About four years ago, I established this (Q Inspired-by-Music) community. At first, I was quite active on all sides of things, including content creation and engagement. Later, my activities reduced themselves to (mostly) keeping the community in line with my original thoughts for this community and curating content.
Bad Me
I never asked any of you what your thoughts are about this community. Bad me! Bad bad bad me! Don't you agree?
One says: It is not about when to see 'the light', but about the actions one takes when 'the light' is spotted.
Uhm, now I am wondering if I made up my version of what 'one says'? Perhaps I did. Something I tend to do in life: Not following the herd but making up my own 'rules' and 'guidelines' 😆
The Action
a 'Challenge-not-Challenge' perhaps?
Give your thoughts and your opinions about the Q Inspired-by-Music community. Present this in any way you like, in any format you wish. Am open for anything.
Just the 'one rule': using words is a must (I believe HIVE is about blogging, and blogging is foremost textual).
... and the other 'one rule': the words, the sentences, these are yours.
... and and and ... music in whatever shape or form is an integral part of your creation (this does not have to be a music recording at all; it can simply be the use of the word 'music' or anything that relates to such).
You see, I make up my own rules along the way, the 'one rule' became 'three rules' but still classified as the 'one rule' ... I am complicated 😆
Be Honest
Those who know me, those who know my culture, know that I like brutal honesty. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Don't hold back. Spit it out. I won't bite. That said, nice words I won't dodge.
Tips (as in 'advise')
If, for some reason, you feel uninspired, don't feel obliged to write a whole post. You may also articulate your thoughts and opinions in the comment section 👇 below.
Did You Know?
No time pressure for this one, though I do like to read a bunch of contributions first before I come back to you with my reactions. ps Sneaky me, right? Telling you 'no time pressure' but now I press you to act in time (whatever I meant by that) ... I am complicated 😆 oopsy, I said that already

all images by edje unless stated otherwise
Mate, this community is home and helped me grow. Mixing words and music is almost as much fun as dj-ing for a sold-out 013
But anyway, what I want:
To do my thing and as they kicked me out of Pooh Corner I appreciate using your little safe haven in this universe. Love this crazy place, all I need is words and tunes and other peeps interpretations of words and tunes. !PIMP
"...almost as much fun as dj-ing for a sold-out 013"
Nice to read this.
Am happy you found this corner, your content stands out in the crowd.
Same here happy @mipiano told me about this corner a long time ago I feel I fit in.
LoL, as you already know, I always use the Q community with absolute and brutal honesty on everything. Whether if it's to try to delight you and delight your subscribers with a heap of unknown, sweet, soft, and lively hypnotic melodies, or sharing the wildest beats to deliver a well-deserved beating to a gang of MoFos while I am developing a literary denounce through the feared, merciless and cranky poetry of my textual speech in some posts.
But now and referring strictly to the question in the title of your post. Perhaps I should confess that what makes my clock tick the most, it's when I write and publish a post with some old history in which I share a good dose of unforgettable and legendary mellow Rock songs from my youth that most of the youngsters here in Hive have never heard nor knew before and they have no idea what they missed while today they are only listening reggaeton.
I guess there are other things that also make my clock tick in "Q" too. But in order not to make this confession and comment too long, I think I will leave it until here.
Although I won't leave from here without first trying to celebrate your eighth anniversary on this "social network" of the blockchain by dropping a nice animated old song to get you moving your feet while I finish of editing and uploading a video to YouTube with a brief fragment and mix of one of my wildest Rave' DJ/VJ sessions. It is very likely that I will finish it this week and then I'm gonna share it with you in a new post for the Q community.
And now, it's time to remember and dance!
owww WOW thank you so much for the congrats. 8 years when I signed up. Time flies 😉
from your 'history' post: "Yeah I cheated. I've shared six and not solely a handful as I said above"
I think a handful is being redefined; six it is 😆 Some nice tunes in that post mister 🙏
Your contributions to HIVE, as to Q, are outstanding! Such an amount of thought is going into all of them with simply a great way of expressing and writing. A delight to read them.
I just wished I could curate your posts way more often, but somehow, the Secret Service doesn't like you. But when I see my chance, when they seem to forget about you, I'll slap what I can 🙂
wait, what? clocks, ticks, words, rules, Morricone, good, bad and ugly-not-ugly music? 😆
aw little happy yellow birdie 😍 he definitely rocks there on the speakers.
Complicated? You inherited that from your parents?
that made me not only giggle, but it rocked
Dear is it okay to have different blog accounts for different niches?
Seeing this now...😎
I would prefer to make a post for this.
I have plenty of words to say but limited to 400 words. Lol😅
It's good you showed up in a more 'physical' way than regular appearance for curation🙌
Looking forward to the post. NJOY XMas.
Just the name of the community is enough inspiration. It brings back those old songs that make up my childhood, those songs that inspired me, and more of songs that give me peace, calm my nerves, and give a clear mind to reason.
It is not just a community. It is more than that. I don't have words for it yet. Maybe I do, but the word hasn't been yet known. Hehe.
Hahahaha, I know that feeling, the wish to describe something but failing to find the right words. Thanks for the kind words and happy you like this little corner on our HIVE chain.
Hehe... yeah. Thanks for creating this community too. Have a great start to your day.
Honestly i have to be honest, my experience so far in Q inspired by music is good. Though i haven't fully understood how the curation works. Sometimes it will appear as if no one noticed your post and sometimes a lot of people will vote.
Interesting observation regarding curation.
Services are available that allow users to auto-follow others to give out likes/votes. Usually, users follow curator group accounts, but other accounts may also get users following their votes.
The best way of getting noticed is to engage with other users', giving somewhat meaningful reactions to their posts and comments. On HIVE many challenges and contests are happening every single day. That is another way to get noticed.
Thank you very much for this good piece of information.
For me, creating such a wonderful community alone is worth all the applause it gets.
As a music lover(who has never met a music hater) I am grateful for this.
The opportunity to be able to express our thoughts, actions as they relate to music which cuts across virtually every facet of life.
Thank you for your words.
Although I never met a real music hater, I know more than a handful of people who hardly listen to music. That said, I know mucho people who LOVE music, many of whom I regularly see/meet in the clubs and festivals I have attended throughout the years, for the last 35 years or so.
Exactly! Same experience, different duration though.
I think this is one of the best innovative communities I've come across since my stay on hive. The opportunity and platform been given to express yourself and relate it to music is indeed of wonderful and this is my honest opinion. And I can attest to this personally because my love for music is beyond average. Keep up with the good work @edje
Thank you very much.
Your love for music being more than average is just Fantastic!
Music, in many ways, is therapeutic for me. Simply listen to the music you like, do nothing while listening, don't think of anything, crawl into the music, become one. A session like that and new energy gained, bad emotions gone etc etc. I hope you found a therapist in music as well?
Congratulations @edje! You received a personal badge!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Is it okay to have different blog accounts for different niches?
In what sense ok?
I have nothing against it, but from my experience, it is darn hard to handle more than one account. I used a different account for music only, years and years ago. Back then, because of that, HIVE slowly became like a day job regarding the hours I spent, next to a real day job 😀