If you have not seen any of @grapthar post it seems he uses a similar program and may be able or willing to help. I thought you had created a nice sound. It never hurts to ask people for help either all they can say is yes or no, it takes time to learn new things. Hope to hear more in the future.
Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check him out. I have been learning through YouTube tutorials, and producers who share tips online. It feels a little bit like music is a language I'm learning to speak fluently and I'm so excited by being able to say something that sometimes the grammar gets lost. I've still noticed a lot of growth since I made this song six months ago. Hope you'll give it a listen when I post more of my musical journey.
I maintain a lot of list and have you on my music list and artist list. I have a lot of list because I have a lot of various interest and depending what I am interested in at the moment I can go and find something of interest. So I can pretty much say that Yes I will be seeing more of your post in the future if you continue to post.
Thank you for taking interest in my creative pursuits!