08/08/2021২৫শে শ্রাবণ ১৪২৮
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎
“অটোক্রেসি ভোমড়ার চাক। অল্প কয়ডা সব খায়। ডেমোক্রেসি পিপড়ার ঢিবি....চাটার দলের সংখ্যা বেশী। এই হলো পার্থক্য।”... notacinephile
I typically use quotes often in this space, but rarely I start with one. But, the comment above is so good I can’t wait to use it. For the rare few who don’t understand how to read Bengali, it roughly translates: A beehive (read Hive!) is autocracy, only a few exploit it, democracy is an ant pile, a bigger crowd exploit it. But with any translation, the real ‘kick’ is lost in translation. I tried my best to translate, but I can’t recreate the kick! I request Amor to try it himself, as our frequent translation exercise (that reminds me, we haven’t done it for a while!).
There is always this talk that Hive is top heavy, and not really decentralized. There are a fewer number of large stakeholders who benefit the most from it. But like everything in life it is only partially true. What is often not said, there is a rather large ‘old school’ middle class on hive, some of them are very good and pro hive, but there is a small but dominant minority who exploits hive as much as some of the large stakeholders. Here is the added problem, at least the large stakeholders are taking risk by keeping their hive powered up, but the middle class exploits can work under the radar and have multiple accounts and can suck the beehive dry.
A classic old school example of a ‘bad whale’ was haejin/ranchorelaxo. It is easy to pick on him as most people agree on the malicious exploit by him back in the steem days. People mostly agree that he botted 10 posts a day and then voted with his rancho account to suck the reward pool dry. It took people a long time to come to senses and join forces to fight against him and neutralize him. By then millions of hive have been exploited. Though we all agree that this exploit is bad, I must add, till now, haejin continue to hold a large amount of hive powered up. Whatever the reason might be, that hive is off the market.
Compare that to me-tarzan. Much smaller account, but same history of exploitation, and the worst part is it took much longer for the community for detection. On top of that, all that exploited hive is gone.
These are just two examples, but there are numerous others. Some mid-level accounts are active today, and very hard to stop. Because, if a casual user looks at it, most won’t see anything wrong with the account. People think that hive is this faceless entity. The money that you are getting rewarded is coming from thin air, and if you exploit it, there is nothing wrong really, as you are not hurting anyone. WRONG! Hive that you are getting paid is coming from the inflation of the token. Today 813,881 HIVE ≈ $345,899 hive is created (https://hiveblocks.com). That is the daily reward pool. This money is getting distributed to all. That is your reward. The reason it has value is because the large stakeholders are not selling the token like you. At least some of them are keeping it powered up thereby taking the token out of supply and helping with the inflation. Without large stakeholders the token will steadily go to zero and there goes all your rewards.
𝕬 𝕵𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖞 𝕿𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓
I have never felt the necessity to explain the thought process or inspiration or original meaning of the poems I write. Because to me, the reader should have the freedom to find their own meaning instead of forcefully accepting mine. Growing up, I used to hate poetry only because of this reason.
But today I had to break this belief, because the poem you are about to read was the very first poem I had ever written. I never really thought I would share this with anyone let alone post it here, but life is short. I could be gone tomorrow and it would be sad if like everything else, this poem about her also got lost in the flow of time. I was fifteen when this incident happened, when she died, and it took me 2 years of extreme guilt trip to finally write this down, to find closure.
The poem is about a cousin who committed suicide when I was fifteen. I wrote it when I was seventeen and from then on, the poetry writing journey of mine began. I never really shared this with anyone or told them the original reason behind it. But now that I am seeing her fading away in the flow of time while everyone simply moves on with their lives, it just felt wrong to keep hiding this last bit of thread I have of her, from the world. I don't know if people will read it or not, but at least it will be out there, instead of being hidden among the pages of my diary. Anyway, I will finish the explanation here.

Her lungs welcome the cold breeze
Eyes take in the beauty of the moment
And hand softly caresses the fresh wounds on her left arm
She wishes to remember this moment
The moment where for the first time she gets the taste of freedom
“This is not freedom”, says the demon besides her
Laughing at her stupidity
He walks over to the edge of the rooftop to navigate the fall
A soft smile takes over his face as a cold skinny hand reaches
Out for her to take
“Freedom is not here, child. Hold my hand and I will show you the door.”
She hesitates, but one pair of dark cold blue eyes gives her
The warmth she always wanted.
Mama said difference is not good, child
People don’t like differences.
Papa was never there, so he didn’t say anything
As she tucked herself in bed every night with her sisters
They turned their backs on her, saying they hated her
And her brother was too young and naïve to say anything.
She never understood what her fault was,
And now maybe she never will
She wanted to get away
Far from the sadness, broken homes and dreams
That's why she stole the keys
Mother couldn’t lock her into this cold, dark room tonight
She always wanted to see the night sky
That's why she went to the rooftop
After swallowing all those colorful pills.
The wind blows again as she stares at the demon
She looks up at the sky to see the stars
They are shining like fireworks
“I wanna go up there.” she says with little hope
“You can, if you want.” he says with a kind smile
That's all it takes to convince her
Finally taking his hand, she starts her journey
A journey to the unknown.
We're living in an illusion.
The illusion is that we have a choice, that if we make efforts, genuine efforts, we can change and move mountains. We often say or hear people saying that "If you will it, nothing is impossible," but even that isn't effective all the time. We often hear about people who, through sheer willpower and hardwork, have reached to the pinacle of success but compare to billions of people, their count is too few.
Do efforts result in change? Or is it simply luck?
The place we're born, our family, our finances - privilege has a lot more to do with respect to where we'll end up rather than our efforts. A kid born with a silver spoon, going to the best private schools, universities, sipping tea with the elites have way more potential simply due to the fact that he was born in a family with means. And all these means at their disposal pave a glorious path and even a more glorious destination.

Now, of course, there are instances where a kid from a humble background can rise and defy the odds. But that's one in a million if not worse. It's extremely rare and at every step, he has to face struggles. He has to overcome difficulties just to have an equal footing with the rich kid.
I say it is an illusion - an illusion created by the rich, powerful elite to keep the poor folks subservient. They dangle the lollipop of "hard work makes the dream come true" in front of them. Hard work ain't enough, willpower often falters. Whatever we're doing or may end up doing, it isn't by design. There are several other factors in play. Think about all the movies and tv shows where it's shown that the underprivileged becoming a big kahuna. Not disregarding the theory of hardwork and all the people who have made it to the hall of fame - it's inspirational and achievable but for the majority, it's a beautiful dream.
If we think about the government structure, how many people are there who are simply in the position just because they fought tooth and nail to get there and some are there simply because that position got handed to them as a family heirloom? Yes, there are a few who fought their hardest, started from scratch, and got to their desired position. But that's far and few between. Not everyone has the willpower to fight to their last breath. Discipline is quite rare and is one thing that is essential for success - without it, even the privileges may get drained out of sustenance. And subsequently that fortunate person will be empty handed and may start from the scratch. Negligence is essential to downfall.
A privileged kid has far, far more chances of living a good, healthy life compared to a kid born in a slum.
It's in no way comparable.
Just by accident of birth your entire life can be made or broken.
𝕬 𝕾𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖑.
The sound of crushed leaves followed his wake as he walked ahead. Dawn had just peeked through the horizon when he had left his body, lying lifeless in his warm bed. It would take at least a couple more hours for them to realise his death. And he felt that it was only these couple of hours that held his freedom in the palm of their hands.
He never really liked the city he lived in. Or rather, he never really cared for it. It was a clustered area filled with sky-high boxes that hosted lonely people with depression and broken dreams. He lived in one of those boxes, breathed in the same air like everyone else as he went through each day like it was a battlefield. He never stopped to look at his surroundings, never had the time or desire to. But now, as time finally seemed to have mercy on him for the very first time, he decided to take in his fill.
Walking along the same sidewalk he ventured through every day, he took in his surroundings with ease. He never noticed the building that stood just a block away from his house had its walls painted in dark red, or that the two-storied house he had seen when he came to the city all those years ago had long been demolished. In its place now stood a tall building with floor-to-ceiling windows reflecting the purple sky and the first rays of the sun. It was how life worked, he guessed. Within time, the new always replaced the old, scraping away the hints from the past, building something fresh and blank.
Dying, on his part, hadn’t been a hard thing to do. It wasn't that he was depressed. He had a nice enough job, a lovely wife who supported and loved him, a flat that wasn't too shabby or broken down. He didn't have a broken past, with zero histories of abuse and mental torture. He was an ordinary fellow with everything anyone else could have asked for. And if he looked into it closely, what had started the problem for him, was just that.
Boredom was a scary thing. Emptiness was a concept only those can describe who had really felt it. And he had spent his thirty-year-old life, being both bored and empty. He wouldn't say he was sad, but at the same time, saying he was happy felt like a luxury he couldn't afford.
So, in the end, it was 'death' that held the key for him. Taking in those pills while his wife slept soundly beside him gave him an adrenaline higher than anything else had ever given him, and as he had closed his eyes for the very last time, he had felt content. Happy.
Sometimes freedom came in packages of companionship and love. Sometimes it came in bundles of luxurious clothes and items bought without care. Sometimes it came from seeing tall mountains and extravagant scenarios. But the biggest freedom, which only those with the bravest heart could achieve, came with death.
But he wasn't a brave soul, no. He had never been brave. He was just bored. And that was all it took.
He wasn't all that sad for leaving things behind. He knew his wife would get over it. What was a bit of crying for a few months, compared to a whole new chapter in life, filled with uncertainty? He knew she was bored as well. He saw the 'empty' making a home in her bright eyes years ago. In the end, it was either him, or her who would have pulled the trigger. And he decided to take the reign before she did.
And so far, things felt promising, for him, at least.
The destination he had in his mind wasn't something that came to him out of the blue. He had spent weeks, months, years looking at it, whether it be just a glance or full-on stare as he passed it by. And right now, it was the place his feet were taking him to.
Riding the subway to work had always felt like a chore to him, but today, as he got onto the empty train with only a handful of passersby, it felt like an accomplishment. For the first time, no one looked his way, no one bumped into him, no one saw him, and he liked it that way.
He never had the chance to glance out the window to see how the tunnels looked like underground, too busy thinking about work while trying not to crash into the body next to him. But today, he stood beside the window and looked. Motion didn't affect him as it did before; all the theories of physics were finally lost on him, so he enjoyed himself, staring down as the tunnels blurred and zoomed past them into total darkness before station after station without crowd graced him with its presence.
Getting off on the station that would take him to the place, he glanced at the beat-up vending machine on the corner. A homeless person slept soundly beside it with their legs and hands spread out. Would this man ever know that he was being watched by a person who wasn't there anymore? The man's ragged clothes and unbrushed hair spoke of a misery he had never felt himself, and he was glad he wasn’t in his place. No point wishing for something he couldn't have handled himself. But the one thing he did wish for then, was a cold can of soda.
It was a childish desire to taste the sugarless liquid one last time before leaving. But in life, you never did get what you always wanted. So without looking back, he moved on, walking towards the exit with sure steps.
The place came to a view even before he got there. It was a construction site. A huge project; building one of the tallest skyscrapers the city had to offer, and just like huge things, it took time to reach its full form.
He had watched this very building every single time as he went to work, day in and day out. In the daytime, the place was filled with life and motion, workers working nonstop to help it reach its full glory. But at night, when he left his office and walked back to the subway, the empty building had always greeted him like a friend. It was a calling he couldn't ignore. And today, he was finally ready to answer.
Getting inside wasn't such a hassle for a man with no body. And this early in the morning, the site was still in its empty state. The construction lift he used to get to the top made rusty noises that echoed all around the place, and he was the only one there to hear it.
Stepping on the dirty concrete floor gingerly, he made his way to the edge of the building.
He was at the very top, and under him stood a city he never cared for, looking radiant in all its cluttered glory. Things always looked better the further you stood away from it, he noticed. Just like the sun that now looked breathtaking, showing its face slowly over the horizon, even though in reality, it was a ball of fire that would burn you the second you got too close.
Maybe this was the freedom people talked about when they stood over tall mountains and spread their arms wide, above and away from everything around them. And for the first time in his life, he tasted it on his lips, in his lungs that had stopped working.
There wasn't much time left for him, he knew. Like trickling sand, it was slipping right out of his fingers, moving onto others who had a greater need for it than him now.
While he was planning his demise, a question had always haunted him. And it was time for him to finally test it out.
The death of a body was a common phenomenon. Life, ending gradually and statically, was a thing humans knew of, experienced at least once in their lives. But the death of a soul...
Was there truly something like that?
Consciousness was a paradox, a box with an endless bottom, a sky infinite.
But what if, just what if there was an end? An actual pause, a brick wall, the end of a tunnel that only showed itself if you go to it willingly. Can you really embrace the empty? Can you really ever be consumed by it? Can it be taken in? Can it really embrace you?
As the rays of the sun hit his eyes and the structure around him, drenching him in a golden hue, he stepped out to find the answer.
A suicide of a soul, after all, was a poetic way to go.
And the best part?
No one was there to witness him, as he finally faded away.
শখের তোলা আসলে কত?
শখের তোলা আসলে কত?
মানুষের শখের তোলা যে কত তার হিসাব নাই। শখ করে সাধের সীমাটাকে যখন তখন ডিঙতে চাওয়ার বাসনা মিশে আছে আমাদের রন্দ্রে রন্দ্রে।
শখের সীমা পরিসীমা ঘাটতে গিয়ে অদ্ভুত কিছু বিষয় গোচরে আসল। এদের নিয়েই আজ বলব। শখ পালতে যেহেতু খরচপাতি এট্টু বেশী, তাই শখের তোলাভিধান ঘেঁটে বের করেছি আজকের এই কচড়া।
রৌদ্রস্নান কিম্বা সুখের গান, সব কিছুতেই খুঁজে পাবেন এই শখ নামক আতি পালিত বস্তুর সন্ধান। কত আদরে আদরে এই বাঁদর যে পালিত তা লোকের শখের রকমফের ঘাটলেই বোধকরি গোচরে আসবে। নতুন করে কিছু বলার নাই।
নিরিহ শখে কোন দোষ নাই, তবে মানুষ মাত্রই যে গনহারে উদ্ভট আর আমূলক শখের চর্চা করতে ব্রতি হবে এটা ভাবা অমূলক। তবে যারা এই আদম্য শখ পুষে রাখে তারাই জেগে থাকে আর তারাই এগিয়ে থাকে।
পাহাড় চুড়া থেকে পাখির চোখে সাগর দেখার শখে আজ কেউ কেউ পাড়ি দিচ্ছে আটলান্টিক। কেউবা ভোল পালটে বদলে নিচ্ছে মুখ আর মুখোশের চরিত্রায়ন। যদিও হহরহােশই হরহামেশাই দেখে চলেছি এসব। যেন এই বিশ্ব নাট্যমঞ্চে সবাই সঙ সেজে রঙ মেখে মিটাতে চায় মনের খায়েশ। আয়েশ করে কেউবা শখের করছে মুন্ডুপাত। তাদের কথা বলতে গেলে গদ্যে বলাতো সম্ভব নয়, মহাকাব্য দরকার হতে পারে। তাই ওদিকে আর না যাই।
শখের তোলার কথা দিয়ে শুরু করেছি, এখানে একটু তার আগের কথা বলে নিই। কোম্পানি যখন এ অঞ্চলে মুদ্রা চালু করল তখন লোকেরা এই মুদ্রার ওজনকে ১ তোলা হিসেবে লেনদেন করা শুরু করল। আর কথায় কথায় এই ক্ষুদ্র ওজন মাপার একক যে শখেরও পরিমাপ করা শুরু করবে তা হয়ত প্রাচীনগন ধারনাও করেন নাই।
তবে এখানে আমার ব্যাক্তিগত একটা যুক্তি আছে। সেটাই এখন দিচ্ছি আরকি। এই তোলা একক গোল্ড পরিমাপের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হত। আর নারীদের কাছে তখন; হয়তবা এখনো চরম শখের বস্তু ছিল গহনা। যার যত গহনা তার শখের তত বাহার আরকি। আর এই মানদণ্ড কালক্রমে এসে জায়গা করে নিয়েছে এখনকার পৃথিবীতে।
যাই হোক, আজকাল অবশ্যি মানুষের শখের বাহারে যোগ হয়েছে নিত্যনতুন গেজেট। উত্তর-আধুনিক যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তির আশির্বাদে শখের মুকুটে দিনে দিনে যোগ হচ্ছে নতুন নতুন পালক। এসব দেখে দেখে আমার মনে হচ্ছে, শখের তোলার হিসাব পেরিয়ে হয়ত আমরা হয়তোবা এখন ভরীর হিসাবে চলে এসেছি।
আশা রাখছি, একদিব আবার হাজির হব নতুন কোন প্রশ্ন নিয়ে।
মানুষের শখের ভরি কত?
𝖀𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒
How Are you?
This text just popped on my phone screen from of an unknown number that looks so familiar. Yeah, I know this one, once this was the most dialed number, and today trying to figure out who the hell this is. The beauty of life! It's been almost a year since we lost contact and all of a sudden she remembered me, that was unexpected. The way we lost contact with each other was truly a disaster that left no hope for another chitchat. But deep inside I always craved for another opportunity just to know how she is.
What to reply to? Should I express the wounds she did to me or show the love that I am still holding. One thought is whispering to humiliate and take revenge but in another feeling pointing that it would burn me more. Looking at the phone screen, trying to figure out the possible feelings beyond these three words of her. No, I couldn't. Her last impression left me with negative thoughts that still haunt me, stab me, and caged me in an illusion of her that doesn’t let me move on. Why the hell did she text me again? I was fine. Used to manage me somehow. Again a storm started over my feelings, positive or negative, no exact outcome to reach, lost in a dilemma. My heartbeats went faster, I could feel the storm pretty loudly. Going through the old album of our sweet memories, that is the only place where is no sign of betrayal, flames of hatred, or any bad impression of her, just a little bit of pain in my chest.
Fingers are shaking while I am typing the reply. Thought again and again, with a lot of courage pressed the send button.
"I am fine by the grace of Almighty, what about you?"
𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘

@sarashew quite well done ... reminds me of this..
ছেলেটা খুব ভুল করেছে শক্ত পাথর ভেঙে
মানুষ ছিলো নরম, কেটে, ছড়িয়ে দিলে পারতো ।
অন্ধ ছেলে, বন্ধ ছেলে, জীবন আছে জানলায়
পাথর কেটে পথ বানানো , তাই হয়েছে ব্যর্থ ।
মাথায় ক্যারা , ওদের ফেরা যতোই থাক রপ্ত
নিজের গলা দুহাতে টিপে বরণ করা মৃত্যু
ছেলেটা খুব ভুল করেছে শক্ত পাথর ভেঙে
মানুষ ছিলো নরম, কেটে , ছড়িয়ে দিলে পারতো।
পথের হদিস পথই জানে, মনের কথা মত্ত
মানুষ বড় শস্তা , কেটে, ছড়িয়ে দিলে পারতো ।
............শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায়
That's one of my favorite poem :') Thank you for the feedback, it means a lot :')
“অটোক্রেসি ভোমড়ার চাক। অল্প কয়ডা সব খায়। ডেমোক্রেসি পিপড়ার ঢিবি....চাটার দলের সংখ্যা বেশী। এই হলো পার্থক্য।”
Wow! a tremendously thoughtful quote you choose to start Mr. Editor! And we all know Amor bro is the master of making that kinda robust kick of explaining things playing with his words.
Thank you Mr. Editor for highlighting the fact at the frontend. I think Hive community is; as it is now and will be going forward as well in the future. Without the big stakeholders the beehive might go dry. It's the subtle true fact. But how many of us could get the point as vivid as you have emphasized. I wonder!
And another thing, you are certainly right about the reward pool issue. But my concerning point is about the huge number of little working bees who are doing their job with great effort must not be left alone.
The deserve their rewards.
And as far of my concern, they're getting it pretty smoothly.
Ain't I right or right?!
I think,
It is healthy to expose Autocracy, where democratic executive approach may creat chaos!
@sarashew Yes, bitter truth, The quality of your poetry is so good, In this age of super technology, it is difficult to hold the reader in literature. People in Bangladesh are still leaning towards books! Because there are still many writers whose people are still inclined towards poetry because of their simplicity of writing.
Poetry can be that incomprehensible too, Many poems are loved by readers just because of their obscurity.
মানুষ সত্যি অনেক বৈচিত্র্যময়। যার কারনেই হয়তো ক্ষণে ক্ষণে নিজের চরিত্র পাল্টে ফেলে এবং সাথে সাথে পুরনো সখ গুলোকে মুছে নতুন শখের খোঁজ করে। যার কারনেই হয়তো শখের তোলা আসলে কত এই প্রশ্নের উত্তর খুঁজে পাওয়া কঠিন।
Thank you for your kind words. And you are right, in the age of technology, it is hard to find people who are interested in literature. Who knows what will happen with the future generation.
@shahinaubl জীবনের এই বৈচিত্রময়তা অনেক সময় সুন্দর আবার অনেক সময় বেদনাদায়ক। ভোল পালটানোর এই রঙ মিছিলের দুনিয়াই আমরা যেন ছুটে চলেছি আবিরত।
নতুন শখের তোড়ে পুরনো আনন্দরা যেন হারিয়ে না যায়, সেদিকে একটু খেয়াল দেয়া দরকার। কি বলেন?
শুভেচ্ছা নেবেন।
@whileatwiltshire Honestly, this is one of the best short stories I have ever read. I don't think I would ever be able to do what you did here. Moments like this make me realize how blessed I am to have you in my life bro. Things like this is hard to explain to others and without saying a word, you make me feel understood. Thank you for that. :') I will buy you one cupcake for that :v
We're living in an illusion you said, but the question is, are we even living at all?@surrealfia I agree with you. Choice is just an illusion for most of us, sometimes even the most privileged one doesn't get the luxury to choose.
Now that's a deep question and I don't know the answer yet.
@minhajulmredol People always leave, in the end only some few people will stick around. I get texts like this from people occasionally, and most of the time I don't recognize them, which just make them mad at me but well, that's life I guess.
Look at that high-end praise!! Where do I store such extravagant words, now?! 🤣
Well jokes aside, I got your back bro. Honestly, when I wrote this piece, the only person who came to my mind was you. I knew there won't be anyone else who would understand the true depth of what I tried to explain here, so in a way, this can be something I wrote for both of us.
And yes, you should be blessed to have me with ya, you know I'm awesome!
I'll be looking forward to that cupcake :') (birthday is coming ya know!)
Let's not get away with all the awesomeness now smartass XDD
Also write more stuff like that, we have a project to think about :v and you will get your damn cupcake bro, wait till I come over :v
Yeah, people do leave.
It's our foolishness that we ask for permanent people in this temporary life. Without the families, the number is truly very low that stick around.
Autocracy or democracy are a few things I don't really appreciate much. Maybe it's the rebel in me that doesn't recognize them but I don't consider myself rebel. Perhaps it's just how things usually go about their own ways that I too leave them be just as they are. In a warped sense of way I somehow don't mind about mutual exploitation but feeding off and turning into a leech is something I don't prefer. Everyone wants to be rewarded whether they deem themselves deserving or not.
Sam & Dean... suicide is a touchy subject to me although neither I nor anyone close to me has ever attempted to do that... maybe the emptiness inside was unbearable and pain was the only way one could feel something... In a way I would welcome any feeling good, bad or downright horrible but a hole inside is something I'd dread. Minhaj, over the past few months this is something I have been experiencing. People that I have lost touch with or out of contact have started to flood my social media. I don't even remember some of them and I ask "who are you?" Either they make themselves known or they choose to avoid, I go back my own way. মামা শখের তোলা ষোল আনা। there's a difference between শখ and আকাঙ্ক্ষা... and often they get mixed up and our minds can't identify which is same. Almost as same as want and need. There's no harm having hobbies or desires that fuels our inner selves but there's also limit to it. I can enjoy music whenever I want but going out on a shopping spree and buy everything on sight isn't something I would consider a hobby.
Aren't we all? :') But life never goes the way you planned, it's unpredictable just like the ending. :')
May we bravely face whatever life throws at us and have the courage to get over from the abyss when we're thrown into one
And that's what emptiness creates. It’s a very weird thing to explain really. Only people with suicidal tendencies can relate to what I (and weirdly Sara as well..we in sync!) wrote.
I hope you never have to face anything such as this. All feelings are good. But when you are left bare with nothing at all, that's when true darkness takes form in you.
You know sometimes I see people talking down about people suffering from depression and suicidal tendencies. I believe not everyone has the same coping mechanisms and what I can deal with easily, maybe overwhelming for someone else. Do you remember the saying - life never throws you more than you can handle? Maybe what they feel magnifies over time until there's no more space left
There's no harm having hobbies or desires that fuels our inner selves but there's also limit to it.
That is exactly my point Fia! U r right. There is a subtle difference between need and want. When one fulfills basic needs then he/she should step into further. Without শখ and মাজা life might not get the খাজা or it may feel like তামা তামা।
কে বলেছে?
কে বলেছে?
--- বলেছেন চাঁন মামা....!
my life already is তেজপাতা ভাজা ভাজা, ঝামা দিয়ে ঘষা মাজা 😂
Hehehe, that's good.
I also try to ignore some of that but the success rate is very very low, lol.
Well, i am trying to control my emotions with reality but sometimes they go wild and end up taking wrong inappropriate steps.
if you're not going to make mistakes, then you won't learn... some things happens for a reason
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Well, I don't wanna comment anything specifically about the poem as I don't have a deep sense of poetry but that was good to read. Let me share something else.@sarashew This one was so shocking to know the reason behind this poem.
উপরে যে ছবিটা দিয়েছি এইটা আমি মাএ আজকে আমার সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া তে স্টোরি এড করেছিলাম।
কেউ একজন চলে গেলে দুনিয়া থেমে থাকে না, সবকিছু তার আপন গতিতে চলতে থাকে। কেউ যদি জাস্ট একবার এই জিনিষটা উপলব্ধি করতে পারতো তাইলে হয়তো দুনিয়ার প্রতি ক্ষোভ নিয়ে ভুল সিদ্ধান্ত একটু কম নেওয়ার চেষ্টা করতো।
To be honest, I have never judged those people who committed suicide. Being suicidal myself, I know what they felt, gone through, the fight they had to fight during those last moments of their lives before finally putting a full stop on it.
when she died I never judged her decision, never. Because I knew what she felt, what she had to go through before jumping off of that rooftop. What I felt was pure guilt and regards for not being there for her. Something I have to live with for the remining of my life.
You would think we, the suicidal people really cared for this, but sadly the truth is, we don't. At least for me, that's what I want. I don't want the world to stop moving because I am not here, I just don't wanna be here. It has nothing to do with the world. Don't get me wrong, suicidal people are scared of death just like everyone else. We are just simply tired of living. :')
I am not judging them, even I can't feel that as I have never thought of something like that.
All I think is that this is not the proper way to say goodbye. Where the world is not giving any shit on our existence then why should we leave without making a hole in it. I cant feel the thoughts of a suicidal person as I desperately want to live a long life, wroth of living ✌
That's good to hear. :') Always hold onto that. :')
@surrealfia True true,
বাংলায় পড়াশুনার ব্যাপারে একটা কথা আছে। "টাকা থাকলে বাসায় ৫ টা টিচার রেখে পড়াশুনা গেলানো যায়, টাকা না থাকলে টিচারদের সাধারণ ব্যাচে ব্যাচে ঘুরে যতটুকু সম্ভব নিজ ইচ্ছায় আকড়ে নিতে হয়।" ঐরকম কঠিন ইচ্ছাশক্তি নিয়ে সফলতার পথ একটু কঠিনই বটে যেটা সবাই পেড়ে উঠে না।
সালমান খান হয়তো এটা দেখলে বলবে,"মেনে কিয়্যা হে আপ ট্রাই ত কারো।"😂
শখের তোলা আসলে কত?
আমার শখের ভরি মেলা, হিসাব করলে মাথা জট পাকায় যাবে, হাহাহা।@chrysanthemum আসলেই তো, এখনের সখ আর তোলার হিসাবে পোষাবে না। ভরি তে হিসাব নিকাশ কষতে হবে।
You had to just bring in Salman Khan 😂 and on top of that Tubelight. Yes, I guess he'd say the same thing. But you know what's unfortunate? The one who got tutored by 5 teachers will end up with 5.0 GPA and the one with no tutor may not end up with the same result - in time of admission, it's the GPA that counts, not the effort
Hehehe, that mountain line hit me directly at that movie. Fun fact is i did even try to make something impossible to make possible after watching that movie, lol.
In my pov, efforts do count too but that gpa plays the role as a game changer which overthrows the efforts. During my admission time it felt like i am playing in a casino with money, luck and skills. 😅
হা হা হা!
ভাই, কিছু ভরি একটু সাইডে দেন, শখের পৌশমাসের এক্টু ওম নেই আর কি....
চিল্যাক্স ব্রো!
Excellent write up and very well decorated editorial I found. The beginning of the article is precise as Notacinepile mentioned, the difference between Autocracy & Democracy, the allegorical choice is sound and visually creative. Opression is a part of governance I suppose, the byproduct of the power that vests in hands. So,Notacinephile said it well.
After all,every time Bdcommunity publishes an editorial journal once in a week,you not only deliver your own words but,reflect the contextual part of other prominent writers of this community, which I find a great way to boost unity and encouragement.
All the best for the future.✌️
Glad to hear these valuable words from you.
Every week BDC is trying to bring something different to the community through Turni.
Thanks a lot for your time and feedback, have a good day.
@sarashew জীবনানন্দ দাশ 'আট বছর আগের একদিন' কবিতার একটা লাইন মনে পড়ে গেল । "যে জীবন ফড়িঙের, দোয়েলের—মানুষের সাথে তার হয়নাকো দেখা" । উনি হয়তো ফড়িং বা দোয়েলের বেশেই এসেছিলেন , যেখানেই আছেন ভালো আছেন ।
@surrealfia একমত পোষণ করছি । আমাদের পুরো সিস্টেম বা সমাজ টাই একটা ধাঁধা । শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা এর উদাহরণ দিয়েই বলি ঃ- ধরুন আপনি ধনী পরিবারে বেড়ে উঠা , আর আমি নিম্ন মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারে । সরকারি কিংবা বেসরকারি স্কুল গুলাতে আপনি যে সুবিধা গুলো পাবেন সে সুবিধা টা আমি পাবোনা । তাহলে আমার আর আপনার মধ্যে একটা পার্থক্য শুরুতেই গড়ে দিচ্ছে আমাদের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা আর আমাদের সমাজ এবং সমাজের লোকজন । আপনার চলার পথ টি শুরুতেই মসৃণ হয়ে যাচ্ছে , আর আমার চলার পথে নানারকম বাধা-বিপত্তি । আপনাকে যখন খাবারের কথা চিন্তা না করেই একটা কাজ সম্পন্ন করতে হচ্ছে , সেখানে আমাকে কাজ টা করতে হচ্ছে নানা রকম সমস্যা মাথায় নিয়ে । তাহলে আমার আর আপনার চলার পথ এক হল কিভাবে? অথচ আমার আর আপনার চলার পথ একই হওয়ার কথা ছিল ।
@whileatwiltshire কাপুরুষ , উনি কাপুরুষ ।
@hush-button আমাদের জীবনমান যত উন্নত হচ্ছে তত আমরা দৌড়াচ্ছি । আমরা সবসময় একটা রেস এ থাকি । তাই হয়ত আমাদের শখ গুলো ও বারবার পরিবর্তন হয় । এ পরিবর্তন এর ফলে শখের ভরি পরিমাপের একক তোলা থেকে ভরি , ভরি থেকে হয়ত অন্য কিছুতে চলে যায় বা যাবে ।
@minhajulmredol দূরত্ব টা কমে যাবে আশা করি ।
দূরত্ব টা কমে গেলে ভালো হবে নাকি খারাপ হবে তা নিয়েই সন্দিহান। 😅
" আমি এমন ঘামছি , তবু , তুমি যাচ্ছ জানলা দিতে
আমাদের বাস একই ফ্ল্যাটে-ভিন্ন দুটি শতাব্দীতে "
___ইমতিয়াজ মাহমুদ ।
আপনার ব্যাপারটা কিছুটা এরকম এখন ।
Very very long post is good post
oh really?
Did you read the post?