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RE: My Actifit Report Card: December 4 2024

in Actifit2 months ago

Fantastic. It's a lovely area.
Hopefully our projcet will start sometime next year but if it goes ahead we will have to scan/catalogue every part of the Castle and every brick and stone... It'll be a long process.
ankara castle wall small -min.jpg

One thing I like about Ankara Castle is the many layers of history in the walls, this sort of "spolia" is rare in the UK.

I can keep you updated but I don't often post anything interesting on Hive. 😬


Scanning each brick and stone must be such an exciting experience.
I am already eagerly looking forward to it.

I don't often post anything interesting on Hive.

Same here.
I haven't been posting much, mostly because I have exams right now.
I just come by now and then to catch up with friends. 😊