Hacer ropa que necesito es mi actividad favorita, a veces veo mi guardarropa y pienso en que ya no necesito nada más, pero ahí va una nueva necesidad jajaja, hace un tiempo me hice unos vestidos y soy bastante nueva usándolos, si bien uso faldas al ser ajustadas no me siento descubierta, pero con vestidos es diferente y necesitaba un short, puse manos a la obra y a trabajar.
Making clothes that I need is my favorite activity, sometimes I look at my wardrobe and think that I don't need anything else, but here comes a new need hahaha, a while ago I made some dresses and I'm pretty new to wearing them, although I wear skirts because they are tight I don't feel exposed, but with dresses it's different and I needed some shorts, I got to work and got to work.
Tenía esta tela gris sobrante de un proyecto de la facultad hace un tiempo y no me gusta tanto el gris en calzas así que un short era buena idea, no hice molde en papel marqué el contorno de un short directamente en la tela, le hice algunas correcciones y a trabajar.
I had this leftover grey fabric from a college project a while back and I'm not that into grey in leggings so shorts were a good idea. I didn't make a paper pattern, I marked the outline of a pair of shorts directly onto the fabric, made some corrections and got to work.
El short que tomé de referencia es uno que me prestó mi hermana, como me quedaba bien decidí copiarle la forma, pero con pequeñas modificaciones, es un poco más alto y cubre un poco más de abajo, ya que este short es playero y deja bastante a la vista y no quiero eso.
The shorts I took as a reference are some that my sister lent me. Since they fit me well, I decided to copy the shape, but with small modifications. They are a little higher and cover a little more of the bottom, since these shorts are beachy and leave a lot of the skin visible and I don't want that.
Corte todas mis piezas, como es short de telas muy elástica lo corte como si fuera una calza, también corte las dos piezas que formarán la cintura y las dos piezas que serán terminación de piernas.
Use muy poca tela para este short lo cual lo hace muy económico.
I cut all my pieces, since they are shorts made of very elastic fabrics I cut them as if they were leggings, I also cut the two pieces that will form the waist and the two pieces that will be the leg ends. I used very little fabric for these shorts which makes them very economical.
Para coserlo es super fácil, esta vez medí el tiempo y en confeccionarlo tarde solo media hora, primero cosí los tiros, el delantero y el trasero, todo con mi overlook 4hilos.
Sewing it is super easy, this time I measured the time and it took me only half an hour to make it, first I sewed the front and back hems, all with my 4-thread overlook.
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Para la cintura cosí primero los extremos, después la doble a la mitad y la acomodé para coserla, son 3 capas de tela así que hay que sostener al menos en 4 puntos, lo que hago que me resulta es juntar las costuras del tiro a la misma costura de la cintura.
For the waistband I first sewed the ends, then folded it in half and arranged it to be sewn. There are 3 layers of fabric so it has to be held in place at least at 4 points. What I do is join the seams of the crotch to the same seam as the waistband.
Para terminar, medí bien las tiras de las piernas ya que me sobraba un poco, cosí los extremos, doble por la mitad a coser, en esta parte las costuras de las tiras y las costuras de la parte interna del tiro son las que se juntan.
To finish, I measured the leg strips well since I had a little extra, I sewed the ends, folded them in half and sewed them. In this part, the seams of the strips and the seams on the inside of the crotch are the ones that come together.
Con un poco de tela y algunas costuras pude resolver una nueva prenda, ahora este short va a estar debajo de mis minifaldas y mis vestidos y así voy a estar cómoda en cualquier lugar y poder sentarme sin problemas, me gusta usar cosas cortas, pero no me sentía tan segura, pero este short lo cambia todo.
With a little bit of fabric and some sewing I was able to create a new garment. Now these shorts will go under my miniskirts and dresses and I will be comfortable anywhere and be able to sit down without any problems. I like to wear short things, but I didn't feel so secure, but these shorts change everything.
Hasta la próxima ❤️ Yowi.
See you next time ❤️ Yowi.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me
Made a Hagamos un short with great feel. Needlework is always a unique and beautiful piece of art. Such art always inspires me.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it, I appreciate your support :3
You are most welcome my pleasure
Wow te quedó muy bien, me encantó te felicito, gracias por compartir
Muchas gracias, me alegra que te guste
quedo genial, se ve cómodo!
it looks great, it looks comfortable!
si es super comodo, es ideal para usar abajo de faldas y vestidos.
The design and construction of these beach shorts look excellent. They turned out very nice.Thank you for sharing your step-by-step and creative process with the community.
Thank you very much for the support
It turned out so nice. Good job.
Thank you very much for the support, I'm glad you like it.
You're most welcome 🤗