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RE: A "healthy" amount of evil | Shorts

in BDCommunity • 3 years ago

Well at least you are trying to write shorts bro. 😂

It doesn't listen to reason, it's barbaric, deranged, out of control.

Ahh yes. These dark sides are truly egoistic. I have a love and hate situation with my one myself. But as you said, control is key. If we lose control, there just might be chaos..

 3 years ago  

Well at least you are trying to write shorts bro.

I need help, I know. 😵

If we lose control, there just might be chaos

Yes, that is why I'm still alive, still going, hoping to maintain and see some proper balance in life in the future.

I don't mind the bad, don't want a hefty amount of good either, they're both a part of life, I know that quite well.

Yet, I guess I'm just tired right now. I could use some balance and peace, a bit of balance is all I ask for, all I need.