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RE: My Actifit Report Card: July 23 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

That is a neat shot of the duck pond.

The frog reminds me that recently I was on my back porch one evening watering my flowers and when I turned to go in, I saw a little green'ish frog sitting on the side of my house. It's not the kind of frog I am use to seeing and my back porch is a deck that is up off the ground and he was stuck to the house as high as my head while I was standing on the porch, so he was pretty far off the ground. THEN, the other night I was doing something in my kitchen and when I went to close the curtain over my sink, there was a another little weird frog attached on the outside of the sill, looking in at me. Not sure, but something unusually froggy is going on around here.

No... that slimy green might do wonders for frogs, but it certainly is not inviting for a swim.


There are a lot of frogs around here. I enjoy listening to them and seeing them around. I did not see many frogs where I grew up in Colorado.