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RE: Unfortunate Event While Attending A Free Experience

in Actifit2 months ago

Hello Witty!

I'm sorry to read about this unpleasant experience. It must have been uncomfortable, but you're not alone. I used to watch The Biggest Loser, a weight loss show and saw many go through this experience at the beginning. So you're not alone.

I'm not sure why this happened to you, it could be a number of reasons, like this activity is totally new to you, you were a bit stressed and eating. By eating, I mean it's advised to have a light meal an hour or two before the session. I used to go jogging three times per week (5 - 10km) and I know how important it was to have half empty stomach, with light meals hours before the jogging session. Sometimes I was out at 6am and all I had was a banana and water.

Anyway, please don't give up. Next time will be better and it's going to be easier. I'm really glad you decided to do yoga, as it's really healthy for the body and mind too.
Good luck my dear friend and looking forward to reading about your journey 🤗


omg I just needed your advices! Banana and water - noted! I am actually not so sure what light meals mean so at least now I have an idea. And yes, I decided to continue, even when I'm so shy to come back because of the incident. The instructors there were kind and approachable so even with that unfortunate incident, I feel like we have gotten close. Just to shy to go there again but I made a reservation for my next class! Hopefully it will be better than this time, and I'm more prepared.

Thank you for the kind words and advices @erikah. You're the best!

I wanted to come back to this post and share more, to help you sort the problem out and I see it's been 3 days already 🫣

So back to your problem, I learnt a lot from ultra runners, when I was actively jogging. We had a lady in the group, she won gold at Sparthatlon 3 times, which is 246km race in one go. The current record for ladies is 22h 35min 31s, which is almost a whole day. Imagine eating while running is difficult but even if you manage to swallow food, your stomach is in constant move and chances to throw up everything is high and most of them are in the same situation as you were because the stomach can't digest hard food. They are basically running on banana, sport gels containing vitamins, minerals and other extremely important minerals the body needs and loses in these extreme conditions. Sparthatlon is in Greece and the heat can kill you easily.

Now obviously you are not in the same situation, but your stomach got upset from a lot of bending over and most likely a bit of stress, which can also lead to what happened. This is why it is advised to eat 2 hours earlier (this is my estimation) and not heavy meals. You can figure out in time, what you can eat and how much, as it depends on the individual. The best thing to do is research eating recommendations for sports and you can get an idea.

I'm anxiously waiting for the next episode dear Witty and good luch! 🤗

I’m actually a bit worried because it seems I’m still feeling full now and 4hours later will be my 2nd session. I hope I won’t throw up or feel dizzy! 🤞ohhh this is so helpful @erikah thank you so much!

You won't, don't stress yourself. Just relax as your life does not depend on it. If you feel dizzy or you feel like some of the exercises are difficult, do what you can and you'll get used to it gradually.

My thoughts are with you and you'll be fine ❤️