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RE: the Story of 'Laux' and 'Upside Down' mix

in Q Inspired-by-Music β€’ 3 years ago

Lets go for TL;DR again, at least I try πŸ™ƒ

A good and successful result of that trying we see here!!! πŸ™Œ

1 - was more just a funny question as you said you dont remember how have you got to him, but yes, I asked when so answering the question is spot on!

2 - ok, good, I thought it could be the case.

3 - Thanks for clarifying all the parts of this number, so much to put into my head, but so obvious things actually.

4 - oh so it was the confusion created just by the creator of the playlist :)

5 - I know you named me there but wanted just to be sure I could respond or not :) and yes, the combining thing started, and taking away rules! not all of them, but let's remodel it when it is needed and in a way that fits different moments or posts.

Thank you {searching} πŸ™‡

You are welcome :)

{searching} - 🀣

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need them indeed πŸ˜‚

then double πŸ‘“πŸ‘“
