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RE: Haven't talked to @keys-defender closely but THIS is the problem - Us ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Everything under the sun is debatable.

  • As our userbase increases the rewards per Buzz will decrease, give us time to onboard users and finish the Dapp.

Posted via D.Buzz@dbuzz has 350,000 HP so we don't necessarily need support in that respect it's kind, but the issue is the mismanagement ofHHW


give us time to onboard users and finish the Dapp.

Understood. Maybe just don’t get them used to get $ 1 for 10 words though..

As our userbase increases the rewards per Buzz will decrease

Not necessarily. More users = more delegations and upvotes.

How many $1.00 posts do you see with $1.00 rewards vs. posts voted at that amount that recieve more?

  • And this isn't a blogging or long-form Dapp, its a conversation Dapp.

Posted via D.BuzzPlease vote with THEIR stake based on what THEY value . . #FreeMarket

What's happens to #dBUZZ when this "twitter-like" thing Project Blank is launched?

Depends on how good their launch is.

  • Could make things easier, since the heat will no longer be on just us.

Hopefully project blank launches soon 👍

Posted via D.Buzz

Ok so if 10,000 users posting 1 word per post or plain plagiarists realize that they can invest $50 each and make a few bucks a week upvoting each other using your app, then they’ll decide? #freemarket

  1. We will release Decentralized Blacklists / Mutelists today, so the community could hide their posts, on an individual basis by choosing to hide those posts

  2. I imagine those 10,000 people would fare better delegating their stake for APR or using D.Buzz naturally

    Posted via D.Buzz

Hiding their posts won’t stop them from milking the system

Are you targeting all abuse, and all milking, or only a particular kind?

  • i.e. Are you impartial, or do you have a double standard?

    Posted via D.Buzz

Well if more users = more delegations and upvotes than the type.of Dapps that you use.

  • Wouldn't that mean the community, as in #Hive prefers our shortform Dapp verses you preferred Dapps?

Do you believe in the free market or force and coersion?

Posted via D.Buzz

Sure, we can get all the bad actors of the internet in one place. More users (others would leave), is that really what we want hive to become?
Why not use it for an illegal marketplace on the deep web too? So many users, so much adoption (from criminals)...

Lol get all the "bad actors" lol.

  • It reminds me how the mainstream media said Bitcoin is for drug dealers.

As a matter of fact, most Governments who enforce the law have shown themselves to be illegitamate criminal orgs post 2020

Up to you though, I can’t control the likes and dislikes of your project. People with big stakes and the community will decide. Don’t be surprised though if after many months of work your project will collapse just because you didn’t make a couple of improvements that the community suggested.It was just an example in reply to your #freemarket theory. I’m not saying that dbuzz right now is full of bad actors. But I still think some improvements should be made to avoid attracting that type of users or facilitating that behavior.

It's not the suggestions I am against but the threats and coersion being used by @hivewatchers instead of feedback & constructive criticism

  • @azircon had decent things to say, and was friendly.

Posted via D.BuzzYou are also friendly @keys-defender but I think you, @hivewatchers and...

Under estimate the time it will take to release the features you and others are interested in

  • This is a competitive space, and we are buidling at full speed with 4 full-time devs yet don't have wallet functions or Profile settings yet

Posted via D.Buzz@keys-defender

My Theory:And by the way, respecting and preferring the #FreeMarket is not

  1. It's been around since before I was born.
  2. Is responsible for the prior prosperity, economic growth & freedom in the United States

Posted via D.Buzz

Btw, I don't see bad actors on D.Buzz.

  • I see people I communicate with almost every day, some of them newbies

You keep straw manning me a D.Buzz with scenarios entirely different from us.

Posted via D.Buzz

Posted via D.BuzzBtw, have you used our frontend yet?

Yes I tried it (pretty obvious since I sent you a link above)

Ah okay, what do you think about it?

Posted via D.Buzz