full presence to whatever they're about, imho. And I'm honored so many Hivers resonate with what I'm up to, including you, thank you! I don't make a big deal about the DV issues and can see both sides, but it does seem far from an 'ideal system' that could definitely (and obviously) use some work.
It's interesting because I'm honestly not over-the-moon about writing at length, it's simply something that comes along with 'teaching others' and 'making my points', so I end up doing it, lol. That's why I trim and cut and aim to make every word count, because I'm not aiming to drag things out or hit a certain wordcount. And haha, you're right, I do sit there thinking do I dare, because it actually can cause a bunch of issues when you cross the character limit, so I'd rather play it safe at 58k. I use to keep on top of it.
I appreciate you spending any time on my content and I imagine you wouldn't bother if it didn't bring value to you or enrich your life some way, so... I'll take it. :) Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to express and engage in the comments, it means a lot to me. Much love! 🙏
You are very welcome ... off to do some Dreemporting now lols. Have a great evening.
You too! 🙏