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RE: Why go to university?

Whatever he decides will be fine, he has good roots to build on.

In my case there were many factors, economic difficulties for example, and I was wrong to choose a career to study, I realised too late, it made me unhappy.

I studied a lot of law. Until I realised that design was what I wanted for myself, but in the city where I was I couldn't find it in universities, so I did all the courses that existed there. That makes me happy.


I guess when you study something that didn't come from the heart then it can bring unhappiness... This happened to many composers and musicians in the past, their parents didn't want them to study music, but in the end, they realized what their vocation was 😇

I am glad that in the end, you found your passion and dedicated your time to it 😇

I am also happy about it, parents sometimes want to do their best, but the heart is the heart.