It's hard to tell people how you feel when they have certain expectations
Others easily assume it's all rosy until they hear your stories with certain situations
How do you tell everyone that behind your smiles hide many frustrations?
Walking with your head up high while hiding the pain inside
No one knows what it feels like to be you and might never know
Everyone bears their cross and tries to find the light at the end of the tunnel
No one knows how overwhelming it is to be you
Because your story is peculiar to you and heavy is the head that wears the crown
No one can understand even if sometimes you scream it across the town
Oh...he's simply lying they say, even when you tell them this white is actually brown
What do you do when everyone expects you to be cheerful when you are down?
We have certain perception of others sometimes
Especially when we see them get to where we aim to get to as well
We feel everything is all rosy there until we get there too
Reality hits so hard but who do you explain to except they get there too?
One one knows what it's like to be torn into different directions... trying to be strong
No one knows because they choose not to know and sometimes it's wrong
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed too and I can imagine how others might be feeling
We all have our silent battles and there is no one without a struggle
You can walk and run as fast as you like but never without a wobble
Have you ever felt so drained of energy that you just want to vanish?
Or just run to a lonely land.. being alone in a land they did banish?
You just want to be alone...have it easy without much to lavish
A land where you don't have to pretend to anyone, hide any pain or the truth garnish
Everyone can assume all they like but no one knows what's like to be you
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.
Well I have actually come to discover that most of the time, it is always hard to meet upto people expectations and in fact it looks quite impossible but well at the end of the day, it always seem it is quite possible though nevertheless. One way or thing I have just learn is never live to please people but to please God because the truth of the matter is you can't please people. Human can't be pleased
Humans can neve be pleased and God has given us the template to please Him. Indeed, life is full of its dynamism and we just have to know that life can be overwhelming sometimes and things don't always look as easy as they seem.
Thank you for this.
Perfectly true. No matter what you do, humans can not be pleased and that is why we must always strive to always please God and not man. In fact the more we please man, we displeases God and vice versa. No matter what, we should strive to please God as that is the best thing. Life does not always look easy quite alright but we actually need to keep pushing
God is the most important. As long as we have God, we are secured. We shouldn't waste time trying to win people over and you explain...a time will come for us to explain our stories and encourage others.
This is real. This is very real and most people don't know. Like you said, they don't understand it deeply because they are seeing things from the surface. Life can be overwhelming and you don't even know who to talk to. Sometimes you feel alone and you just want to shut yourself against the world. Life can be stressful sometimes. God is our only hope. In Him we build our faith and strength.
Thank you. This is very real and truthful.
I love the last part. When things go this way, the only way out is putting our hope in God who never fails.
Absolutely...God is the only backing that never backs out. God is the only hope we have when life gets overwhelming because sometimes, life will.
A person must feel bad when someone recognizes us in this reality and still after that calls us wrong, misbehaves with us and does not believe what we say. The more it is, the better it is. The way the time is going today, we should be friends with less people who understand us and those we understand will mean that then the heartache of a person will be less if someone cheats us. Will give it too.
We shouldn't waste time on those people who are determined to not understand us. Life is hard sometimes and leaving those behind would be less weight.
Contact with such people should be completely cut off because life is short and should not be wasted because of such people.
I agree. We need to invest our time and energy on ourselves and doing what's best for our sanity because life can get overwhelming sometimes.
You summarised everything swiftly and promptly. You captured everything and I love that deep understanding of this post. Thank you very much.
Naso oo. No one knows what is like to be you. You only know what you are going through and even if you try to explain to people, they might be ready and willing to give a listening ears because everyone is busy fighting their battles to start attending to someone else. No one knows your struggles except you.
Absolutely. Most people don't understand your story and even when they do, they judge where they are with where they are and feel you have it better so you shouldn't complain. Life and its perks. We all struggle sometimes and that's why we need God always.
Whenever the true nature of another human being is revealed to us and if he is really doing bad things to us, then it seems very bad to us because we have never thought wrong of any human being and that human being has his meaning. For what happens to us when the meaning is gone, we go back to our world and we keep thinking that this person should not have done this to us at all.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on several posts. It shows you fully understand what the post is about and I really appreciate it. I would love to read it in a single comment on yours...that way it helps the comment section and the readers. Thank you.
I love your posts, they are so true to what is going on in our lives today. Most welcome dear.
Thank you. Deeply appreciate your kind words. Thank you very much.
This poem is just so wonderful. The poem just hit an important point that most of us fail to understand. Sometimes we might see someone living fine and then we start wishing to be them, not knowing what it feels to be in that person's shoes. We just judge from what we see and which is wrong.
We all should just try to be contented with who we are and pray for God to bless us, instead of wishing to be like other people.
We always judge things from the face value and that's humans. We always sometimes assume our view is the best without testing the waters at the other end. Thank you very much for this brilliant comment. Appreciate it.
No one really knows what it's like to be you, that's why we should never judge a book by its cover and never put people's opinion above our own happiness because in the end, no one else will ever understand our plight more than ourselves.
Nice one 💯
Absolutely. No one would understand what you are going through more than you which is why I always advice people to face their journey and stop trying to win people over. Those who matter won't care for the explanation and those who care for the explanation don't matter.
This is very true my friend, we all have our internal struggles some stronger than others, no one knows what people are going through may be fine on the outside but inside they are fighting yet another battle, that's why we must be very empathetic when talking to someone, everyone has thoughts and opinions but it's only completely up to us to be happy and always seek God at all times of our life, thanks for sharing this my friend ♥
Thank you so much for another brilliant and thought provoking comment. Our happiness lies with us and us alone... Some people are fueled with drama to misconstrue us...but that's okay. Just focus on your life and lean on God
Always friend it's like a little philosophy that I use all the time people usually always want in one way or another to get attention or just give pity, for more things or battles that we free we must move forward without losing sight of God at all times to have complete happiness ♥
We need to move ahead without losing sight of God. God is the only one that can make the difference in our lives and help us to face the overwhelming side of life.
Thank you, my friend.
Thanks to you my friend for these great posts that you bring us, may God continue to bless you ♥
Amen and God bless you too, my good friend. Happy Sunday and have a blessed week ahead.
Only someone going through a particular thing will know what and how it feels. It is even possible to go through the same experience and have different mindsets about it. That’s why I don’t always wish to be like someone because we never can tell what the person is going through deep down
Never wish to be like anyone because everyone bears their battle the best way they can. We might think others have it easy until we are also in the same shoe to understand their plight.
Thank you for this.
No one knows how the world will plays and sometimes no one knows what life will offer to us but we just need to live with that uncertainty and be strong that we keep going no matter what may come maybe. We should stick through to that which we want to do. The life might come with obstacles but we must not forget the sacrifices people have paid and that we can also remain a fighter to overcome those obstacles
We have to keep fighting. Life can be uncertain and overwhelming but God is on the throne. We can get to a confusing point at times and no one would understand or know what we are facing behind the masked smiles.
Thank you for this.
That's very true. We just need to keep fighting no matter and keep going. Champions are fighter, they keep going no matter what may it be and they don't actually give up no matter what it may be. As far as God is on the throne, we are more than a conqueror
The God factor will always stand us in good stead. We have to keep pushing and fighting. No one knows our struggles and instead of wasting time explaining...let's keep pushing. There will come a time where we can share our stories.
It is true that people who wrong us do not know how much it hurts us because we expect good things from them and it breaks our hearts when they mistreat us in this way. And then we can't stop ourselves from going into depression and living in anxiety, so before breaking another person's heart, we should think once how much worse that person will feel.
We can't stop how people respond or how they act but we can determine how we act and respond. Life is full of its ups and downs that's why we don't need extra weight. We should stay focused and trust God all the way.
It is also a fact that people keep talking in the same way and there are both good and bad situations in life, so a person should be prepared for every time.
We have to stay prepared in this life. We have to stay prepared to face what lies ahead. It takes mental strength and a resilient spirit.
Yay! 🤗
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