Will it shine in the same way tomorrow?

That small, little spark that we all need to get moved and create a new thing out of a few words... Exactly that is what I needed, to realize that no two days are the same. The sun doesn't shine in the same way day after day. Maybe it seems always the same, the daily routine, tasks that make us think we live in a cage. Like in a hamster wheel, every day you have to get up and go to work (ok, just those who have to go indeed) and do daily chores. Always the same sun? Just a consequence of this tiny planet rotating around its axis? Our actions and circumstances are always the same?

So far, my week is showing the opposite... While the first morning of the week gifted me with this ambience...


...the very next morning was not coloured in those blue shades and tranquillity. There were some black and white wooden keys, that were magical. You choose a key, press it, and it consequently moves a mechanism with a hammer at the end, which hits a cord. That cord, hit by the hammer vibrates and produces a sound that we perceive with our hearing. In our mind it is converted into music and adding a bit of imagination, we can see different scenes and feel the beauty. Pure magic, indeed!


But there is a long road until you can successfully cast these musical spells on people. You have to practice and develop some techniques to express yourself. Practising your skill always has to go side by side with the development of your imagination. The word technique comes from the Greek word "techne" which means art. Any perfection of technique is the perfection of art itself. It helps to express the content and your musical thought. So, musicians practise in order to develop the technique that is the road to express the musical message and then all those activities of pressing the keys (and those the hammers and cords) make more sense. A musician becomes a magician.

To be honest, other professions bring some magic too. I was searching for a hairdresser on Wednesday to magically shape the thing that grows on my head. I will not bring the whole story again, but the link to that post proves that the day was again - different. The sun was there, yes, but it brought other adventures. Migraine session included. Gratis.

Thursday's sun at the first glance seemed that would whisper the same migraine tune. The whisper became louder and I had to fight with stronger weapons and motivation to overcome the noise. In the meantime the hair was cut also, food was brought, and the concert hall was prepared for an event. This time, not me playing, but I was treated as if it was me on the scene.


The day could already finished with that and I could say that I had again a completely different day, out of that hamster wheel mentioned in the beginning. The good and calm daily routine that would bring me home, but... It was not the end of the journey.

Go home, change clothes, supply yourself with energy, and wait for a few red lights on the road while you really don't want to be late.

Make it just on time, before the young musicians start to play Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi.

Listen and relax.


Pick up behind the scenes a certain musician.

Go home and finally say that it's the end of the day.


What new will bring Miss Tomorrow? I already know a few things that will include two concerts, but the rest still depends on the sun. Will it shine in the same way?



You choose a key, press it and, consequently, it moves a mechanism with a hammer at the end, which strikes a string. That string, struck by the hammer, vibrates and produces a sound that we perceive with our ear. In our mind it becomes music and by adding a little imagination, we can see different scenes and feel the beauty. Pure magic, indeed!

This explanation of the process and movements at the level of the emission and reception of music in the minds I loved it :D. One of the things that adds genius to the experience of listening to music is imagination. 😃

I'm glad that you can perceive the differential variation in your days. I what I believe is that days are not the same when we adjust our perception, whether days are different is up to us, though I believe equally they are never the same. 🤔

Since I'm male, I don't feel so identified with the hair thing ( I read the other story). I don't know why you think someone has to do magic with your hair if you have it so wonderful 🤩 (sorry for the boldness, it's a healthy compliment hahahaha) I wish I had hair like the women who complain about theirs 🤣⭐.

hahaha, you already have hair that others would like to have ( oops, you had, as you cut it 😅 )

The days maybe can be the same, or not, it is the same until we can make them different with our thoughts, and actions. And yes, perception :D

Yay, I am glad you liked that explanation. Though there are still things that can be added to this whole process. 🌟

You have to practice and develop some techniques to express yourself. Practising your skill always has to go side by side with the development of your imagination

As the word says practice makes perfection, through practice some impossible technique which have been heard can be put to work and it make development faster. A great keypoint from my mentor 🙇

Practice makes perfection, or just approaching that perfection :D
I think we never reach it, we just train ourselves to be better versions of ourselves, but for sure, we need those skills to be on the level to express freely what we want to say.

I already know a few things that will include two concerts, but the rest still depends on the sun. Will it shine in the same way?

Please let her dim and let the music be fed by drizzle and a cool breeze. The heat of the sun is scorching my brain.

Well, the sun decided yesterday to heat up even more... and in the hall where we had the two concerts, the air-con broke... 😑😑

No!!! Seriously well clearly you survived but still. I still need to have the airco finalized in this apartment it´s pre-installed...but this heat can really mess up your mind. How did it go?

It was excellent on the musical side, the students did amazingly well. But the fours hours of that heat, killed me 😂

Good luck with setting up the air conditioner in your apartment - as soon as possible!!
You will need it haha 😁

Great and the fact you´re still typing means you have risen from the dead so in the end all good. Enjoy the weekend...as much as possible, should be less warm as of tomorrow!!!

the fact you´re still typing means you have risen from the dead

Maybe I brought my laptop to the other side 😂😂😂

So Now I have not only spoken with an Alien, but also with the just dead....hmm I like weird, but sometimes I really wonder if I am still mentally in order ;=)

Well said Mipiano, everyday is different in some ways.
No two days are the same.
Not really thought about it like that before, but now that you've pointed it to us, I think I can see it now.
The sun shines in a different way everyday,Wow.

Oh and by the way, never seen a picture of you before. You really look pretty in that dress.😊😊❤

Hehe, thanks @benii, the dress is very cute btw, here it can not be seen well.

The days are pretty different, it was so busy yesterday, hence my response just now to your comment 😌

😊😊😊😊😊😊Hehe, thanks @benii, the dress is very cute btw, here it can not be seen well.

, it was so busy yesterday, hence my response just now to your comment

I thought as much.

You do a whole lot of reading all these posts and commenting as well......

Blessings and Love ❤️

You are so right… a spark is all we need to get inspired 🤩 and that can be in sooooo many ways.
Every day is different!
Enjoy your students concerts today 😎 proud teacher!
Happy Friday 👋🏻☀️

Indeedy :)

So many different ways of inspiration, if we allow them to come to us.

It was good, the students played so well. However the air conditioner broke in the hall we had the concerts, there were around 30 students in each concert + around 80 people in the audience. Don't even try to imagine the heat we went through. I came home and was so so tired, I fell asleep very early and didn't have the energy for anything.

O nooo so sorry to hear… that must have been horrible with this heat and the air conditioner broken. O my…
I can imagine you were tired from that, more like exhausted.
Hope you are catching up today a bit. 😁🤗

Good to hear it was good. Did you cut your hair in the end? ☺️

I am just back from a day out to Gibraltar. We had to drop off some work things at the office.
So catching up late… and so many notifications hahaha…Enjoy your evening @mipiano 👋🏻

I am again learning some facts from the past hahahh

So, how was it in Gibraltar? Ow, you too catching up... well, me too right now

Would need a whole day to do that 😅

The air conditioner and concerts - well, we survived, it seemed, but was indeed that exhausting.

And yes, the hair is considerably shorter now 😱😇😆

Hahaha sometimes it is fun to time travel 😁😎🤩💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

It was great, to hot and we had a long row of cars to get over the border, going in it took us almost 1 hour. Pppfff so not funny. The fault of brexit.

I can imagine, sometimes it takes me sooo long, than I still want to post myself and it is getting late and hubby come home lol

That’s good to hear you got the hair cut shorter @mipiano

I did that once, imagine I could sit on it that long it was… and I coloured it always black… or a very dark brown, sometimes with a red or purple shine. Than a couple of years ago… September 2018 I believe I cut it off… all the way to just under my ears 😳😳😳 and coloured it white blond. (I am blond btw)
All my adult life I had dark hair and longggg
Everybody liked it so much..l but I just couldn’t get used to it. Seeing myself in the mirror looking back with short hair. So I started growing it again. Now it is longgg again yay 🥰🥰 me happy hahaha 🤣
But thinking about the colour though. As we are getting older. I only have a washing on it now, to keep it healthier. So it can be washed out the dark colour. But more white is coming…
,abbé I share that adventure one day… my different hairstyles lol

OMG, one hour waiting on the border? But that's crazy...

It is just because of brexit or it was like this earlier too?

Wow, your hair adventure is outstanding. So you are blond but colouring your hair to dark? And then wearing it long long long and just suddenly cut it off that much 😱 and change the colour 😱


Yeah, I know, more silver hair we will have :))
I have never dyed my hair, it is my natural colour, but I am noting the new silver coloured hairs, they are appearing now pretty quickly hahahaha

But I think, I will still leave it as it is.

Though, I think I would like that change to happen just at once, one day my normal colour and the next day it can be all white (but it will be grey, not white...)

Yes, it was crazy in the border. Sometimes it was like that before but than something happened. They either founds things that shouldn’t be in a car or a few planes landed so they had a backlog, as you do cross the runway just after the border crossing.
Now it is all brexit related. They need to stamp a lot of people now crossing as England isn’t EU anymore.
So it all adds to the line of people crossing. Than the customs section has to check more cars for things they can’t take across anymore. New rules on that too. People went into Gub to buy cheaper things and things they couldn’t get in Spain. Now half of those aren’t allowed anymore to come into the EU.
A well… rules change.

Yep, had some crazy hair adventures… hahaha think I had any colour possible in my younger years lol even blue, and braids and dreads hahaha 🤣

Yep… that would be perfect, turning it all into grey at once. I would go for that too.
I will never cut it like those old ladies do when they get grey and suddenly it needs to be short like old little grannies… nope that’s not me. I want longgggg grey hair. Like a wise old woman. Yep that’s me 💃🏻🥰
Have a great day!

The sun never really shine the same way everyday. It gives light to everything tho. But what determines it's reach is the movement of the earth.

Migraine session included.

You had migraine?

You had migraine?


That's the topic that will come one day to med-hive. One day, we still don't know when :))

Your story is amazing it's really inspire me a lot. The sun is giving us new hope for the other days gonna comes.

Thanks. Sun can be annoying too, haha, when too much, but without it no life at all... It indeed gives hope for every new day we have.

Everyone have uses, for sort everything has advantages and disadvantages.

I must tell you with all respect and affection, that the photo where you are with the bouquet of flowers is beautiful, you look very pretty 💖!!!!

This post is very cool, you relate one more day of your life in detail, I must confess that I laughed a lot with this hahahahaha 👉 to be honest, other professions bring some magic too. I was searching for a hairdresser on Wednesday to magically shape the thing that grows on my head and I had to visit your other post 😁.

I remember that my dad taught me a basic and simple definition of what music is: "series of sounds that are pleasant to the ear and that form a melody"... I still handle that concept as something elementary and certainly what we do with our instruments is something magical, you especially do alchemy with the piano!!!!

Technique is undoubtedly what seduces the listener the most; we must learn how to merge techniques and demonstrate their mastery not only in speed or stillness but when interpreting, this implies that when we play we also express bodily how we own the technique to make more impression, this is what we would call staging.

Music is magic and how beautiful it is to breathe it every day as you do, I would also take you flowers even if you do not have to perform on stage because you are a professional worthy of admiration!

My dearest @mipiano You Classically Rockkkkkkk!!!! 🙏😊🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

You have to practice and develop some techniques to express yourself. Practising your skill always has to go side by side with the development of your imagination.

This is indeed true, Even before I started drumming, I would always sit close to the drums and watched in awe as they played. My imaginations began to fly and I was already creating Wonderful beats in my mind. Although I had'nt even played the drums yet, I was already a pro in my heart.
When I finally started playing the drums I couldn't fully Express all my imaginations on the drums, it took time and practice before I was able to master the skills and techniques and before I could express and translate my imaginations on the drum set.

Indeed Whatever we play is howfar we can imagine.

Thanks for sharing

Entonces, los músicos practican para desarrollar la técnica que es el camino para expresar el mensaje musical y entonces todas esas actividades de presionar las teclas (y las de los martillos y las cuerdas) cobran más sentido. Un músico se convierte en mago.

Eso es lo que tú eres para mí.

El viento... el viento me gusta si no es un viento que duele y si huele a sal, a olas, también. Y la mañana me gusta con una buena compañía y un café. Para escribir prefiero la madrugada, para cosas creativas ya sea sola o en compañía... prefiero la madrugada y entonces luego duermo un poco hasta media mañana.

El Invierno de Vivaldi es muy lindo 💙 Si se siente frío, se puede pensar en un abrazo... o mantas y té :D

¿Algo más? No sé si se me queda algo. No me abría peakd y llevo horas intentando llegar aquí.

después de seis días y cosas por allí vengo a responder a tu bonito comentario... perece que los músicos a veces toman caminos distintos, olvidan de ser mágos.

te gusta un viento bueno, lo describiste de arte, como nanixxx lo sabe hacer!! 💙