It is true that you have traveled in time, the evidence is the face and expressions of that man (there are two people in it, a young man and an old man, as you could observe)
Seeing him, I was impressed, and his image keeps coming to my mind. And what is behind it (the spinning wheel, la rueca o hilar, en español)... where were you, in a fairy tale? The girl pricked her finger there, she became the sleeping beauty and the medieval musician was the valiant prince with his zanfoña playing for her, to wake her up. For a moment, I thought of your previous post (the frog). Maybe that frog in the previous post was just asleep too, in the trance of becoming this prince, that girl maybe kissed the frog there, and as she was one of those hallucinogenic ones, the girl fell here, on the spinning wheel... and the music of the hurdy-gurdy (me gusta más zanfoña).... ¿o será al revés? It's confusing. This post needed at its end that of don't worry, (be) confused. hahaha...
(ya llegué con mis locuras, lo sé 😆 Un abrazo mipiano, muy bonito viaje al pasado nos regalaste)
- (you know + version 2)
Ow, this is a cool addition to the story. Yeah, the spinning wheel was there, could be true that someone fell asleep (hahaha, let's bring over here the Sleeping Buddha too 😂)
Now when you say, and after reading your story comment, this post definitely needed the don't worry, be confused footer. 😂😂 But, it would need an edit then {tienes hives?} - solo broma!!! No lo voy a editar 😋
😂 ay... (morí)
Me están llegando muchos hives, no sé qué pasa... Algo debo estar haciendo bien, pero definitivamente si sigues en las ediciones los voy a perder todos.
De momento no los vas a perder, creo que ayer no edité ningún comentario. Creo.
Pero como acabo de despertarme 😴 ya nada es garantizado 🤣
Pero qué tú haces despierta??? No te deja dormir el hecho de que sabes que estoy terminando mi próximo post??? Es alucinante... O alucinógeno... No sé. Jajaja...
alarma + hijo = mamá taxi
creo que luego volveré a dormir una ziezzzzzta de mañana 😂
Buena suerte, uber-piano 😄
Hahaha, gracias.
Aunque viste como ha salido mi día 😂