16/08/2021১লা ভাদ্র ১৪২৮
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎
Neither Here Nor There.....
Sometimes I like to go out for short trips. They are easier than long ones. It may sound obvious, but I am sure many don’t do it. It is not that they can’t, but it is usually that they won’t. Believe me, I am often in the same boat. By trips I don’t mean travel to a distant outpost of the continent, although if you can do that there is nothing wrong with that, but I mean taking a trip to the next town, the next village. Yes, I am talking about seeing your friend, your family and spending a night over there. Yes, I understand it is Covid times. Yes, but maybe you have been going to work. You may have been going to the grocery, and so is your friend and family. It’s been a year and none of you are infected. Maybe you can get the vaccine quickly, try harder. All I am saying is if there is a possibility maybe you can consider it. Why? Because I tell you, that you will feel infinitely better emotionally and physically. Travel is a strange thing. We know that we are comfortable at home, with our loved ones. Yet we tend to stop being in our cocoon and move to a distant location, which costs money and typically does not give you the creature comfort you have at home, yet we do it. Why? Because I think a change of pace, scenery, and vive lets us re-focus on our job at hand, make us love our loved ones more and detach ourselves from housework that feels like a toil. Talking to the friend or the relative that you haven’t seen for a while, takes a burden off your chest. I personally find talking to complete strangers uplifting and relaxing.
That image at the cover of a fast flowing river is nothing special. There are many like it all over the world. But recently I spent a morning and afternoon at the bank with a friend of mine and his two young kids. This is not a particularly close friend, and we haven’t really spoken in ages. But we both decided to meet and spend some time together. What is interesting about that from my point of view is that I don’t particularly have to like this individual dearly. But just because he is a different person in a different space, is usually enough to have a good time these days. Why? Because we don’t see people as often as we used to.
Then there is something about the pace and momentum of travel. There is always the next town, next place, next adventure that I haven’t done. I am at the stage of life, and married to such a wonderful and accommodating individual that I can do whatever I want. I can even go for a long ‘walkabout’ without breaking a sweat. But I don’t. Just like you, a certain guilt and responsibility come rushing in. I know that I can fish in the next river, walk the next trail, drive to the next town, talk to the next individual. But unfortunately, that is neither here nor there!
On our 50th issue we announced that we will be doing a giveaway to our readers for their valuable feedback. Initially the prize pool was about 100 hive. Since then the pool has grown to 150 hive. so we extended it 1 more week for a few more lucky readers who might win something. we chose 8 people, and the winners are,
@chrysanthemum - 35 HIVE
@surrealfia - 25 HIVE
@kinab - 20 HIVE
@sarashew - 20 HIVE
@nonsowrites - 10 HIVE
@toushik - 10 Hive
@riazud - 10 Hive
@whileatwiltshire - 10 Hive
@shahinaubl - 10 Hive
𝕬 𝕭𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌.
"Tell me, what's love?"
The boy asked with his eyes wide open, taking in the world in front of him.
"Is it the ocean?"
He asked as he stood on the shore of a rousing sea.
"Is it the rain?"
He asked while soaking in drops of waters falling from the sky.
"Explain to me, what is this love you speak of?"
He asked again.
The questions fell from his lips and coloured his eyes green,
And he looked at the world in open wonder, trying to find the answer.
"Is it the mountains? Or is it the snow that covers them?"
He asked while walking around the highlands, snow melting under his shoes.
"Is it the stars? Or is it the sky that holds them?"
He looked above his head to find answers from the vast unknown.
But no one spoke.
Until a stranger walked over.
"Love is none of those things," she said in her soft voice, and the boy stopped his hurried search to look at her.
Her eyes were like the ocean, deep and dangerous.
Her voice was soothing as the sound of the rain.
Her skin was fair as the snow covering the mountains,
And her presence was the mountain itself; solid and strong.
And when the beautiful stranger smiled, the boy saw stars and supernovas,
Galaxies being born around the curve of her lips.
As realization coloured the boy's soul, the stranger in front of him spoke again, her words echoing around them.
" 'Love' is a beginning."
And the boy understood everything.
𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖕 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖜𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌.
Last night while returning home we were stopped at a railway crossing. While waiting on our bikes to pass we were seeing others find a way to cross it before the train crossed. They were so restless that they couldn't even wait for just two minutes. Taking shortcuts and crossing it. We were just wondering what's more important to them, time or safety. So the train passed and we reached our home after some time. Maybe that cost two more minutes but that's affordable compared to the extra hassle and taking that unnecessary risk. In my city there are two railway crossings, one that we have passed and the other is in the middle of the town which is busier. So after reaching home when I started to scroll down in my newsfeed I was startled. The same train we saw crossing us had run over a rickshaw at the other crossing I mentioned. A passenger died on the spot and the rickshaw puller was hospitalized in a serious condition. We were wondering about it on seeing some restless people crossing without waiting for two minutes. That fear came true just a crossing ahead of our one.
They must have also thought the same that they would cross it before the train arrives. They would save two minutes and the tiny jam after a train crosses. There are even barriers but people would take the wrong side of the road where barriers are not usually put. What's the benefit of it? Nobody would praise you because you have saved two minutes taking the wrong step. Why take unnecessary risks when that is not going to make any worthy difference.
But it's on you and your family if something terrible happens. Life is too unpredictable sometimes, things go wrong in the blink of an eye. Careful on your steps!
ভালবাসার সময় তো নেই
ব্যস্ত ভীষন কাজে,
হাত রেখো না বুকের গাড় ভাজে।
করাল রৌদ্দুরে,
কাছএ পাই না, হৃদয়- রোদ দূরে।
কাজের কোলাহল
তৃষ্নাকে ছোয় ঘড়ায় তোলা জল।
স্রোতের দেখা নেই,
আটকে রাখে গেরস্থালির লেই।
বন্দী আমার চোখ
পাহারা দেয় খল সামাজিক নখ।
মস্তিষ্ক ও চিন্তা
আমার মতে সৃষ্টির সবচেয়ে বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী হলো মানুষ, এবং বোধহয় এটাই সত্য। আমরা এই বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী হিসেবে আত্মপ্রকাশ করার পিছনে ছোট-বড় অনেক জিনিসেরই প্রভাব রয়েছে, তার মধ্যে আমার কাছে যা মনে হয় সবচেয়ে বড় প্রভাব বিস্তার করে রেখেছে মানব মস্তিষ্ক ও তার চিন্তার ধরণ। আমরা সবাই জানি যে মানব মস্তিষ্ক সৃষ্টির সবচেয়ে উন্নত মস্তিষ্ক এবং এটির চিন্তার ধরণই আমাদের সৃষ্টির সবচেয়ে বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী হিসেবে আত্মপ্রকাশে সাহায্য করেছে। ইহার চিন্তা ধরণে আছে উদ্ভাবনী শক্তি, আছে অসম্ভবকে সম্ভব করার তীব্র প্রয়াস, আছে একই ধরণের প্রশ্নের বিভিন্নজনের বিভিন্নভাবে ব্যাখ্যা দেয়ার সক্ষমতা, আছে নিজের সত্ত্বাকে স্বকীয়ভাবে অন্যের সামনে উপস্থাপন করার সক্ষমতা, আছে আরও কত কতকি! এসব দিক বিবেচনায় মানু্ষ আমার কাছে সৃষ্টি সবচেয়ে বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী।
আপনি যদি আপনার কাছের দশজন মানষকে আলাদা আলাদাভাবে যদি একই ধরণের প্রশ্ন করেন তাহলে দেখবেন যে তাদের কারোও সাথে কারোও উত্তরে হুবহু কোনো মিল খুজে পাবেন না। যদিও বা প্রাথমিকভাবে একজনের সাথে আরেকজনে উত্তরে কিছুটা মিল পেয়েও যান, তবে যদি আপনি তাদের দুইজনের সেই একই উওর দেয়ার পেছনে তাদের ব্যাখ্যা শুনেন তাহলে বুঝতে পারবেন তাদের দুইজনের উত্তরের ব্যাখ্যার পেছনে যথেষ্ট ভিন্নতা লক্ষ্য করবেন। চলেন সাধারণ একটি উদাহরণে মাধ্যমে ব্যাপারটা বুঝিয়ে বলি- ধরণের আপনের দশজন বন্ধু রয়েছে। একদিন আপনি তাদেরকে পৃথক পৃথকভাবে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন "আচ্ছা, বন্ধু, তোমার জীবনে তুমি আত্মতৃপ্তি কিসে খুজে পাও?"
আপনি দেখবেন আপনার দশজন বন্ধুর উওর কারোও সাথে কারোও উত্তরে হুবহু কোনো মিল খুজে পাবেন না, আমি এব্যাপারে শতভাগ নিশ্চিত। কেউ হতবা বলবে, "আমি অন্য মানষকে সাহায্য করলে আত্মতৃপ্তি খুজে পাই।" কেউ আবার বলবে, "আমি ভালো কাজ করার মাঝে আত্মতৃপ্তি খুজে পাই।" আবার কেউ হয়তবা বলবে, "নিজেকে নিয়ে ব্যস্ত থাকার মাঝেই আত্মতৃপ্তির সন্ধান পাই।"...
এই একই জিনিসের ভিন্ন ভিন্ন উত্তর, বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ চিন্তা ধরণ এবং নতুন সব ব্যাখ্যা শুনার পর আপনিও আত্মোপলব্ধি পারবেন যে মানুষ কেন সৃষ্টির সবচেয়ে বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী!
আমরা যখন সারাদিন অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রম করার পর বিশ্রাম নেই বা রাতে ঘুমাতে যাই তখন আমাদের শরীরের প্রতিটি অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ বিশ্রাম নিলেও বিশ্রাম নেয় না একটি জিনিস এবং তা হলো আমাদের মস্তিষ্ক। আমরা যখন ঘুমিয়ে থাকি তখনও এটি অবিরামভাবে কাজে করে যেতে থাকে, চিন্তা করতে থাকে বিভিন্ন জিনিস নিয়ে, আঁকতে থাকে নতুন নতুন জিনিস কল্পনার বুলি দিয়ে। হয়তবা আমাদের মস্তিষ্কের এই বিরামহীনভাবে চিন্তা করে যাওয়ার কারনেই আমরা বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ জিনিস চিন্তা করতে পারি, আর উদ্ভাবন করতে পারি নতুন সব কিছু। আর এই নতুন নতুন জিনিস চিন্তার মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীতে প্রতিনিয়ত নতুনসব জিনিসের উদ্ভব হচ্ছে। পৃথিবী প্রতিনিয়ত নিজেকে ছাড়িয়ে পৌছে যাচ্ছে অন্য এক উচ্চতায়, আর আমরাও বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী হিসেবে প্রতিনিয়ত ছাড়িয়ে যাচ্ছি আমাদের নিজেদেরকেই।
𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖆 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊
“Mommy, why do you have this portrait in the operating room? All the new born baby pictures suit here, this picture looks off! This painting has nothing to do with babies! Mommy, are you listening?”
"Amantha, I'll be right back my darling, it is an emergency. How about you sit here and guard all the babies but do not go inside. Mommy will take some good time, pray for the new born."
"Is it a boy or girl?", "I do not know my child. I'll be right back."
As Amantha sat along, in the hallway, she could not stop but get mesmerized by the aura the painting resonates. She started to observe and find meaning of each aspect of the painting but was failing miserably while her mother, Doctor Hina was in the operation theatre, an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, delivering a baby in Mohammad Abdul Rahman Hospital.
Few hours later...
"Hurry, hurry" said two nurses to each-other distracting Amantha. Amantha could see a towel which resembled a sack bag, but two cute little baby feet were protruding out making her realize it was a baby inside the towel. As she rushed over to see, the nurses were gone into the operating room. She stood there fascinated by the image which lay in front of her eyes.
“Congratulations! Your wife is out of danger, even the baby is safe and sound” confirmed Doctor Hina while she rushed to the operating room. While she was at it, once again the portrait crossed her eyes and glimpses of flashback occupied her mind.
“Amantha, baby can you please wait a little longer, I need to attend the new born”, Hina asks gently while Amantha is overjoyed at the sight and demands, "Yes mommy but first say is it a baby boy or girl?", excitedly gestures Amantha.
"A baby girl."
10 years ago...
"But, Doctor, you are bleeding!! Please come with me, the others will take care of the lady.”
Hina rushing through the hallway, brushing through the crowd, halts at the image in front of her eyes. Abdul, her best friend was standing devasted, bleeding, leaving trails of blood along the floor, exasperated, ajar.
“Abdul, you are bleeding heavily, what happened, come with me, fast!” hurried Hina towards him.
Grabbing Hina's hand, "Hina! Please save Amantha and the baby. Please save both of them! I will die without..."
"Abdul! Abdul! Don't faint Abdul!, Azad take him to Doctor Elm and be quick he lost too much of blood. His situation is critical. Where is Amantha?”
"Doctor, the lady with the man is immediately taken to the operation theatre, she is pregnant and has lost too much of blood already."
Before Hina could grasp on what was happening she had to move fast rather than accumulating all her emotions and react now. "Now is not the time Hina", cried Hina to herself.
"Mommy?" Shook Amantha. "Why are you crying? You look so lost? Is the baby, okay?"
Hina grasped Amantha and hugged her tightly while the painting was a witness to the scene alike that day.
"Abdul what are you doing, this is the operating room. This image doesn't suit here does it Hina? Tell something to him. I don't understand this man, always doing what he likes!"
"Oh! My dear queen! Look, this painting is the witness to the immense drama you create in my life. In this worldly life where only materialistic feelings last, I will hold on to you until forever lasts. This image is witness to the love I was bestowed upon when I was all alone and devastated while you came into my life changing my desert into a garden, flourishing your love and immense happiness in me. In this turmoil of life as long as you stay with me nothing else matters. From heaven to Earth, even if the most devastating situations fall, if you are with me, I can stand. Let it be this painting that stands witness to the love we share in the life of all the newborns and newlyweds."
Abdul kneels down and caresses Amantha's belly, "Amantha, let this be the first painting our baby sees, let her understand that I'll love her as much as I've loved her mommy. Let us never be parted, my Queen, in heaven or Earth, you are only mine!"
“Mommy, why are you treating me to sweets today?”
"When you hear good news, it is worth a celebration darling. Amantha, you know, the painting you were asking about earlier, it was a very colorful painting, did you notice?”
"Yess!! Mommy, it was colorful, it had two deer but mommy, why is it in the hallway of the operation theater?"
Hina took a deep breath and stood up in the hallway, alone where only Amantha sat in front of her, so she enacted, "Oh! My dear queen! Look, this painting is the witness to the immense drama you create in my life. In this worldly life where only materialistic feelings last, I will hold on to you until forever lasts. This image is witness to the love I was bestowed upon when I was all alone and devastated while you came into my life changing my desert into a garden, flourishing your love and immense happiness in me. In this turmoil of life as long as you stay with me nothing else matters. From heaven to Earth, even if the most devastating situations fall, if you are with me, I can stand. Let it be this painting that stands witness to the love we share in the life of all the newborns and newlyweds. Let us never be parted."
"But, Amantha, they parted." Hina started shaking badly, "they parted giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, they parted darling."
Amantha ran towards her mother and hugged her tightly and longed at the painting.
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah"
"Please immediately take the baby and her cleaned."
"No! Hina! I want to see her", longingly breathlessly yearns Amantha.
"You are too weak Amantha... Here see!"
With her pale hands, Amantha holds the baby and kisses the forehead, as if it was meant forever. Watching the embrace Hina wasn't able to keep her act, she would break any moment longer. Amantha passed the child over to Hina.
“Hina, will I not be able to see Abdul? I feel short of breath.” squeezing her hands whispers Amantha, "Abdul."
While panting Amantha whispers "Say, Abdul I am always with him, we will never part away, in heaven or Earth, he is...”
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah"
Hina rushed with the baby to the operating room while crossing this painting which stood as a witness as Abdul claimed.
"Azad? Where is Abdul?"
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah"
"Doctor, is this baby his? Did his wife survive?"
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah"
"Azad where is Abdul?"
"Doctor, this way. He is not doing good."
Hina was rushing into the dim lit hallway where not a tint of soul resided except the painting stood as a witness.
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah "
"Hina", Abdul could not talk, tears started to roll down his eyes. He embraced the baby and caresses and suddenly looks at me.
“Hina” his voice breaks, "Where is Amantha? Did she see the baby? How is she? Can you take me to her?"
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah "
"Why are you silent? Azad take me to her. You still didn't show her the baby? She would be so delighted, what a fool Hina!!!"
Azad takes the bed to the room dark room, where Amanthas’ body laid in silent and covered by a veil, kept Abduls’ bed right next to it.
Entering into the room Abdul could smell the odor, he could sense her absence, emptiness started to accumulate once again while he could feel numbness surrounding him.
"Uwah, Uwah, Uwah "
Abdul kept the baby in between himself and the veiled body, while asked, "did she say something?", almost no words escaped his mouth, only his lips moved.
Statured Hina uttered, “Say, Abdul I am always with him, we will never part away, in heaven or Earth, he is...”
"Mine", completes Abdul while unveiling Amantha and caresses on her forehead muttering, " Let us never be parted, my Queen, in heaven or Earth, you are only mine!"
Silence filed the air; none uttered a word. Hina turned towards Abdul and held his left hand but before she could look at him her legs gave away. She could not feel his pulse.
𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘
52 Turni-Issue
It was not easy to make milestones from 01 to 52. The most beautiful medium in our community is Turni where people express the language of their minds. The editor deserves more than thanks. It is for them that we can showcase our talents here.
This question often comes to mind for those of us who loves Love. But it is very difficult for me to define love. It is not possible to compare with anything. To me love means just feeling.
Every life is worth a lot to us. But we may be whimsical about our lives. It is a daily occurrence, such an accident occurs when you leave home. Where people just cross the road in a hurry for a while. Trying to cross the road and admitting to the accident.
It is true that we humans are quite diverse. Each of us thinks differently. The story of each of our lives is different. The human brain is most involved in this story, because it is through the brain that our thinking is perfected.
Yes every life matters. So we gotta be careful of our actions otherwise there is no help of regretting. Hehehe, Isn't it?
First of all, Wait! what? Giveaway winner!I Yeaaaa! I like to take part in giveaways. It's a good culture of community fun as well.
Turni always brings a number of goodreads every week. Being a part of this, simply I feel happy.
At the same time, I congratulate my fellow winners wholeheartedly!
Best wishes!
However, for this issue, I want to say; Short trips gives me much pleasure than the long ones. I love to wander around and go near to the Nature. The river image giving me a bit calmness in my eyes.
Nice click photographer!
Still reading other pieces and finding more things inside.......
Not just the giveaway you were always outstanding for the engagements that we all desire.
I was searching for a perfect time and got it.
Sitting in a bus, traveling outside the city crowd, cold breeze, earphones plugged in, and a lot of free time. What more I can ask! Just the network is a little bit unstable,hehehe.
Nice brother! I hope you Enjoy the rain, music, the journey with the super blended goodreads of this week's Turni.
Thank you being an inspiration. And yeah, the network problem is disappointing in such weather. No worries bro! What els can be done! This whole G-thing with numbers is a big eye wash in the mobi network market i guess..!
Whatever! I say...
I give a hard try not using my phone in such ambience you are enjoying.
Have a nice chilling journey!
Best wishes!
Before I read this weeks's turni, I want to say 'thank you' for the hive. I wasn't expecting it. I really enjoy reading the editorial and other creative piece. Keep up the good work.
It's always been a pleasure to see you here. Hope to please you more in the coming days too with our Turni. Have a good day!Hi @nonsowrites
Where does the hangout hold? If on discord server, which channel?
I enjoyed reading the piece from @whileatwiltshire, how he managed to bring forth a masterpiece as recreations in the girl, thereby complimenting the boys previous curiosity is just wow.
And question, how do writings from certain authors get added here?
There is a #voice-chat-channel in the BDC server. And the hangout usually starts every Friday at UTC+6.
This is a magazine from the community that gets published every week. For that, you need to get introduced to us at the server and the officials would decide the rest. Well, hope to see you there.
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Yes, you are right. The air outside is very sweet. It gives peace of mind when a person is in a boat. There is water everywhere and cool wind is blowing. I also travel on the boat with great enthusiasm.
Yeah, boat journeys are pretty enjoyable to most of us. At some places, this is quite a rare opportunity to get a chance to travel via boat.
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Neither Here Nor There.....
I particularly love going on road trips. There is something therapeutic about viewing a vast amount of land and greenery. The streets are always eventful and there is some beautiful architectural work waiting to be admired.
Like you mentioned, getting out of our comfort zone into the unknown or unfamiliar does have some benefits. It remembers us of the little things we take for granted.
Knowing the unknown was always been a pleasure for everyone. This feel is always something amazing that I also crave to acquire.
Thank you so much for the giveaway...
I understand dada, even I'm itching to go and have a mini-vacation of sorts but it's becoming damn near impossible. Let's see what the upcoming days are like... Deepu bhai, I can't say enough about your recitals. If I say amazing, it'd be a tad understatement... Sammy, even I can't put words to what love is - it has always been something unexplainable to me. Maybe, it's the beginning... Minhaj, the recklessness people often show can leave us baffled. Imagine a bus that halts in the middle of the road, blocking every other cars and urging passengers to get on board
Let me tell you one incident that I have seen at Farmgate. A local bus stood in the middle of the road and a passenger was trying to come down from the bus without even waiting for it to reach the side of the road. As soon as he stepped into the road the bus began to move and losing control he falls on the muddy road. Whom to blame? The bus driver or the passenger who didn't wait for a safe opportunity to get down.
Many thanks. You all are my inspiration..
যেকোন প্রথমই বিশেষ কিছু , কমিউনিটিতে জয়েন করার পর প্রথম যখন ম্যাগাজিন দেখি তখন ই মনঃস্থির করি যে এখানে আমার আমার কিছু দিতে হবে । প্রথমবার কাজ সাবমিট করেই এক্সাইটেড ছিলাম যে ফাইনালি পাবলিশ হবে নাকি হবেনা এসব চিন্তা করে । ম্যাগাজিন এর এডিটর প্যানেল,লেখক বৃন্দ এবং শুভাকাঙ্খী সহ সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ এ সুযোগ করে দেওয়া জন্য । আশা করি এই ধারা বজায় রাখতে পারবো ভালো মানের কনটেন্ট দিয়ে ।
গিভওয়ে তে জয়ী হওয়াটাও নিঃসন্দেহে বিশেষ কিছু । গিভওয়ে সম্পর্কিত সবাইকেও বিশেষভাবে ধন্যবাদ জানাই ।
@minhajulmredol "Life is too unpredictable sometimes, things go wrong in the blink of an ." ধ্রুবসত্য , নিজের সাথে ঘটে যাওয়া কিছু ঘোটনার পরে এটা নিয়ে আর দ্বিমত পোষণ করিনা ।
এরপর@deepu7 রুদ্র মোহাম্মদ শহিদুল্লাহর "এখনও আলো আসে" টা দিয়েন ভাই
@riazud অভিনন্দন
ধন্যবাদ@kinab ভাই
Too much unpredictable!
I have also faced some incidents that showed me how life can turn within a moment.
That is one of my favourite poems. I will try bro..
Hive a ek tukro Bangladesh ..i love Bd❤️
aw, thanks!
Stay with us.
When I was a child, I used to see people crossing the road even just before the train arrived. me also used to say my mother, "Why are we standing? We can go like them." Mom used to say that "No, a lot of the time it's a cause of big danger. This danger comes just because of they not waiting for two minutes." Now I understand how terrible it is.
We may take the risk to cross and save time a hundred times. But one bad calculation would take away all those credits leave with no scope for regret.
@deepu7 ভাইয়া আমিও কবিতা আবৃত্তি করি কিন্তু সত্যি বলতে আপনার মতো হয় না।আপনি কবিতাটা এমন ভাবে আবৃত্তি করেন যেনো কবিতাটি শেষ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত এক মনে শুনে থাকতেই ইচ্ছে করে। আর শেষ হয়ে গেলে মনে হয়," ইশশ, আরেকটু বড় হলে ভালো হতো।" আমার খুব শখের একটা ব্যাপার এই আবৃত্তি। আমি আপনার কাছ থেকে অণুপ্রেরণা পেলাম আমার আবৃত্তি গুলো আরো সুন্দর করার।
Keep trying Nusura. It will happen soon. Thanks for your inspiring words.
Thank you so much vaiya ❤️❤️
" ইহার চিন্তা ধরণে আছে উদ্ভাবনী শক্তি, আছে অসম্ভবকে সম্ভব করার তীব্র প্রয়াস, আছে একই ধরণের প্রশ্নের বিভিন্নজনের বিভিন্নভাবে ব্যাখ্যা দেয়ার সক্ষমতা, আছে নিজের সত্ত্বাকে স্বকীয়ভাবে অন্যের সামনে উপস্থাপন করার সক্ষমতা, আছে আরও কত কতকি! এসব দিক বিবেচনায় মানু্ষ আমার কাছে সৃষ্টি সবচেয়ে বৈচিত্র্যপূর্ণ প্রাণী। " - এই লাইনগুলোর প্রত্যেকটা শব্দ চয়নেই বুঝা যাচ্ছে মস্তিষ্ক সম্পর্কে কতটা ভেবে চিন্তে নিজের মনের ভাবকে খুব সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছেন আপনি। অনেকেই খুব সুন্দর ভাবে চিন্তা ঠিক ই করতে পারে কিন্তু সেই চিন্তাকে ঠিক ওইভাবে করে ভাষায় প্রকাশ করতে পারেনা। যা আপনি খুব খুব ভালো ভাবে পেরেছেন।
সত্যি ই অসাধারণ লিখা এবং চিন্তা করার ধরণ ও।@riazud ভাইয়া
Thanks for your feedback. Its always inspiring to me.