Because I truly want to keep this post "short" by sticking to the plan this time
How did that go, hmm? 436? Hmm? Kitty, keep your calm...
Albeit, if I said that I truly believed that one day, I will be fully healed up, at 100%, pure and fresh as a daisy again, then I would simply be lying.
wounds, physical, emotional, or psychological, even if they heal, the memory of them remains and we don't forget that.. we never forget how we got the scars... we simply just accept to live with it and that's healing
From 600 to 400, that's progress right there madam...😵
Sooner or later I'll let them be, either ignore them or wear them proudly.
At this point, I guess I'm just tired of getting stabbed in the back, getting hacked on the same damn wounds over and over again.