Those who know me, those who know my culture, know that I like brutal honesty.
LoL, as you already know, I always use the Q community with absolute and brutal honesty on everything. Whether if it's to try to delight you and delight your subscribers with a heap of unknown, sweet, soft, and lively hypnotic melodies, or sharing the wildest beats to deliver a well-deserved beating to a gang of MoFos while I am developing a literary denounce through the feared, merciless and cranky poetry of my textual speech in some posts.
But now and referring strictly to the question in the title of your post. Perhaps I should confess that what makes my clock tick the most, it's when I write and publish a post with some old history in which I share a good dose of unforgettable and legendary mellow Rock songs from my youth that most of the youngsters here in Hive have never heard nor knew before and they have no idea what they missed while today they are only listening reggaeton.
I guess there are other things that also make my clock tick in "Q" too. But in order not to make this confession and comment too long, I think I will leave it until here.
Although I won't leave from here without first trying to celebrate your eighth anniversary on this "social network" of the blockchain by dropping a nice animated old song to get you moving your feet while I finish of editing and uploading a video to YouTube with a brief fragment and mix of one of my wildest Rave' DJ/VJ sessions. It is very likely that I will finish it this week and then I'm gonna share it with you in a new post for the Q community.
owww WOW thank you so much for the congrats. 8 years when I signed up. Time flies 😉
from your 'history' post: "Yeah I cheated. I've shared six and not solely a handful as I said above"
I think a handful is being redefined; six it is 😆 Some nice tunes in that post mister 🙏
Your contributions to HIVE, as to Q, are outstanding! Such an amount of thought is going into all of them with simply a great way of expressing and writing. A delight to read them.
I just wished I could curate your posts way more often, but somehow, the Secret Service doesn't like you. But when I see my chance, when they seem to forget about you, I'll slap what I can 🙂