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RE: The Weekly Turni—Issue 77

in BDCommunity3 years ago

I didn't know that phrase by Lev Tolstoy, but I think that even if I tried hard, I couldn't describe how much it touched me.

I've also been thinking about the things I've always wanted to have that I have now but it just doesn't seem like enough. I mean, I know how much I still need to conquer to be able to give my daughter a great life, to be able to travel and see the places I dream of so much, to be able to go to a supermarket and put all the food that my family needs without worrying so much about the price, without having chosen cheap brands. But I think about it so much, and these things frustrate me so much that I wonder if I really need it that much, if I shouldn't just be grateful and relax and just keep working believing that what I need come like consequences.


Parents do tend to think of giving the best to their children and shielding them from everything so that no harm would come to them and they don't have to face the adversities of the world, but when the children do grow up and it's their time to leave their nest, this shielding behavior totally has them unprepared for what's coming to them

In fact, handing over everything to my child is not my type of education. When I refer to giving the best I mean good school, swimming, fighting and dancing classes, those things that money can provide.