Hii, well we have this project SMILE where we incubate contests, challenges and communities. Until they are empowered enough to stand on their own feet. For example, The Blogging Challenge Community is there and we present the updates and create content (it's like a 30 question challenge to write personal stuff on the blogs), we have 2 current contests: Energy Refill that invites participants to reflect on a motivating phrase and move good energy. And Commitment Contest which invites participants to meet new bloggers, visit their posts, and share, also 1 initiative for newbies to help them grow a little faster at at the beginning.
The idea is that on the SMILE server you have access to all that, and meet new people and each others' blogs.
Btw we have a 1 month aniversary in these days, all thanks to @starstrings01 and @cwow2 for all this work.
Yup, @tripode, and crew do a great job keeping people engaged. I'm starting up my own project in her discord which is great. They are very welcoming and good vibes over there with @starstrings01 and @cwow2. Even the legendary @ailindigo stops in there from time to time 😀
Yeahh, i have a lot of hope on this project, will be very good for people!! And yes, i love that the legendary @ailindigo is very engaged always. She´s the best!
asjhdshju guys stop it I'm not legendary 😳😳 xDDD
love u both too 💙
Yes you are.
You might not be legendary but superb. I envy as you always win in the server games.
heheh thanks :)
Exactly.. This is what we have been doing as a team, both with @tripode and @cwow. Contributing to the growth of newbies and bringing movement to the hive blockchain by making authors publish more on hive and attain daily blogging Hive. @theycallmedan
Yeah, the Blogging Challenge has been a success since the beginning! I am amazed at the number of people who join every day, incredible.
Yup, tripode has been doing a great job with her server, a pretty dynamic and creative place full of interesting initiatives. Have an eye on this! :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa YOU´RE DA BEST. I love you already.
Yes, the SMILE server has been a really helpful source of information. Also, it's really fun and interactive.
Thank you so much!! You rock all the music quizes hahahahaha
Excellent initiatives.
In my case, the daily challenge of the blogging Challenge has taught me that I can be constant and fulfill long challenges, which was difficult for me to do.
SMILE & Blogging Challenge Community, you have shown great support to many, even when they are just starting.
You see that you can do it! You're halfway there and I bet you've enjoyed it. Thank you for your good words!! Lov u.
Ves que si lo puedes lograr!! Ya vas a mitad de camino y puedo apostar que lo has disfrutado. Muchas gracias por tus buenas palabraas! Te quieroo.
I have witnessed your growth in hive and see how you carry SMILE forward, it is a sample of the talent and drive I saw from the first day I met you. It's great to see how you have integrated many cultures and languages in one place, and each initiative that you and your team have implemented strengthens the principles and values of human beings, allowing you to connect and sensitize everyone, making hive a social network different from the rest, where barriers disappear and censorship is non-existent.
Do you want to make me cry??? A thousand thanks for your beautiful words, it has been difficult but not impossible, and little by little we will continue to grow. Thank you very much also for all the support you have always given me.
Me quieres hacer llorar??? Mil gracias por tu hermosas palabras, de verdad que ha sido difícil pero no imposible, y poco a poco seguiremos creciendoo. Muchas gracias también por todo el apoyo que siempre me has dado.
Awesome! I've been participating here and actually meet new people too which is absolutely amazing! And this is a good idea for new people too, they have ideas about what to write and everything! Its an interesting initiative 👍
Thank you so much Josehany!!! Is always great to see you around the server! Is an honor for us to have you there, you´re very famous hahahaha
Hahahaha no worries, I'm actually participating in the second part of the Challenge
A very valuable person for hive, that's how I define @tripode haha I'm very happy with the projects he has, because they are incredible ideas that can help others.💙
Ayyyyyyyyyy thank you so much honey!! You are a sunshine, thank you very much for joining us and always bringing that positive energy.
Cool stuff 😎
Thank you hahahaha
Excelente proyecto, considero que esto es sumamente importante poner un granito de arena para ayudar al crecimiento de Hive. A traves de la ayuda a nuevos usuarios, y de inciativas que permitan a los usuarios mejorar cada dia sus publicaciones. Asi todos juntos crecemos.
Muchas felicitaciones y sigan adelante.
Thank you, lovely Mafalda. It's always nice to see you here, and thank you for your kind words. We all need more people like you and @marybellrg at Hive, people who radiate light every time they speak! We need to fill the blockchain with positive energy!
Gracias, encantadora Mafalda. Siempre es agradable verte por aquí, y gracias por tus amables palabras. Todos necesitamos más gente como tú y @marybellrg en Hive. ¡¡Gente que irradie luz cada vez que hable!! Tenemos que llenar la blockchain de energía positiva!
Smile y the blogging challenge son iniciativas maravillosas que estan llenando la blockchain de una energía positiva fabulosa. Gracias a @tripode @startrings01 por enfocar su energía y esfuerzo cada día para que así sea. Juntos somos más y lo lograremos. Les mando mi buena vibra, mi abrazo y mi apoyo incondicional siempre, mis corazones.
Smile and the blogging challenge are wonderful initiatives that are filling the blockchain with fabulous positive energy. Thanks to @tripode @startrings01 for focusing your energy and effort every day to make it happen. Together we are more and we will make it happen. I send you my good vibe, my hug and my unconditional support always, my sweethearts.
Thank you very much Mary Bella, here in Hive we need that, a lot of good vibe and good people like you, it is an honor for me to have met you and that you always infect me with your good vibe, you are an angel fallen from heaven!
Muchas gracias Mary Bella, aquí en Hive necesitamos eso, un montón de buena vibra y gente buena como tú, es un honor para mí haberte conocido y que me contagies siempre con tu buena vibra, eres un ángel caído del cielo!
I am glad you recognize the efforts @tripode and I make to support the hive blockchain. Thanks for always being active in the server and submitting your entries every contest and challenges we make.
Excellent work my dear friend, without any doubt you have done a good job since your arrival to Hive, as well as you have left the platform high, with your great delivery, dedication, commitment, effort and love that you put in this new community SMILE, coupled with your team make a perfect gear and carry out each initiative with good vibes, transmitting that feeling and human warmth, which is what makes us a beautiful community, where every day we strengthen ties and come closer.
Successes, a big hug and may God continue to bless you greatly 🙏😇😘😘😘
Do you want to make me cry? Waoo what beautiful words Maleida. I am so grateful to have you with us, so you can infect us with that beautiful positive energy you have. THANK YOU THOUSAND and many blessings to you.
Quieres hacerme llorar??? Waoo que hermosas palabras Maleida. Estoy tan agradecida de tenerte con nosotros, y así puedes contagiarnos con esa hermosa energía positiva que tienes. GRACIAS MIL y muchísimas bendiciones para tí.
@tripode has been doing quite well. Smile's server is the most active one I'm currently on. They have a lot of good initiatives and dynamics that are very helpful for the interaction between the users that are there, at the same time they help the growth of new Hivers through teaching and motivation, and stay active through the initiatives
Whaaat??? The most active? OMG THANK YOU. You´re a sunshine!!! I hope we can keep with the good work! Is always very pleasant to see you around! And soon we´ll have a concert, where i hope you can play for us, you´re a great musician!
Without a doubt @tripode and @starstrings01 are the most active people I know here at Hive. All the time with new initiatives, supporting newcomers and demonstrating their commitment with votes and comments. They also do a great job in the Blogging Challenge community. ❤️ In addition, the Smile server is a source where you can answer any questions and find new friends. Great job they have done 😘.
Thank you so much Lauramica!! So glad to read your good words, and i hope we can continue with the good work. Love u, and hope to see you around soon. And with this price maybe we have money to sponsor the contest we talked about the other day👀 so keep thinking about it hahahahaha
Supporting newcomers is one thing I find important to be done in the blockchain. If we don't, many would leave without giving it a try.
As others are focused in on boarding, we help keeping them to stay.
Thanks so much for recognizing our efforts and a greater thanks to @tripode ❤️ she's the one giving out all the positive vibes and motivation.
Glad to read that you think this. And you´re right! Hive need more of this. We have done an excellent job and I know that we will achieve many more things @starstrings01
Excelente iniciativa te felicito por el trabajo que had venido haciendo dentro de Hive e incentivando a cada uno de nosotros. El mayor de los éxitos siempre!!!
Thank you so much beautifully for your beautiful words, it is always nice to see you here.
Muchas gracias hermosa por tus hermosas palabras, siempre es bonito verte por aquí.
This project is really good and a I have a good time with it!!
Thank you so much!! You are one of the most engages there, glad to see you around!
Hmmm, I'm really proud to be a part of you in this initiative, I can't forget the look on my face and gladness I experience while participating, although I took a little break on the 30 days blogging challenge but expect me very soon.🤣😅😂 😉
We are really proud to have you here, and to see all the progress you have made so far!! Don´t worry about the Blogging Challenge remember you can do it anytime you can. Thank you for your kind words.
It's a pleasure. 🙏
Son iniciativas maravillosas que están en la blockchain gracias a @tripode, @startrings01 and @cwow2 por un lindo espacio lleno de divertidas ocurrencias. Siempre @theycallmedan permitiéndonos espacios para recomendar buen contenido.
Thank you very much beautiful Sacra, you always bring a lot of good vibes to the blockchain too, what an honor for me to have you around.
Muchas gracias hermosa Sacra, tu siempre traes mucha buena vibra a la blockchain también, que honor para mí tenerte cerca.
Yeah, thanks to you too for always being supportive and yes to @theycallmedan for giving out this open opportunity.
Dear @tripode I love that these initiatives are given this is important to grow the blockchain. I know about your enthusiasm and continuous participation in the community, so I love that you promote this kind of projects, greetings
Than you so much your your beautiful words, it´s a honor for me having people like you near by.
Excelentes propuestas que brindan la oportunidad de ayudar y ayudarse. Me encanta el Energy refill. Los vientos que soplan te llevan a un buen lugar en Hive. Estás iniciativas permiten fomentar el lado creativo para hacer buenos aportes a la plataforma.
Muchas gracias Antonia por tus hermosas palabras!! He aprendido de ustedes las grandes de Hive. Siguiendo su ejemplo.
A creative and dynamic server is an excellent job that will be ideal as we continue to grow in our beehive.
Best regards
thanks @tripode
Thank you so much for your wonderful words!! I hope to be able to keep doing this