People still refuse to believe we are being strayed like bugs by our government. Even when they see the evidence in front of their face //
They have the balls to do the spraying on the weekends when people would have more opportunities to view them. They have conditioned the normal people, (those who don't question anything,) Into believing this is just a new normal.
This mornings Sky // 11/15/2024
These people should spend a few days in Tennessee, where spraying has been prohibited, and the skies are a pure clear gorgeous blue all the days long.
When it isn't snowing, which it does every single time I go there.I love Tennessee. It's got its problems too, though, really creepy surveillance in public parking lots, and they sprayed disinfectant in the air of public buildings during the covid BS. Vaccine freedom and chemtrail prohibition. Two of my biggest concerns, along with 5G, that few of us ever give a second thought to.
But, but, but...the government wouldn't do that!:)
Oh yes they would
I live in a rural area far from any flightpath, yet 7 days a week small planes fly overhead leaving trails behind them, often in a grid pattern, that expand to form clouds, and within an hour a sunny morning becomes a cloudy day. The question I can't answer is if they're spraying us, they too are being poisoned.
To find an answer you most enter the rabbit hole.
Enter the rabbit hole? I'm stuck way down the bloody thing!
Sounds like your just scratching the surface..
You're funny!🙃
Pretty amazing that there are People who cannot grasp the unEthical things the moneyed psychopaths in control are doing to Humanity. I have known even before I made this meme in 2016:
More people seem to learn about Chemtrails on twitter!
Notice I immediately got a down vote.. Not suppose to talk about Chem trails. Not suppose to have a different opinion then the herd.. Not suppose to have free speech..
There is no one in government to stop or help us.. We are on our own.
I heard a good quote recently:
New admin has to make whistle blowing a good thing for these people who work in any of the industries we need to look closely at asap. FBI, CIA, NIH for starters. Then we will learn stuff. If not, all these people will continue to hide what they know and do.