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RE: Baking powder biscuit ... with a weird twist.

in Earn, Spend, Give β€’ 2 years ago


Am actually in awe.
I mean I only recycle fabrics and never knew that there will be second hand use again for even used food ingredients like the Okara and banana peel.

Seriously I feel like exploring these thing and making them myself.
But I may have to improvise a lot since I never had an idea that I will find interests cooking recipe like this.

Now I have a new plan...
Would probably start preparing to buy some cooking items so i can practice some of the recipe, they shouldn't end here in hive blogs alone.

I really want a bite of your biscuit 😞.. πŸ€—πŸ€“

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If I was there I would be getting some of your groundnut. I'd extract the oil from the nut so I could use it instead of the canola oil. Then I'd take the left over defatted ground nut, add some sugar and gently toast to make a high protein peanut spread.

And then.... Biscuits using soya bean, banana peel, groundnut, sugar, flour, salt, and baking powder. Side benefit....high in protein and fiber so both filling and nutritious! Oh yeah... and use some groundnut oil to heat the frying pan so its cooked using stuff you grew yourself.

Thanks for reading. I enjoy turning basic ingredients into something better :)

There is a whole lot to learn here.
My sister loves peanut but its bad that I never learnt how to do any of these things.

Sorry for the second reply.... If I was there I'd also be trying to put your seamstress skills to work. Did you know you can take water sachet packets and turn them into clothing??

This website shows a company that is doing it :

But imagine if you could turn garbage into something beautiful to wear. 1) You pay nothing for material so you make more money and .... 2) You help the environment by reducing garbage.

.... and 3) You feel awesome because you'd be doing something no-one else in your area is doing.

But that's type of plastic recycling is yet another thing on my cool to try but haven't done it yet.

Am checking this out to see what miracles they are performing.
Thank you so much.