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RE: Time-travelling adventure to meet a new musical instrument!

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago

Hahahaha ... how nice! You found the time machine {LOL}
I believe I heard this hurdy-whatever before. May not be in real life but in some record, track. Donno anymore, but somehow the sound sounded familiar.

From your post, I read that it may take longer when going further back in time? <My experience is that it sometimes isn't adding up. I mean, I've jumped back for centuries but travelled in a split second. Maybe the time machine went through some kinda time accelerator? Something invoked in specific circumstances? Next time when it happens, I shall take notice of this and try and figure out the reason for such fast time travelling {UPSIDE DOWN SMILEY}

Uhm, what was the fun element of these walking street musicians? Sorry for asking, tried to find the 'fun' in the video. Maybe I missed it though {SAD-ish FACE}

Glad you NJOYed some street music! {WINK}


Hahaha, I will wait for that explanation from you if there is some speed accelerator thing or not, when your next time-travel adventure happens. It seems that you also found it (the time machine) 😂

In the performance of the walking street musicians, I "died" when they started to sing 😂 As I am not sure if the singers (for example from Hive) would consider it as singing at all. And the last one, who was almost a one-man band musician was interesting (funny in a positive meaning this time ;) )

{winking back} - you writing through {still no emojis}

hive blog and emojis didn't quite embrace each other. it's a bit of a one-sided thing. hive dot blog is somehow allowing emoji to appear, but isn't actively involved in appearing process 😉
street musicians: I guess when I was young I've seen the band-in-one type of street musicians more than once. in the street but also in that playhouse I lived in for years, the house that is referred to as boarding school. perhaps the reason why I was a bit flat on emotions when watching the vid 😉

Maybe you were forced to walk and carry that kind of a small orchestra on you? That was the moment you decided that you will not be a musician ;D

The only instrument that was kinda forced on me was the block flute. As far as I remember only once in music class. Not sure if this was early primary school or a bit later though. Anyways, just one time. I tried. And then I said: It's not my thing. Or something like that. Orrrr maybe I invented this event...don't know and can't tell 😆😆😆

I remember you mentioning that block flute thing when you were in school. I didn't like it either. But I had a melodica that my father brought me from somewhere (a business trip if I am not mistaken) so I preferred to take that to school instead of the block flute. ;)

Or something like that. Orrrr maybe I invented this event...don't know and can't tell 😆😆😆
