My Actifit Report Card: August 28 2023

in Actifitlast year (edited)

Have a nice day, yesterday I persuaded my family to go with me to the Aviation Days at the Dubnica Airport in Slavnica. The weather was perfect planes were flying, smoking, the beer was cold and the sausages were properly cooked. What to add, finally a moment of relaxation.

Pekný deň prajem, včera som prehovoril rodinu aby somnou šla na Letecké dni na letisku Dubnica v Slavnici. Počasie bolo perfektné lietadla lietali, dymili, pivo bolo studene a klobásky spravne pripečene. Čo dodať, konečne chvilka oddychu.

Na fotke duo praškovacich lietadiel Zlin. (Čmeliak)
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


Looks like a fun activity and well done on getting 9k steps

Thank you for your consideration, Aviation Day is one of the annual activities I run in the summer. I am glad that thanks to hive networks, I can bring this activity to you.
