post I mentioned and listen again to the song. Now, everything can go just better.Imperfection! That is the word that can not go out of my mind right now. Maybe that word is here because of the post by @todayslight where he uploaded a beautiful original song Imperfections. For me, it sounded perfect. Calm. Positive. With hope and love and all that bring a bit more light into our lives. But today, I face a perfectly imperfect day. What could go wrong went wrong. The internet is playing hide and seek with us for the third consecutive day. The cash machine is also out of work, for the fourth day. I had to pay the rent, but the real estate lady was not in her office, for the second day. My piano practising is far away from being good so the piece I am learning is not wanting to go smoothly, for the third week. Or more. Works in the neighbourhood are still on, and very loud, for the second month. Or more. I am getting old, already for some decades. Or more. Where are the hope and calmness? I know, I will go back to the
So, yes, I recorded that piece Divenire, composed by Ludovico Einaudi. And it is a very imperfect rendition of it. You don't know how I struggled with the first part of it to get the left-hand jumps clear. The fast motifs are still not even, and the bass notes are sometimes insecure. The part where both hands go crazy, I have not so clear notes, my pinky was hitting a few times another note. Ow, there is one bass note I missed out, actually played it but it is not heard as the action was not determined and it was late, not in time. But I suppose all these things you will hear by yourselves too. I just shouldn't tell anything and pretend all is fine and perfect. If you never check out how the original sounds, then it is all perfect, yes.
{please, don't go now searching how it sounds when it is played by an orchestra and by Lodovico itself}
You did it, right? Well, well, ok, somehow you have to enjoy the piece :D
To add to these imperfections, and my rendition of Divenire, I have to confess you something. But it is a secret so don't say it to anyone. Ta-daaaaaa: I am getting old. And it is not just a joke that these days I am receiving, it is the reality. Cruel one, eh? I want to hide from it, but it is not possible. My perfect photo that shows imperfection is just one step from its revelation.
Upload images.
I can hide as much as I want from the years, but the metronome of life doesn't want to slow down. It is doing its work perfectly well {how those years just can not be imperfect so they mess up and we get younger?}. No remedy. So far I have laughed so much (and the opposite too) that wrinkles around the eyes are here forever. Dark under-eye circles, the consequence of the migraines are visible even several days after those episodes. Silver strands streak through the hair is shining. What is that? Until recently, there were almost none. Almost. I think I have to go back to this point and listen again to that song I mentioned at the beginning of this post :))
Or, just listen to Divenire and accept the flaws. It can be part of the experience too. The end of the piece is a bit imperfect too, as it stops in an unexpected way, as many of Luvodico's pieces. This music could last for more time... ( @blackdaisyft said once why it stops just like that. I suppose the composer wanted to leave the feeling of not having a determined end for it). But I am just an interpreter, I can not know the real reason.
▶️ 3Speak
Made it within 4 weeks. A post that was open in one of my browser tabs from the day you published it. Unlike you, though I wanted to, I decided to not clean my apartment and today have a shitload of time to attend to HIVE. Anyways... the song, I didn't have to read your post knowing this was Einaudi. I think I get the hang of it :) but but but all these wrong moves on the piano: "TERRIBLE!" ... ok ok ok one other word: "WTF are you on about!?" ok, that was more than one word :) I did (and still do) like this performance, with or without the imperfections. Maybe the imperfections make this (and anything else) memorable. Clean and Perfect is for sure not always good. And maybe the 'not always' is more like 'never'. Anyways, have fun in your nicely cleaned apartment and enjoy your visitors as much as possible... and the sun :)
4 weeks is less than 4044 so all more than good :)
I am jealous you had that time for hive 😱 I could have it too but decided on the option of cleaning and it made me happy somehow! I suppose I also needed that pause from hive, which was already a whole week mostly pause because of the other circumstances too.
Einaudi, yes you should know it already without reading the name of the composer 😇 But if you need more confirmation of your abilities can you recognize this composer, the eine audi guy can still come in form of my imperfect-perfect interpretations of other compositions....?
Terrible :D the playing was the less terrible here :D
Ok, advice will be accepted, clan and perfect is never good 🙃
Apartment - not so clean anymore 😆
Visitors - you know there were surprises in the subject
Sun - sending it back if possible, it's still too much of it after all this rain and clouds ☀️☀️☀️
😂 😂 😂
Eine Audi is not to be missed anymore, whether the original or the subjective interpretation by artists of specific kinds 🙃
Apartment: in such a short time dirty again? Darn Italians 😂
Sun: Try and enjoy the Sun though I understand it's too much. In the mean time, I try and enjoy the rain and wind we have last days in Amsterdam 🎶
Rain is back from Monday here too :/
It was just the weekend we enjoyed nice weather, well it was sunny but windy. Monday - rainy and windy 😂
Eine Audi will come here and there 🎶🎶🎶
🎶 🌧️ ... ☀️
that's the perfect formula 🙃
I could feel what you felt while reading your post, yes I could perceive what you said in your performance and I won't look for the original because I don't need to. I think you played this piece in your style, I loved that, recognizing your faults and saying them makes you bigger than you already are. I could feel the rebelliousness that wants to come out of you, but a rebelliousness with a cause, the one that manifests itself progressively when we miss and long for something from the heart.
There is an implicit message in all this that tells you, bring to your present that which used to fill your life, or do that which for some reason you have postponed or simply, give yourself a rest in your own way...
Age makes you wise, it makes you carry in you a legacy that you must transmit, we can spend our whole life accepting that we are imperfect, and when we accept it we do not know how to react and I am not only saying this because of what you comment, those are our biggest dilemmas as humans...
Here writes someone opening his heart and soul, a noble being that is already giving us beautiful teachings of life, a being that even if Hive ends, we will all have you in our minds and hearts, you are beautiful with gray hair, with wrinkles, as you feel you look right now, there are no two mipiano in this world, what you do, what you think, what you write to us, the advice, the posts that make us guess and laugh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes you an incredible woman, that already in me transcended as those friendships that even if I spend this life and another I will never forget...
Although our physical body is borrowed, our mind is not, what makes us unique and unrepeatable is our heart and its connection with our essence... you are the best dear friend.... You Always Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, we love you 💖💖💖💖
This is the most beautiful post I have read so far on Hive and yes, for me you played beautiful and perfect... 🙌😀🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
I have read your beautiful comment when you wrote it and I was left without words. You know, it is not easy to receive such a comment like your one. Like this one! Starting from your last sentence that it is the most beautiful post you have read so far on hive 😱😇. And for your friendship and all !! Wow! Wait, I really still can not respond, but indeed I feel all the love that I am receiving from all of you! I know it and feel, but just have to accept it :)) And you all know that I am here as the same love I am giving away, I hope people can receive and feel it too! Well, many thank you-s would not be enough to express my gratitude to you. But yes, thank you so much!!! :)
Age - makes us wise, yes. Not that I am that toooooooo old ( ok, a little bit haha) but will be one day. It is better to be wise and young hahha, but I feel that option is not available if we could choose :)
And your first paragraph is a great resume and your great understanding, coming from your profession and human quality!! Being a great friend!
Sorry for this late reply, I indeed needed some days to come to some words. 😇🙏
Don't worry, I must apologize for being late too 🙃, let's just say... we're even hahahaha 😉; well, you deserve these words because you are a being of light that illuminates where you comment with your love and wisdom, I personally feel your affection, when you write and comment in short or long words, knowing you are there makes what we all feel for you, big, beautiful and sacred... 🙏💖
You are very cool and you know it 🔥🔥🔥🔥, You Rockkk 🙌😀🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
haha yes, we are even. Look, now I am late just one day, it is an improvement :))
I have to be honest and say, I am happy you see the light that illuminates 😇 It is an honour to receive such a compliment, that I btw sometimes don't know how to receive the compliments hahaha. We are learning, learning every day :)
Hahahaha don't worry, that's right every day has its learning... I send you a big hug, eternal thanks for being the way you are 🙌😀🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯
thank you, hug received and sent back 🤗
You have a beautiful heart. What you tell us here is part of life itself, things we can't escape from but we can face and even come out stronger. I have known those days up close, days when nothing wants to go right and no doubt it can be frustrating, but we have also seen them straighten out.
With my little or no knowledge of the piano I could not detect for sure those mistakes you mention in the execution of the piece, frankly I just focused on enjoying the music and the truth is I did, I enjoyed it very much.
Those imperfections you mention I don't see them anywhere, you are perfect 😉.
Coming from you two guys, a perfect comment from perfect duo to imperfect pianist trying to be perfect ;))
Jokes aside, it is life, isn't it? No remedy, no escape, but facing inconveniences and using them. I really like to think lately about transforming things. Bad ones into good ones. Or at least, trying to use the circumstances as a material to create and bring some other value out of it.
Ok, I exaggerated a bit about those mistakes (but I hear them 😂) just a few ones. It is not a problem when we play live music that will not be recorded. But recording a piece and uploading it, well, it is another story. I try to bring a perfect playing, as it stays forever.
Thank you for being awesome and being always around!! 🤗
You have said something key and super important, we must make the best of bad times, usually when things go well we let our guard down and we get used to the comfort of everything flowing smoothly, but that deep down can weaken us to contingencies and unforeseen events. Anyway, things of life. Have a nice day dear.
Yes, when everything goes just well, we are used to our comfort zone... but also true, the very bad thing makes us fall deep down. No real recipe and one manual on how to survive the not pleasant things. But not giving up , for sure :))
abrazos 🤗
I also had internet problems yesterday.
And peace is only in the wild forest, with the singing of birds :-)
there, and in our mind :)) but first, yes I should indeed go to some forest and experience that peace :)
How weird this internet thing. It was never ever an issue, and now three days it is happening. We stay without it for an hour or several hours and later everything is ok again.
Escuché esto hace unos cuantos días y olvidé completamente comentar, perdóname enormemente por esto, pero volví a recordarlo hoy debo admitirte que esto fue increíble.
Ludovico Einaudi es mi compositor favorito y jamás dejará de serlo, todas sus piezas transmiten una abrumadura cantidad de sentimientos que fueron los que me hicieron integrarme en el mundo del piano y comenzar a tocar por hobby, cosa que lastimosamente no he podido seguir haciendo hasta el día de hoy ya que me mudé de ciudad y aquí no tengo mi instrumento, pero aún recuerdo con amor y aprecio infinitamente todas las hermosas composiciones que llegué a tocar en mis épocas doradas, mi favorita de él es Nuvole Bianche, pero también hay otras como Experience, Fly o Una Mattina, las cuales considero una completa obra maestra.
Divenire es increíble y es la que considero más "frenética" en comparación a las que te mencioné anteriormente, cuando comencé a practicarla me ocurría frecuentemente ese error con el dedo meñique, siempre solía apretar 2 notas cuando tenía que hacer la octava completa y de verdad era una pesadilla porque siento que dañaba completamente la parte más importante de la pieza.
De verdad es increíble el trabajo que haces y me enamoré completamente de tu interpretación, te pediría que por favor interpretaras otras de ese mismo compositor o tal vez una más específicas como "It's Hard to say Goodbye" de Michael Ortega.
Increíble trabajo y lo admiro muchísimo.
Y yo vengo un poco tarde para responder. Me tomé un día más relajante, un poco menos estar por aquí.
No sabía que tú también tocabas el piano. Pero me alegro saberlo ahora, y que Ludovico es tu compositor favorito :))
Siiiiii, Nuvole bianche es hermosa, y Experience, y Una mattina, las toqué todas ( ya no me acuredo si he tocado alguna vez Fly...). Jajajaja, el meñique, entonces sabes la dificultad :D
Lo que me costaba más (a parte del trozo "troubles with the pinky" ) es el principio. Los saltos de la mano izquierda, de los bajos y luego suavemente tocar las semicorcheas....
He buscado ahora la pieza que dijiste, "It's Hard to say Goodbye" de Michael Ortega. Te tengo que confesar que es la primera vez que la escucho, es muy melancólica. Si la aprendo, te etiqueto :D
Espero puedas encontrar algún piano para tocar otra vez :)) 🎹
(D) re gre sa
Imperfections are needed to give things some spice, When learning something the imperfections helps us know what to focus our efforts.
I like a lot the Japanese philosophy of kintsugi basically it states that nothing is perfect, imperfections will occur, we may learn with them and it can bring value.
that said, the music clip you shared was beautiful, you are a great artist and I really enjoyed listening to it. with all its imperfections
Oh, I checked what is kintsugi, that is interesting!!
Yes, I completely agree, the imperfections are here to teach us. As you say we can try to improve seeing them and knowing where to focus. On the other hand, if we can not improve if we reached our limits even after trying to improve, we can learn another valuable lesson. The lesson of accepting things 😇
Thank you for your time, that you listened to my playing and left the comment. I appreciate your attention and your style of writing the comments :D 🥂😀
P.S. just saying there was no guessing game this Sunday, but a writing challenge anybody can jump in :D
You are completely right, and this is a hard lesson to learn.
Really glad you appreciate it! I also appreciate a lot your posts!
I'm in!
Yes :))
Thanks for sharing the link!!!
You are welcome :D
Sending love!
For your perfect Imperfections song too 🎶🎶🎶Thank you @todayslight :))
Thanks for supporting the author!
Thanks for supporting the author!
A few white hairs make you look good: give them the right weight! 😉
I enjoyed your performance, without going to listen to the original: BRAVA! 👏👏👏
Thanks for supporting the author!
Here you are 😊
You are indeed back ✌️
Yeah, I should be proud of them. I can't wait to look like Marta Argerich lol (and play like she)
Have faith and patience... 😘
...and it will come :D
Yes, beautiful Martha.
Soon, I am becoming she haha
Embracing imperfection has been so critical to me creating music! I couldn't agree more with the points you made! Shedding the requirement for perfection has allowed me to be so much more creative and write and create so much more that I was able to do before.
By the way... this sounds like a pretty perfect rendition to me! Wow, incredible performance!
Well, perfect rendition is because we all give the human touch when we perform, with or without mistakes. Better without, but anyway, in a piece by Ludovico even the errors that I make are charming hahah
Thanks for supporting the author!
If I didn't read what you wrote, I wouldn't know that what you played wasn't perfect, sounded amazing, and calming.
It's pretty normal to have an imperfect day, I had one last week where it felt like everything wasn't working, I took a deep breath and I felt better the next day.
I hope you feel better too.
Thanks for supporting the author!
Thank you.
Actually, I know it can help :) when we are stressed we dont breathe how we should. Just the shallow kind of taking the air doesn't help much.
So many times my physiotherapist said me how important is to breathe properly, for the body and the mind, and I always forget it.Thank you @khaleesii , so deep breathing and all is good? :D
I feel perfectly well now, haha, I was already very good while writing the post, the morning was the most challenging but I loved to use the situation to create something new out of it :) like playing this piece and writing this post :))
Deep breaths help a lot but most times we forget to do it, also, just taking time off.
I am glad you were better, I know how a bad day can spoil things.
Yes, I was better and sorry for this late reply :) Trying to respond now to comments from several days back lol 😅
It's alright 😊
thanks :))
You are welcome
Deep breaths help a lot but most times we forget to do it, also, just taking time off.
I am glad you were better, I know how a bad day can spoil things.
Very true, both the importance of breathing and taking time off. This second one is even more difficult for me. But we can learn things and start doing it :)
Exactly, sometimes we have to learn and unlearn certain habits.
Please rest, I wouldn't want you to have headaches again.
My headaches are not so related to rest/work, unfortunately. If yes, I would definitely think about the option not to work :))) ever 😅
Okay then, that's way better.
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best comes for the bests :D
I love Luvodico's pieces, a few years ago a friend introduced me to this piece, Divenire.
Big hug 🤗 It sounds great, don’t be to hard on yourself @mipiano 🥰
How great you know about Ludovico Einaudi and this piece Divenire !!! It's nice but it was a bit challenging. Well, maybe it would not be difficult, if I would have time to practice it more :))
I am not so hard on myself, just a little bit hahaha 😂
Thanks, he plays so powerful. This is a difficult piece to start with.
Yes, finding time to practice, I understand. The day doesn’t have enough hours… 😊
Aren’t we all 😋 (our greatest critics)
We probably are, indeed!
Yep…. Especially the creative ones 😎
The creative ones also have to know how to make from imperfection - perfection :D
Yes, and that can be hard 😉 again…it’s a little circle.
Good night @mipiano 👋🏻😴
What else can I say! It's Beautiful! Imperfect days are natural, its how you make them productive is what matters.
Thank you so much for the support and also supporting those who commented on my post 🙂
Yes, those days are so natural and I like to transform them into something better. It's the aim, not always I do it with success though :D
You are most welcome!
I gave up dyeing my hair, precisely because of these imperfections.
Wear them proudly, more to come!🍀
I have no idea if it played right or wrong, but you gave me goosebumps.
I have never dyed my hair and just can't imagine myself doing it (or the hairdresser) but anyway, I think I would like just to do that change instantly, like having my colour of the hair until xy years and then just change into white, all of them, at once hahahaha
Only if it would be possible 😂
I am so glad the music gave you goosebumps 🤩
Oh, I did it for years (was black), then suddenly I want out, so I had to make some sacrifice and do some serious cut (impatient sometimes).
The last time I went to the hairdresser she offered me to dye each hair as I was complaining a bit (eye roll).
Why don't you try Henna? It's natural, rich in minerals, and gives your hair some extra volume, the only disadvantage of it is longer process.
Hahahaha, dye each hair because you complained 🤣
One of the reasons I never dyed my hair is that I like the colour of it and I didn't want to damage it. Hena, I know it is natural and good, and I remember my mom used it. But still, I will stay for now with my natural look :D
Also, my vanity case is opened and used just rarely. Maybe a concert or some kind of special event, but usually not even for those occasions I use makeup. Especially when the use of mouth masks started, even for gigs I dont have to use makeup. I mean why bother with that hahaha, when we are ninjas and just eyes are visible :D
I couldnt resist beaming with a smile when I read this
I m glod you are accepting these thing, adapting to some and changing the once that can be changed.
I hope those disturbances are cleared soon those.
Now its me waiting for the internet to watch your video, speak of imperfections.
its just been rolling here.. or is that part of the ...lool
no, it is not part of any game hahaha. I am glad you finally could listen to it, I saw your other comment too :)
I had to switch over to my phone to listen to it at work.
It was beautiful really..
Music is your art, perfection is relative.
That is true, music is my art, or way of expression we could say, for all of us musicians. I have to repeat this: Perfection is relative!!!
I hope I can remember it always!! Perfection is relative, perfection is relative, perfection is rel.....
I am repeating 😂 my technique not to forget something :))))))
Hehehe hehehe.
You got me really laughing out here..
Repetition is mastery in music actually, all those rehearsals are worth it.
That's what you mean by your technique. It's my technique too.
I watched your left fingers closely and I was awed by the swiftness, I n my head I knew some repetitions must have gone in.
You are a super pianist @mipiano
I wonder how fast you type too..😅
Hahaha, typing, just measured the time of responding to comments.
A bit more than two hours to respond to 79 comments.
A lot of time still, although I think typing is fast, thinking is the slower part :)) hahah
Repetition 👍 😂
Yeah.. thinking get the much of the work.
2hours for 79 comments. Wow.. that's fast..
Leer lo que tienes que decir, acompañado del sonido de tu piano y la presentación de la fotografía me indican a mí que estoy en presencia de un gran artista. Un artista completo, muy diverso que en las imperfecciones de cada una de sus habilidades logra atrapar perfectamente a cualquier espectador, ya sea a través de la blockchain y estoy seguro que también en persona.
Más allá de eso, el simple hecho de que sea mujer, madre y músico, me indica a mí que como persona eres un ser perfecto. Esta sencilla imagen refleja lo que tienes en el alma, y lo que yo veo es luz. Estoy feliz de haber visitado esta publicación...
Que bueno eres Jesus! Visitarme aquí, en el rincón donde escribo mis cosas jejeje. Gran artista me lo dice, porque sabe reconocer. La foto, la saqué y he visto lo que he visto, el mundo casi se acabó :D
Pero justo por eso ha venido todo este texto, porque me di cuenta de la realidad. Sabes, yo no me siento tener mis años, pero el cuerpo no miente. Y me dije, es perfecto para mostrar la imperfección, a la que amo a la vez.
Gracias por ver la luz, espero de verdad saber reflejarla a los demás. Tú estás feliz de haber visitado esta publicación, y esto me ha hecho feliz a mí también. Gracias infinitas 😊
So beautiful! It really makes me smile to hear you play like this with imperfections as you say, to me it sounds really perfect, your attempts to improve whatever you should improve is what makes the song as simply magical as it sounds.
I really loved every minute of this video dear @mipiano, I loved your photography on the piano and your hands delicately touching the black and white keys.
Thank you for this beautiful gift you gave me today.
I am happy it made you smile :) Maybe that was the goal of this post. But, yes, the reality is reality :D
The attempts to improve are always here, and they should not go away. If we dont have success in that, well, we can accept and continue to be happy with ourselves. And our flaws.
You liked the photo? It was almost deleted but then I realized it is just perfect for showing how I am trying to hide from time. Unsuccessfully :D
Thank You for stopping by and receiving this gift 😇
Suena fantástico ! me encanta tu forma de tocar, suena bastante preciso. Increíble 👏👏
Bastante preciso, pues sí :D, pero ya sabes, lo que buscaba era la perfección jajajaja. No la conseguí, pero no imprtan algunos fallos. Lo que importa es que me divertí mucho escribiendo este post.
Gracias por escucharme @chuitocastle, guitarista de top nivel :)
No te había escuchado tocar y realmente me dejaste loquísimo jaja me encantó, no sabía que tenias tanto nivel para tocar arpegios sin dificultad. My respect's 🙏 y bueno ya sabes que uno siempre busca una toma donde todo salga perfecto 😅 la respiración es clave ahí
No subía mucho como toco últimamente. Antes sí, mucho más, en mi primer año aquí.
Ahora me gusta más la forma escrita, temas diversas y la interacción. Me hace feliz ir variando y conociendo gente. Lo que es maravilloso, y lo más valioso en mi opinión.
Ya, buscando la perfección pero hay que aceptar cuando no sale ( y sí, tengo la carrera de pianista jeje pero el tiempo es lo que me falta para practicar más)
Es cierto ! realmente ponerse en el habito de hacer música y grabar todos los días no es nada fácil. Hay YTber's que si lo hacen y los admiro pero hay que tener mucha disciplina pienso.
Por eso también es bueno variar como dices, intento probar otras cosas aunque me ha costado cambiar el nicho peeero ahí voy 😋.
Disciplina, tiempo y dedicación.
Como para todo.
Añadimos a la receta familia, trabajo, tareas de casa y algunas horas diarias en hive, nos queda... nada jajajaj.
Sí, he mirado ahora tu blog y veo que vas variando. Yo creo que es bueno que lo hagas así 👌
Nos queda naaada jajajaja que risa me ha dado leer eso 🤣 es tan real lo que acabas de decir que no veo falla en la lógica.
Eres grande, toda una artista. Mostrando tu música es escuchar tu alma en cada nota. ❤️
Me derretiré de tantas palabras hermosas! :) Y entonces como voy a tocar :D ?
Muchas gracias @jhoxiris por dedicar tu tiempo a escucharme y darme tu apoyo 😇
Hola amiga! Veo que tuviste un día duro con algunos contratiempos, sin embargo nos presentas un buen performance, que aunque dices que es imperfecto, me pareció maravilloso. Me encantaron las secuencias de la mano izquierda con tonos graves hacia el inicio de la pieza, también me gustó la energia que tiene la canción hacia el final.
Feliz día internacional de la mujer! Eres inigualable e irrepetible.
Rosana, me alegro mucho verte aquí. Siento no llegar siempre a todas las publicaciones, me siento mal no tener tiempo a comentar ahora a todos. Y sin embargo, tú sí que sacaste tiempo a verme a mi. Te lo agradezco mucho!
La energía del final me encanta también, la parte del principio costó mucho, llegar los saltos de las notas gaves, pero al final en el video esto ha salido bien.
Los días como este sirven para crear cosas nuevas y buenas, y sí, feliz día de la mujer a tí también. 🌼 Que detalle de acordarte 😇
¡Que belleza! Me transportó como a un viaje en una colina y a un lado la mar.
Pues aciertas todo, vivo al lado del mar y tenemos una colina :))
Gracias por apreciar mi publicación @digitalopus 🎶
Hmmm, it's really sad to know all this happened sequentially, thank God for the strength to go through them peacefully. And concerning get old🤗🤗 no one can actually run from it.
Yes, you are right, no person can run away from it :)
Well, those were just the circumstances, that should not affect us too much, but yes, sometimes we just feel overwhelmed by everything!
Thank you for stopping by.
Finally got to see it..
And it is are perfect beauty ..
And be rest assured your best is yet to come hehe.
And The end left me wanting more.. Hehe
The end is indeed left in the air :)
It is his style, Ludovico's ( ok, not in all pieces but in many of them) leaving the end without and end :)))
I am glad you could finally listen to it :)
Yeah. I read you say so..
You know like having the music play on in your head while the video had stopped. Lol.
Oh . Is it called 'left in the air'?
Yes, it is called left in the air... as almost your comment... sorry for these late replies, it is the weekend so I can dedicate more time to hive :)
Oh another one
Left in the air..
Falling can be really painful o.. but then we realise it's the music.
I felt something when the music stopped.Maybe it's the fall back to reality.
Sorry If I m adding the work of replying comments..
It's fun talking with you anytime.☺️
I see 😂😂
I started a new round of responding lol 😂
It was a very beautiful song, you play the piano very well👌
By the way, i also really enjoyed your emotional caption🙌🎼💯🎹
Glad to see you enjoyed both the music and post :)
Ludovico Einaudi's pieces are very loved among us pianists. We play a lot of his works, they are beautiful 🙂
You're welcome 🎼🙌🎹
It was a very beautiful song, you play the piano very well👌
By the way, i also really enjoyed your emotional caption🙌🎼💯🎹
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thanks for this 🎶 :)
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This time at my place in the afternoon,
I enjoy your piano playing with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in my hand while watching the sun set in my yard.
Feels so perfect today. 🤗🎶
I am so glad you listened to this piece and checked out my post. So nice of you!!Hey @galih.amenk
Hope the coffee was even better with the sounds coming from my piano :))☀️
What makes my coffee special is the sound of your piano. 😀👍☕👌
a special ingredient ;)
Your posts go beyond just pen on paper. They resonate, they impact, they improve, they encourage and they motivate!
Life seems like we are always on the run with barely no time to catch a breath but we have to, as a matter of fact, we need to.
The beauty isn’t really in the perfection (of which I could barely spot any flaws in your playing) but how your playing can perfectly resonate with the people listening and believe me, it was food to my soul.
I admire you for wanting to keep self-improving as there is no limit to being the best version of ourselves.
Sending you hugs and much love 💕💕💕
Wow, peaq, after a comment like this your one, I dont even need anything else :D
Love and hugs received 😇❤️
Every post should say something, maybe we dont always achieve it, but I am happy when I can bring something. To motivate and encourage the readers, but myself too.
All we write we could also say to ourselves and be better each time!
And yes, beauty is not perfection, and I am so so glad my playing reached you and the listeners 😇
Thank you for all your unfailing engagement, I am a bit late , had some days that didn't give me any time (oh, imperfection again hahhaha) 😅
Ayeeeeeeeeee 😊😉😉
It always does.
I close my eyes while listening to you play and it really impacts.
Believe me, I am worse!
I had a few days of lag because life just happens and I am starting to slowly get back into the groove of things especially with engaging on Hive.
So kindly pardon me please 😂😂😂
I am kindly pardoning you 😂🤗
actually I was not that active either from Monday evening, tried to slow down, and now making up for the backlog hahaha....
Life happens, that is normal, and it has to be the priority :) 😇
Thank you so much Gab ♥️
Truly, I was so tired from a long day but I wanted to engage a bit before going to bed.
Well, engaging with you is always a really nice unwinding feeling.
Thank you for being here 😊
I exactly know how after a long day it feels just to unwind a bit with hive 😇
and with hive-people :))
It's always a lovely feeling especially with my favourites on here 😊😊
Hi, wow you play piano so beatiful. You are a master. I play piano too. Regards from Peru
Hey there, thank you for stopping by.
Oh, I see you play chess too , not just the piano :)
Greetings to Peru :)) 😀