The game Majora's Mask could work, but I'm nor sure about the piece. Maybe something from Chrono Trigger.
Oops, should I pretend now that I know some of those two? Well, mmmm, wait, I have to check what are those names you wrote here 👀
Ok, I see that Chrono Trigger something can work for me... Is it ok for your @bertrayo to write around that?
I have practised already the song, so I will not need much more time, have to polish some passages and the last page is a bit tricky, but will be ok in some days 🎶🎶Buenos días @bertrayo , have you started to write it? ;D
I haven't done some direct writing exercises but just the mental part of it. I might get some drafts during the day and then tell when I'm ready.
Perfect, I will have more time tomorrow, so will try to get in final shape my music part 🎶 ☺️
Great! I'll get my writing in order for it 😄