No town and no place I would know, but I will have a look, because I don't know everything 😉 lol
When we play a game where we have to find cities, countries, rivers and such everyone writes Quebec when the letter Q is drawn 🤔
As I said, now we need creativity, but I am not sure if there's enough time for me 😁
Let's hope it gets real cold, right before the hurricane arrives 😉
It's warm here, but it might rain soon.
Wish you a nice Frigg's day too, dear Jo 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
The news is full of the destruction caused by the hurricane coming up through the states. The cold Atlantic waters should stop anything in it’s tracks. :)
It’s a nice day here with a little breeze.
We will have to do some thinking for the Qs. You might will find places like Quilk in Austria .
Have a good evening dear Johann .:)
We don't know such storms here. Very seldom we have bad storms like 2 years ago which destroyed a lot woodland and caused high water and such, but that's seldom and not comparable to your hurricanes.
So again I hope you will be safe.
Still no rain here - we have a nice evening and you too I hope 😊
Hey, you have researched for me 😁 I have never heard of this village Quilk, but I think I should keep it in mind - thank you dear Jo 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
Morning Johann 😊,
You are lucky not to experience a hurricane. I haven’t actually seen many here but sometimes we get the tail end of one coming up the eastern seaboard. A few years ago Hurricane Arthur blew quite a few shingles off one side of the roof.
It seems this hurricane Laura is now a tropical storm and hopefully will not be much left by the time it gets here.
Yes I did a little research and saw a couple Q names. 😀
Have a wonderful weekend dear Johann. 🤗
Good morning Jo,
maybe the climate change will bring different weather situations to us, because I can't remember having such weather when I was young as we have it now.
Laura is a nice name, so the storm will be nice to you too 😊
After you told me about Quilk I searched too and found also a few, but all too far away. Quilk is the nearest I believe and about a 2 1/2 hours drive from here.
But it is raining here and so I think I stay at home today. Tomorrow I am working, but there are still a few days left to think about what to post 😉
Have a wonderful Saturday, dear Jo 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
You are right Johann about the weather changing. I was hoping our part of the planet was starting to tilt more to the south but not too far.😀
I see Quilt would be of no use to you if too far away to get a photo of anything there.
It’s a quiet morning here and looks ominous. Temp today to be in low 20sC. The rain will start about 7 this evening and continue all night.
Have a great Saturday dear Johann🤗
I am hoping too that I can see palm trees growing in the woods 😉 and I really would love to have a little desert nearby.
It's Quilk you told me, but Quilt would be a very good word 😉
I hope it only will rain on PEI, a warm tropical rain 😊
Cheers and !BEER
Haha it was a slip of the finger- t instead of the k - must have been an unconscious reaction as I do have something like that in my choices.😉
It’s a lot warmer now than predicted. Sometimes these tropical storms push the warm air up this way. A palm tree or two would be nice.😊
Have a good one dear Johann 🤗
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