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RE: It takes being lost to be found

in Music2 years ago

Hi there, thank you for your kind words. I agree that life can only be dealt with as best we can and sometimes we deal better or worse. I suppose the most important thing is that we try.

Thank you for your kindness, there are some here who have not been so kind, or understanding.

Becca 🌷

 2 years ago (edited) 

Sorry to hear that, people be cray-cray as they say..

The only advise I can think of is let it be water of a ducks back and try to surround yourself with people who resonate at a similar frequency to yourself. Personally I listen to everything and everyone but I give much more credence to some people over others based on gut feeling, experience and intuition. More often than not your own compass won't ever be too far off, so trust your instincts and don't waste energy on mood hoovers.

Virtual hugs going your way. Mind yourself.