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RE: The First Time I Saw Marilyn Manson

in Music3 years ago (edited)

Say What? A one-legged Mountain Biker?! You sure have a good imagination. = }

You agreed to believe everything was made up and never really happened before you even read the first word of that one so I'm free and clear of all charges.

Court adjourned!

Whaddup? Good moUrning. I just responded to your other one. Way to answer all my questions over there on this one over here. I like the way you did that.

I know he's had several allegations against him the past couple decades along with several achievements but like you said, "normal," end quote. What's real and what's not is one thing but I know that each time I heard him speak, I always thought he was a highly intelligent person. Real articulate, sharp, and very knowledgable.

Helluva performer too!

And about Manson the murderer. That was in my backyard too. Never met him or saw him or anything but we all partied at the same hot springs at Bowen Ranch I can't tell you how many times. We ditched school about every Friday in the summer and went there. So maybe we did cross paths and I just never noticed.

Thanks KrazzyMopedRider. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss all you guys a tiny bit.


Ahhh that good old disclaimer.

No one reads those. So do they really hold up in court like a claim of alcoholism and allergy med addiction would?


Laughing My ASS OFF here at your post and replies, as i sit on my deck refusing to go trucking. I sat on a closed down i-75 for a couple hours until the cops let us do u turns and drive off the on ramps. Southbound was shut down from 8:30 till well after 2pm. Bad day in Tampa yesterday


Fear and Loathing

Another one of my many Mental Issues.

I forgot where I was going with this. Somewhere between Murderer and Moped Riders..?

See above story as to why my "Moped" stays in the "Shed".

Mancavin' (3) 2022-03-17.jpg

I clicked that link!! That's frikkin crazy like with a C! I've had to turn around on a freeway twice, both were due to fire. It's a Ca thing.

Your patio looks so comfortable. Like a story telling Amphitheater.

@pooky-jax has turned it into a greenhouse. I am gonna sneak a pot plant in the mix and video her reaction when she sees it... Lmao.


Oh and WTF with those accomodations at the Manson Bowen Ranch. Homeless man would kill for a one night high end flop and shitter like those... LoL


