in BDCommunity5 years ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are well. But I don't know why I'm upset. Yesterday my friend sent me a video and I was stunned to see that video. Have you ever seen a transgender person? I saw them many times and I had a bad concept about them. I thought they were just extorting money from people. Oh, I have a lot of misconceptions about them.

They live a very hard life. We should be thankful to Allah that we can stay with our families. Transgender people have been neglected since childhood. And no one likes them in society. Not only that, they are deprived of their basic needs. In fact, they are deprived of all opportunities.

The video I saw yesterday was creating about the hard life of transgender. A boy never knew he was a transgender. A few days later he noticed that his body was forming like a girl. And his voice has also changed. When his mother understood everything, she never let him go outside.


He did not like this captive life so one day he ran away from home. that time he did not have any money . Then he searched for a work but no one agreed to give him a work. So a few days later he joined a transgender group. Then he changed his name and everyone called him Mala Devi. From then on, they roamed the streets and took money from people.

One day Mala devi saw a small child crying in the street. When Mala devi asked the small child about his parents, the child could not say anything. Then he took the child in his arms and returned to their dormitory. But their gang leader didn't like it. Their leader kept saying why did you bring the human child here. How can this child stay here with us? Then Mala Devi decided to keep the child in a hostel. And every month he paid money to take care of this child.

Wow, he took the responsibility of this child even after he was transgender. And we don't let them stay in society.

Today some transgender came to our house to collect money. At that time my nephew was looking at them for a long time and then he kept asking me who they were? I told his they were transgender but still my nephew asked me again if they were boys or girls? I couldn’t explain to my nephew who they were?

Truly transgender people have no identity like us. And we get annoyed when we see them. We never try to understand their pain. We are selfish we are just busy thinking about ourselves.


I appreciate your thinking.

Thanks ..
I think they have a right to live in this world..

I want to respect transgender people but some bad experience force me to stop the respect on them. Sometimes they ask for money as like terrorist, this is not fair.

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I scared when I saw transgender people. I did not like their behavior. But when I heard about the sadness in their lives, my attitude toward them changed.

যতো দিন যায় একটা সমাজের পরিবর্তন ততো আসে! মাঝে মাঝে পরিবর্তনটা জেনেটিক্সের মঝেও ঢুকে যায়! সমাজের কর্তাস্থানীয় লোক যারা তারা এইসব পরিবর্তনকে ভয় পায় এবংং উপায় না পেয়ে বিষয়গুলোকে খারাপ হিসেবে বিবেচিত করে! সমাজের প্রত্যেকেরই আইডেন্টিটি আছে! প্রথম আইডেন্টিটি হচ্ছে সে কি জেন্ডার! পুরুষতান্ত্রিক অথবা মাতৃতান্ত্রিক সমাজ ব্যাবস্থায় বিষয়টি খুব জরুরি কারন এই জেন্ডারের ওপর ভিত্তি করে একজন মানুষ বিকশিত হয়!

সমাজ এই ট্রান্সজেন্ডার বা খারাপ ভাষায় হিজড়াদের পরিচয় দিতে পারে নাহ , এই কারনেই তারা নিজেরা নিজেদের পরিচয় বানানোর কাজে নেমে পরে অনেকটা বিপ্লবীদের মতন, তাদের বিপ্লবকে কেউ মাথা ঘামায় নাহ কারন শিক্ষা তাদের অন্তরে পৌছায় নাহ।

এই সকল মানুষকে মেইনস্ট্রিমে আনতে অবশ্যই তাদের শিক্ষা দিতে হবে, অথবা নিজে নিজে স্বশিক্ষিত হতে হবে!

আশার কথা এই, ময়মনসিংহের বেগম রোকেয়ে বিশ্ব্যবিদ্যালয় তাদের জন্য কোটার ব্যাবস্থা রেখেছে, তারা চাইলেই পারে নিজেদের শানিয়ে নিতে!

কিন্তু যুগ যুগ ধরে চলে আশা পীড়া তাদের বিচ্ছিনতাবাদী করেছে! আমার কষ্ট হয়, কিন্তু আমি আশাবাদী।

হ্যা আমার মনে হয় তারা তাদের পীড়া ভুলে গিয়ে আবার নতুন স্বপ্নের জাল বুনবে। আর সরকার যদি তাদের জন্য আরো কিছু বিশেষ সুবিধা দেয় তাহলে তারা নিজেরাই স্বাবলম্বীন হবে।

Nice post

Thanks bro..
I'm just trying to write about them..