OMG, one hour waiting on the border? But that's crazy...
It is just because of brexit or it was like this earlier too?
Wow, your hair adventure is outstanding. So you are blond but colouring your hair to dark? And then wearing it long long long and just suddenly cut it off that much 😱 and change the colour 😱
Yeah, I know, more silver hair we will have :))
I have never dyed my hair, it is my natural colour, but I am noting the new silver coloured hairs, they are appearing now pretty quickly hahahaha
But I think, I will still leave it as it is.
Though, I think I would like that change to happen just at once, one day my normal colour and the next day it can be all white (but it will be grey, not white...)
Yes, it was crazy in the border. Sometimes it was like that before but than something happened. They either founds things that shouldn’t be in a car or a few planes landed so they had a backlog, as you do cross the runway just after the border crossing.
Now it is all brexit related. They need to stamp a lot of people now crossing as England isn’t EU anymore.
So it all adds to the line of people crossing. Than the customs section has to check more cars for things they can’t take across anymore. New rules on that too. People went into Gub to buy cheaper things and things they couldn’t get in Spain. Now half of those aren’t allowed anymore to come into the EU.
A well… rules change.
Yep, had some crazy hair adventures… hahaha think I had any colour possible in my younger years lol even blue, and braids and dreads hahaha 🤣
Yep… that would be perfect, turning it all into grey at once. I would go for that too.
I will never cut it like those old ladies do when they get grey and suddenly it needs to be short like old little grannies… nope that’s not me. I want longgggg grey hair. Like a wise old woman. Yep that’s me 💃🏻🥰
Have a great day!