my experience playing the web3 game WOO Wrestling.

in WOOGame3 months ago (edited)

WOO is a token on hive engine. The brains behind it have made an NFT game with the title:
Wrestling Organization Online. to be honest i dont know much about the token, ive sort of seen it around hive. I dont know which came first, the token or the game, but im guessing the token because the game itself i do not understand at all so far.

This could change by the end of this post. i am writing this as i figure it out.

to be a hundred percent honest with you, i hate NFT games like this. ive never played one before, but i have seen gameplay videos of splinterlands and axi infinity. i have NEVER even had the slightest itch that a card game like that could be fun. i barely like turn-based RPG games so maybe thats why. I like earthbound.

ok so that being said, ill give this game a try. i was sent a Bookers License by one of the team members in their discord. i then lost a couple fights as nobody and reported back. (not sure if thats a website bug though). then i was sent some NFT packs. i was told to open them using the WOO website.

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not knowing what to click i went to + More > Open ... to open my nft "card packs"

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i see i have 5 Woo Alpha packs, ill click open and see what happens.

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i guess ill just open up one of the packs and see what happens.

the backs of five cards were then shown to me , and i wasnt sure what to do. tbh i almost refreshed the page thinking the images on the cards didnt load because my connection is slow. but i clicked one of the cards and it flipped around and showed me what it was!


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i decided to open another pack.

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ok one more

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ok those 5 all look like they suck lol.
i keep getting that Arty Wright guy.
i guess ill just open the rest.

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a couple new ones in there!

and for the last pack

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ok so that guy Ivan Schiester has a Gold Belt. That must be a good thing.
ok so lets see if i can play with these cards or something.

Going to Play Match. i did this before and was able to fight someone as, no one. haha So im wondering if i chose one of these cards to play or what. Like i said im new to NFT card games this is the first one ive ever played.

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i sign a transaction...

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this part takes a while? ive been waiting for about a minute now at this screen.
ok it went back to the home screen all of a sudden.
guess ill try again..

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im not sure what this means. maybe i battle other people and no one else is online playing right now?

i decided to try it a third time and it worked

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ok so now its having me choose my wrestlers. i wasnt able to choose that guy with the gold belt, i wonder what hes for?

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i guess im billy mayhem in this fight.

one two three and i lost

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its cool how the fighters animate

i lost the first three but won the last one with the fat chick lol

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the sound is kinda jarring and the music afterwards is a little hard on the ears.

kinda buggy switching fights the animations take a while to load.

i guess ill click view results now?

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lol i have no idea what this means. did my opponent win money?
he won WOO token?

i dont recall putting any WOO on the table. Im confused.

i would rate the gameplay of this game a 0 out of 5.
graphics and animation i would rate it maybe a 3 out of five?
the artist who drew those up put some time into it. maybe its just these kinda games arnt for me idk. i like skill based games i think. i probably wont play again because i tried to two more times and i guess the matchmaking timed out but im not sure.

Okay! that concludes my web3 card game review of WOO! thanks for reading and i hope the developers keep trying to make this game fun we need fun games why are all blockchain games on HIVE card games ? LOL why all make SAME GAME?
just giving yall some constructive feedback. if i am going to play a video game it has to be fun yo! thanks for inviting me to try out your game! i know how hard it is to make a game and how important it is to get people to test it and how LONG it takes to develop games! i hope you liked my post.

is there a way to make a web3 game that you dont need to Pay to play?

like you should be able to play for free and if you like the game, you can buy stuff or earn stuff without having to buy anything.
that is what makes hive cool. you dont need to buy anything to earn. well you need a hive account which costs $3 but you can easily make $3 back in no time writing quality posts

 3 months ago  

Holy crap!!! Gold Belt Ivan!!! Many people will open 100 packs or more and never pull a Gold Belt, let alone a Gold Belt manager! That is insanely good luck!!! You got a good number of rares also, which is great. Arty and Abby will come in clutch for low budget shows. Also, Akemi is @bookerman's personal favorite NFT and she does great against the legendary Lexi Lawless, which sees plenty of play.

Also, understanding the dynamic between the wrestling styles and their win conditions will help a lot. The reason Akemi (common powerhouse) beat Lexi Lawless (legendary technical) is due to resistance from styles. Lexi does half damage to Akemi who has extremely high HP. Enrique would do much better against Jon Willow since Enrique is a technical and Jon Willow is a high flier. Jon is a better version of Billy Mayhem.

Also, to attach a manager to a match you need to click the + sign in the lower right corner of the match you want the manager to take a part in. You can only use 1 manager per match per show.

Animations may take a moment to load, but after you play one time with each they will load much faster. Also, yes @couchcommittee won 4.671 WOO token. The amount of WOO token won depends on several factors including the Land used for the winner of the show, the upgrades to the land and also the players organizations, the number of NFTs used (not assigning NFTs to matches lower the rewards), and how many gold belts are used in the show. The amount of token you see the player take home is the final amount after the Land Owner (whoever owns the NFT city) where the show took place gets their % of tokens as a fee.

As far as your review it's more than fair. Autobattlers aren't for everyone, and you may enjoy it more when you could watch the simulation play out in the animated sequences we have that are yet to release. By the sound of it you would like our TCG game a bit better. We will continue to expand our Autobattler, but we aren't stopping there. We are also releasing a physical TCG that we will implement on-chain. It plays similarly to Pokemon and Magic the Gathering Commander.

As far as not having to pay to play, there is always a cost. We will be implementing "Ghost Cards" so people can play with just a bookers license with no need to buy cards first, but there is little chance to survive as a business if something is completely free. There would also be little to no value to the assets if it is all free. You can skip rocks all you want down the road for a "game" but those rocks have no value and no business can be created or time put in since it's free. But like you said, you could write posts and earn to then accumulate money to use for the game you want to play.

By interacting in our community our upvote is worth $0.50+ and over a week of posting you could easily come up with enough to buy some NFTs. We also hold tons of events where we give new users like you free bookers licenses and packs. In total you were given $20 of value ($10 bookers license for free + 5 Alpha packs at $2 each) and you also have an estimated collection value of over $125 now.


If you would like to sell the Gold Belt Ivan, the company will buy it from you for $20 HBD today.

I don't play games either, you couldn't be happy playing it. Maybe the game wasn't good. You couldn't even choose your selected character. You can give it a zero rating.

 3 months ago  

He could have chosen the gold belt Ivan, but he didn't understand the difference between wrestlers and managers in our game. Which is fair.

Thanks for sharing this, I was always curious about how it worked, but it's not really tempting to play it, all timeouts means that not many people play it

 3 months ago  

Timeouts happen for various reasons including Hive Engine node issues that have been going on intermittently since Dec 3rd till the 6th. We have a bot that runs every 60 seconds, but we are currently refactoring how it runs so we can get an additional bot going. Our player base is also heavily skewed towards time zones that aren't USA-friendly. At this time 10,553 players have played our game. Idk if you consider that not many, but I consider that a decent accomplishment. That is players and not overall matches which is much higher.

Also, after an event finishes we will usually see fewer players as many players NFT wrestlers become injured or have racked up fatigue and they do not want to risk injury.

Just out of curiosity, how many are average online per day?

 3 months ago  

Honestly, it varies pretty drastically and depending on the month and any holidays we can see huge changes. When we hold events it sharply skyrockets. We are currently working to implement daily login bonuses and quests that users can take part in. We believe this will give more stability to the daily player base. I would have to crunch some numbers over the course of the release of the game to give you an accurate average.

yeah the matchmaking process is def a hinderance to enjoying the game. i would like to try the game again but not if i have to wait this long. why dont you just have the player fight bots? or mix in some bots with real people. thats what fortnite did.
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