My last experience in a classical concert of folk music pro-funds


Greetings to all musicians and music lovers, a few weeks ago I attended a classical concert that left me a nice experience, first I was excited to know that it was being held for the benefit of a sick music teacher, who is hospitalized and to cover all expenses several symphony schools were organized in his support, I do not know him but I'm sure he is a great person. The collaboration was $1.00 per ticket, something too cheap but with this we wanted that many people could attend and so it was, however the theater was not completely filled and it is a pity because the performance was impressive.



Apart from the joy of knowing that my ticket would serve as a collaboration I was also motivated to attend by the music that was folkloric of Venezuela, that is to say llanera, and for nothing in this world I wanted to miss it, I did not know the repertoire or any information about the event, I went alone and when I arrived I met a former colleague who had not seen her for 15 years, we talked while we were in line to cancel the ticket and she introduced me to her husband and her 6 year old very cute girl, she told me that her oldest daughter of 11 years would be singing in the choir. This meeting was very nice because we did not know anything about our lives, with that excitement we entered but we separated, I decided to go to the top and it was the best, because without knowing there I could cry with emotion during the concert.



The concert was performed by various symphony schools of children and youth, the first presentation was a quartet of fours with their teacher and then entered the orchestra with a choir of children and youth also, I was enjoying and at the same time suffering because the battery of my cell phone was at the limit, the little I show in this post were the first presentations, then I turned off my cell phone.



That afternoon was full of surprises, one of the directors was an 11 year old boy, you can see him in one of the pictures, there were also singing soloists, a 5 year old girl, a 9 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. They sang so beautifully that they received standing ovations. The music was a journey of different authors with melodies of joropo, tonadas, waltz, merengue and as it was a week before the celebration of the carnival even calypso music we had, They took the opportunity to pay tribute to a cultor who for 50 years played the role of a burriquita, a person who wears a donkey costume and recently passed away, so there was a music show with a donkey, there was also a choir of preschool and kindergarten children who sang and made sounds with their shoes, hands and mouths very synchronized.



During these three hours my emotions came to the surface and I cried on several occasions, the animation was in charge of the directors of the orchestras themselves and they spoke with so much property of their experiences because this was an anniversary celebration. There was also an adult singer as a special guest, the truth is that everything they presented was worth about $20, it was a gift to the community, I left grateful to God for the opportunity to experience something like this, and I left convinced that there is a lot of talent in my country.

I share with you a little video of what I recorded and the IG link about the event this day. I hope you enjoy it.

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