in Actifit3 years ago
Breathing heavily, I write this to you. It is another episode of a catalogue of my morning runs. I don't write this for gratification or to encourage people or just to store information but to encourage myself to continue this path towards healthy living.


I haven't written for the past 3 days and I jogged for 2 days out of the 3. Yesterday I have myself excuses which made me feel really bad. I didn't write the first 2 days despite jogging because I felt talking about my runs on a daily basis would be tiring for people to read...it is my run so why should people really care about it, right? And so I didn't write on Tuesday and then on Wednesday and then just as I didn't write on both days because of that excuse, I found an excuse not to run on Thursday. I can't even remember what the excuse was but in hindsight, it was truly a pathetic one.

How could me not writing be connected to me not exercising? If had made it mandatory to write everyday including both days, I feel would not have let the procrastinator within get the better of me.
“It is just one day, does it really matter?” That’s how avalanches begin...from one small rolling snowball into a catastrophic life threatening event.

Well I’ll try to write more about my runs.

I ran this morning and it was quite exhausting. I honestly don't love running, but I have to do it...it is extremely necessary. I was particularly tired today and I can't say why. Maybe it's because I had a small meal yesterday or because I skipped Thursday’s run and my body was returning to that of a slouch.



At times I felt like quitting the run, with a voice within telling me to stop and continue tomorrow. “You have done admirably, you will do fast better tomorrow just stop before you slump and double up tomorrow”. I wonder if @steevc or @liftslikealady have felt like this. They both make it seem so easy.

Oh well, I didn't listen to the voice and did the full run. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.


Ahahah, I have the same problem. I think "tomorrow I'll make a post"... And the next day I think the same. When I realise, two weeks have gone by without a single post. 🤦‍♂️

Hahaha. I totally get you. Time flies for a procrastinator.

The strategy of life is Run Run Run 💕

Awesome post 📯

Thanks. Why doesn't it seem easier?

I manage an accountability group called MarchingTrain on fb where me and a bunch of other people share our daily progress. I also run everyday. And when I mean everyday I mean actually everyday. Today is going to be day for 421.
Let me know if you would be interested in joining, I would love to have you there

Thanks so much. I'd love to join. I really need the help and motivation.

Today is going to be day for 421.

Are you some kinda indestructible machine? Jeez!!! 421 days consistently? It is the stuff of legends.

Lol :) No just a person that understands how important consistency is.
If you are ready to start sharing your journey to posting the group regularly click join.

Where do I click please?

Oh this is on Facebook for now. I'm planning to move this to our own app but for now for lack of resources this is a Facebook group. If your search for that name on Facebook groups you're going to find it

Hmmm... Does it give room for anonymity?

Yeah, I later realized this might be a problem for you. I don't know what to tell you. In our accountability group you have to be public otherwise there is no accountability. :)

In a few hours we have our February group call. https://fb.me/e/33LnXU035

But glad you got all caught up and have it under control, now for the next run, it will keep you in good shape and keeps everything moving.
But I ask you this, is this better than a brisk walk? It seems that a powerwalk might be easier on the body, but again, it's an individual's preference and belief.Hahahaha, the Procrastinator strikes again @piratethanos!!!

Does a brisk walk have the same effects? I want to attempt one this morning but I feel like you have to go a longer distance to buy the calories you do while running.

Perhaps do a little research project on it, there are a lot of people that say it's easier on the feet, legs, and back with less vibration.
Not to mention, that you should just try it to see if you're more comfortable doing it, you are the one who puts the standards on it for your own benefit. I think you would be doing well to try it and see at any rate lol.