How to write this post and completely avoid the word time? It took me some time to think about that how nice would be not to mention that word, but it is not possible. Seems that lately, everything turns around that one, more precisely, the lack of that one. How else would happen that more than a month passed by the invitation from @edje to spread the vibes and still no answer from me? It is a challenge, that I accepted but still no response came from me in this edition.
If you are facing this challenge for the first time, here is a brief summary of what it is all about.
Short history.
Some time ago, the inventor of this challenge had the idea to share a piece of music and invite a few people to describe what impact that music had on them. To aim is to give your personal opinion upon the music that was shared with you, and make your own music selection. Then do the same, invite others to react to it, to spread music, story, emotions, thoughts, ideas, vibes. I remember, that I was very quick in responding for the first time. I made my response when I was invited in less than 24 hours.... Then the next one I was invited happened to come in two daysawesomecheerfuljumped in to save the thread and he invited others to do the same. Successfully. That went well until the vibes fell asleep a little. Not accepting the unfortunate faith of challenge not challenge - spread the vibes, I tried to wake them by responding to a postspread
However, the day came, maybe it is still not perfect, but the intention is to share the vibes, feelings and love through music and not just perfectly played notes.. Also, the people I invited in the first edition were willing to make their responses pretty quickly, like @andrewmusic with his guitar playing, and @bertrayo sharing some music. Edje received some nice responses too. To the second edition @stortebeker was who by @nickyhavey and it happened. Dear @holisticmom accepted to them and her invites made great ones. @edje accepted too with his, in my opinion, masterpiece. And then nada. I failed to respond earlier, as I set a too high goal. I wanted to respond by playing a piece that turned out to be more difficult to learn than I thought. I studied and studied, other things also made their way to shake my daily schedule, so there were times I practised after midnight for a concert and this piece you are going to listen to in this post. Poor neighbours and my family.
First step, responding to the invitation I got!
If you are asking, what now, how to spread the vibes? First, respond to the music that was shared with you. I am responding to the track Bionic Sad, by Ricardo Villalobos. I was sure that I will be given some track made by this Chile guy, so I was preparing before that post came to the blockchain. I was listening to his album Empirical House, almost every day just a short part, to get used to the sound. One night when I had one of my migraine attacks, I listened in the dark to the track Sub Pad, and it made me feel very strange, I didn't know if that falling into a black hole effect came because of my pain or music. From the track Widodo, the bass line was that attracted my attention so it could be heard coming out from my piano. But, the reality was different, Edje shared a completely new track in his post. Bionic Sad.
The word sad is catchy here, I listened until now at least between five and ten times to the whole 45 min track, and I do feel some sadness in the synthetic string tune but even then, positive excitement is coming out from the whole thing. The sound effects he uses here are so unpredictable but that steady female voice that constantly repeats bionic sad is getting into your head and you repeat it with her in perfect time. Not just your mind reproduces that voice, but your heart is responding with an accelerated heartbeat rate to appearing and disappearing sounds. The steady rhythm layer (I am not sure how to call it, not a usual percussion part...) is evoking some not human presence. Extraterrestrial language and mode of expression perhaps? @edje, you bridged in your post from Ludovico Einaudi's Experience to minimal alien techno in form of Ricardo's Bionic Sad. Would you be surprised if I boomerang it back to classical?
My music selection.
The music I will bring here is classical indeed, but a more contemporary one. Vasilije Mokranjac, I am sure you have never heard of him before, but I can be wrong. He dedicated his opus to instrumental music, in neoclassical and moderate modern style. Maybe you already listened to his virtuosic piano music, as you always try to search for hidden music gems. Bionic Sad as the trigger brings as a response this Etude no 4 from the composer, who took his own life in 1984. The piece I play here is characterised as painful and in some parts with bitonal harmony. I would not comment about the difficulty, the fact I needed so much time to get it into shape speaks for itself. And I would like to hear others make their reaction to it, so nothing more will be said.
Exciting part: Inviting people to follow up!
There is no pre-determined number of how many participants you can invite. Here I will invite more people than I used to do in the earlier editions. Reason? Check it out here:
@nataliaeline: You are one of the new gems I met in Hive Open Mic, and as we share the same instrument, I would be glad if you could make your contribution to the Spread The Vibes challenge with your beautiful voice and piano playing!
@josueelinfame: Also a new legend in Open Mic, top engager and so natural to have with you some chit-chat on posts! Bring your sweet voice and spread some vibes.
@mae1510: Our sparkling girl, Mae! All we need is love and those sparkling vibes you bring in each post and comments. If you are willing, spread some of them in this challenge not challenge too!
@bil.prag: Photography and music, both can be a passion of some people. You are one of them, so I am interested if Vasilije Mokranjac can spread some vibes towards you. Feel free to follow up this game :)
@beesparkle: I don't know you well, but maybe it is the time to change it? I am sure this musical piece I play here can connect with you in some way. At least I hope.
@edje: You will be always invited by me, any time I make a new edition (oops, if anyone invites me in the future lol). So what do you think, was it a good choice this Etude by Vasilije Mokranjac? Not so minimalistic, but I think it has some elements you can like.
No time limitation to make you response, if you feel the call. However, try not to take my example and let time win :)
To take part in this challenge, respond to this post or any other from before if you like more than this one with your personal reaction. Link the post you are responding to, and would be good to share the very first one as there are the {rules} - sorry, guidelines how to take part :)
Have a lot of fun!!!If you follow up, leave the link to your published post in the comment section of this post. Use the tags #spreadthevibes and #music . You can post in any community, but would be cool to see the growth of this this small writing corner :)
▶️ 3Speak
WOW! I think you've gotten the essence of Techno. Describing the experiences you've gotten with these words: "The steady rhythm layer ... is evoking some not human presence. Extraterrestrial language and mode of expression perhaps?", tells me the music did something to you that is beyond just listening to some music. Together with the black hole effect you've gotten from the other track, I know the music is playing with your mind. In a nutshell, that's what Techno is, in my honest opinion. Music with the ability to play with the mind. For everyone, this is something else. For me, it is the mind travelling through abstract worlds. Visualising the music. And by becoming one with the music, it gives me the best 'meditation' like results. Am still wondering if many people listening to Techno, have these experiences. I don't seem to resonate with much of the electronic music and techno fans when talking about my experiences, hence I suspect not too many 'ravers' are getting this part of the 'rave' experience. I suppose the mass are just casual listeners. All good, but then they miss out on something truly great :)
Love the Vasilije Mokranjac piece! Surely you don't have to talk about how difficult to play this piece is. As a piano outsider, to me, the super-fast repeating keystrokes that move over the keys from left to right is in itself already mindboggling. Needless to say that I assume all sort of other and higher difficulty levels above this for the pianist itself.
Great you invited so many users! Looking forward to their responses. Now, I have to make a deal with Time so I can respond to your invite. Thanks for looping it back! :) Now I have the challenge to come up with a super interesting track again. Obviously, challenged accepted, liked, loved and more :)
Teaching thing worked, as you remember what was the summary last time IFTTT: invite, finca, time, teaching, techno :D
The second word is failing a bit now 🤣 , the third can be somehow cheated, teaching and techno are staying as essence! And classical is not giving up either ✨
I know how good techno music affects you and my additional idea with post was actually an abstract drawing of mind traveling and holes, and shapes, and tunels, and free flow and everything I got through from your last post. The person I wanted to make me that drawing for you had a lot of exams and now my response is coming just with that Danube river photo as it connects to the origin of the composer Mokranjac. You probably would loved to hear some Einaudi or Glass here, but life is not easy hahaha, so take this, more challenging to bridge back 🙃
As I see you accepted the challenge, and hopefully other invites too 😇
Please, make a good deal with time 😁
Soon I would like to learn and see one step more from your music 🎶🎶 💚
Well... Let's add Classical to IFTTT.
Since the website is ... the C becomes Classical.
There you are. Classical is now part of the essence ;)
The photo is perfect for the composition. It shows the beauty and peacefulness of the music, whilst the ripples in the water at the right bottom side, reflect the complexity of it.
Am playing around with a few ideas. I think I should continue with lengthy recordings. Likely not gonna be a single track. Or? ... don't know yet. Maybe time and soon have ideas? Let them know I'm looking for them when you see them, will you? I'll start my hunt for them quickly!
I don't know, but if you accept a little help from me, just have in mind two things: first or course what this piano piece transmit. Like ticking of a clock, tick, tock, tick tock... filled with even smaller notes, life things... or calmness disturbed with a bit of dissonant drama in some parts and crazy happiness in the end {hey I was not supposed to reveal these details} so matching those elements or whatever else you heard, with a track you like and know well... and secondly think about those you want to invite, what could be a trigger for them, and to what could the invited users respond to :)
Good-ish nigh, I will send you those guys time and soon :)
HaHaHaHaHa {LOL} and more of that...
Will follow your advice... I'll add the wish for someone I know who seems to be very active in the HIVE (wait , what? yea HIVE) community who likes to be tought about something. That I'll take into account as well :)
Isn't it just a legend, that those people exist? :D
Looking forward seeing your musical choice and the reaction of your mysterious invites 🦄
🎶 🙇
Blessings to you @mipiano for keeping the vibe of good music accross hive alive. I love this challenge-not-challenge and I think it should be a weekly fixture in one of the music communities.
I look forward to seeing what @nataliaeline, @mae1510, @bil.prag And @edje share.
Much love and hugs to you dear sister 💚🤗💚🤗🎵🎶🎼🎤🎧🎹
Thanks as well... When Time grants me some space, I shall be able to give some form of response in less than... Ah well, let us not make any promises other than that I will respond to the invite by MiPiano :) Looking fwd to your contribution as well!
Roger that, sir Edje!!😁
No time promises this time either, maybe the soon word can work again, as it worked perfectly last time too 😇
What about 'soon-ish' {LOL}
I just realise this: I'm pretty sure more than some people around the world are killing time! Can't they give it to me, rather than killing it?
Life is so unfair, right? 🤣
Unfair-ish... :D
hahahahaha it's not that bad ... bad-ish :)
We are trying all to not let it go to sleep again :)
I like your idea, though, it was not meant not be tied to any time frame or how frequently a spread the vibes post should be done. It has to be free, spontaneous thingy, so the one who is waiting for the response can be surprised and feel the response with more intensity 🥰
I loved your response last time and how greatly you achieved to spread it :) I wanted to invite here new people but if you feel the urge to write/play/sing something as a response to this post, I would be happy seeing your contribution again 🧚
Abrazos igualmente hermana sabia 🤗💚
ooh I may have to write something soon then. I forgot to say that the song feelings were very strong, but I will save the rest for a post now 💚🙏🤗✨
Owwwww, VAMOS!!! Do I read here : Challenge accepted?? Cool 😍😍😍
Yes challenge accepted. 💚 abrazos querida hermana 🤗🤗😍
Bionic Sad with you interpretation of this impactful Etude, which by the way has a strong effect from the beginning and does not stop impacting until the end. Your interpretation is just stunnishing, you let mesmerized with it 😱 I want also to find the time to respond to your invitation, I will find the time, because this is so fun! (Seems like we need more hours in the day to practice more piano and keep posting on hive and all the other things we enjoy doing 😂 but we are strong and we find the way💪) thank you thank you!💕🎶Oh @mipiano thank you so much for inviting me to participate on this challenge I didn't know about before. It's great to discover this kind of awesome creative activities on the platform and more if they have to do with sharing music 🎵 I loved the way you connected the techno song
Yay, that is the attitude!!
Actually this challenge is not so old, it was launched in February and we had some fun around it, two or three editions until now. It was left a bit to rest as we are all struggling a bit with time but the enthusiasm is here 🥰
So I met many of you, young and full of energy, and I wanted to invite some more people I met recently, but hey, I hope I will write again one day a new round of spread the vibes post so I could invite those I still have in my mind :)))
I am happy for your positive reaction and really looking forward to your response :) I am sure you will make time, the important is to have fun and to do your post if you feel the vibe from the invitation. That is the magical ingredient ✨✨
time in the whole post, but I that would require a lot of it to get going. It's better this way.What a great post sharing the ideas behind the #challenge. I think it is possible to avoid the word
Ok, let's make a deal 😇, you write a post on topic lack of time but don't use that word... and I, well I can try to play some music from an anime, like you played in your open mic entry. Is it a good deal? You are good in writing, and I will try my best to make that step into unknown field of anime music . I really have no idea about that kind of music, so, khm, I am not sure anymore... But, trato hecho? 🙏
Ha, ha, ha. Don't go overboard with anime music. I haven't touched that topic yet and it's very complex in its own accord. You can try videogame music which is somehow similar to classic in complexion and it was the sample I used. It will sound amazing because a lot of it is composed for piano. About the idea of lacking time, I can make a prose poem about it and not use the word time- Sounds cool.
Hmm, let us think
and shape the thing..
It can be a collaboration, I play and you provide the prose-poem?
It can be a collaboration, I play and you provide the prose-poem?
Let me, make this thing
"Let us think
and shape the thing...
It can be collab,
Playing I do
prosy-thing, your due"
Sounds even more challenging to find common ground for this collaboration. I don't think there's a lot to find the idea of lack of time. The game Majora's Mask could work, but I'm nor sure about the piece. Maybe something from Chrono Trigger.
Oops, should I pretend now that I know some of those two? Well, mmmm, wait, I have to check what are those names you wrote here 👀
Ok, I see that Chrono Trigger something can work for me... Is it ok for your @bertrayo to write around that?
I have practised already the song, so I will not need much more time, have to polish some passages and the last page is a bit tricky, but will be ok in some days 🎶🎶Buenos días @bertrayo , have you started to write it? ;D
Thank you very much for considering me, of course I will join this invitation. You are definitely so talented, this song conveys a lot. I'm fascinated with your way of toning and spreading the vibes
Great great and great, ow @josueelinfame , can't wait to hear your response. Take your time :D , browse a bit in the other posts and make it awesome as you will do do, I am sure!!
Nice piece 🤗
Thank you :)
Do you want to get involved? Do you want to support music and this project? Follow us to keep you updated and read our Introduction post!
Oh, I see that I didn't write well the username of Mae 🤦🏻♀️ To avoid the editing as it can bother the already mentioned ones, I am going to make it as a comment: @mae1501 , sorry I wrote wrong the numbers in your username so you couldn't get the notification before 😔
You are invited in this post to spread the vibes 🥰🎶🎶🎶
Woow! that's speed @mipiano! I have a keyboard in a closet, but I don't really know how to play, sometimes I use it for the bassline. You are very talented, I enjoy a lot your playing. 'mejor tarde que nunca' no olvido la lluvia jajaj. Feliz noche
Haha, Speedy Gonzales 🤣
Dont worry for the rain drawing, if you publish it, let me know to take a look.
And, if you like the idea behind this spread to vibes challenge, go ahead, and surprise us with a response :) Buenos días 🌞
yeah (; I would like that
Great!! Looking forward to your contribution too 😍
Hola querida @mipiano! Aquí por fin te comparto mi respuesta, (requete editado el post jeje). Ayer lo terminé muy muy tarde pero por fin pude participar y fue muy divertido!
After seven days, mipiano is responding here 😅 Sorry for this delay.
Your post was a perfection, thank you so much for your contribution 🤗
I hope the users you have invited @alexandraflwads and @emmilee will not be shy and will participate :)
Also, I will use the opportunity to remind my invited ones :D that no time pressure, would be great to read and listen to a spread the vibes post... @edje... @josueelinfame... @mae1510... @holisticmom... @ricardomello ... and everyone who is queued to write it!
And @bil.prag and @beesparkle, there is a real danger that I can come in person to ask for the response :))
Was this a little bit spamish message? 🤔
In September I will remind you all once again :D
Hello @mipiano! Count on me for spread the vibes 🌏 🎸 🎧 Greetings!
Looking forward 😌
Hello again @mipiano! It's great to know about you even though you're on vacation hehe aww than you so much! I'm very happy that you enjoyed my participation😊 I hope the girls @alexandraflwads and @emmilee are encouraged to participate too and hope to see more future spread the vibes posts from all your invited ones✨ no pressure haha hugs for you! 🤗
Hugs going your way too 🤗