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RE: Divenire... and some imperfections...

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

Made it within 4 weeks. A post that was open in one of my browser tabs from the day you published it. Unlike you, though I wanted to, I decided to not clean my apartment and today have a shitload of time to attend to HIVE. Anyways... the song, I didn't have to read your post knowing this was Einaudi. I think I get the hang of it :) but but but all these wrong moves on the piano: "TERRIBLE!" ... ok ok ok one other word: "WTF are you on about!?" ok, that was more than one word :) I did (and still do) like this performance, with or without the imperfections. Maybe the imperfections make this (and anything else) memorable. Clean and Perfect is for sure not always good. And maybe the 'not always' is more like 'never'. Anyways, have fun in your nicely cleaned apartment and enjoy your visitors as much as possible... and the sun :)


4 weeks is less than 4044 so all more than good :)

I am jealous you had that time for hive 😱 I could have it too but decided on the option of cleaning and it made me happy somehow! I suppose I also needed that pause from hive, which was already a whole week mostly pause because of the other circumstances too.

Einaudi, yes you should know it already without reading the name of the composer 😇 But if you need more confirmation of your abilities can you recognize this composer, the eine audi guy can still come in form of my imperfect-perfect interpretations of other compositions....?

Terrible :D the playing was the less terrible here :D

Ok, advice will be accepted, clan and perfect is never good 🙃
Apartment - not so clean anymore 😆
Visitors - you know there were surprises in the subject
Sun - sending it back if possible, it's still too much of it after all this rain and clouds ☀️☀️☀️

😂 😂 😂

Eine Audi is not to be missed anymore, whether the original or the subjective interpretation by artists of specific kinds 🙃
Apartment: in such a short time dirty again? Darn Italians 😂
Sun: Try and enjoy the Sun though I understand it's too much. In the mean time, I try and enjoy the rain and wind we have last days in Amsterdam 🎶

Rain is back from Monday here too :/

It was just the weekend we enjoyed nice weather, well it was sunny but windy. Monday - rainy and windy 😂

Eine Audi will come here and there 🎶🎶🎶

🎶 🌧️ ... ☀️

that's the perfect formula 🙃