Up close and personal is an understatement. So is over the top. The first time I saw Marilyn Manson he didn't hold anything back. src
It's 1994. I saw him perform a second time in 2012 at an MTV award show when the Beastie Boys were inducted to the Rock and Roll Music Hall of Fame. That was a good show. He actually performed songs that time—Marilyn Manson, 2012. 1994, not so much. He put on a helluva show or performance or something else. As far as theatrically catapulting yourself into the spotlight goes, he wrote the book. But that night he didn't sing. Not a single lyric.
I didn't realize until just now it's been nearly 30 years. Weird how when it comes to time, whether it was last week or last month or 30 years ago, some memories fade while others feel like yesterday.
I'm with Meshelle, super cool chick, we're still close friends. She and I dated between about our senior year of high school until we were 20'ish. We went there to see Danzig. You know who they are, right?
Glen Danzig, originally from The Misfits, a punk rock band he founded in 1979 is lead vocal for Danzig. 15 years later in '94, he's pretty famous. Korn, however, they didn't debut until '93 and Marilyn Manson in '92, both were Danzig's opening acts that night. I'd never heard of either of them.
The show's at Universal Amphitheater in Universal City, California, a few off-ramps north of Hollywood. As many shows as I've been to, I've still never heard acoustics comparable to Universal Amphitheater. The venue was at Universal Studios where the majority of Hollywood films still are and have been produced since 1912. They tore down the Amphitheater in 2005 and replaced it with a Jurassic Park themed ride.
We walked past the DeLorean car from Back To The Future, a King Kong exposition, Jaws, and all of the other attractions on Universal City Walk en route to the venue. There's street performers, arcades, wax figures and food shops, bars we're too young to get into yet, all kinds of stuff, Universal Studios is massive—over 400 acres. The more we walked, the louder the music got. We'd never heard of either of the opening bands anyway so being a little late didn't bother us.
We reached the Amphitheater. Now the music's echoing, music I'd never heard before. Sounds almost like a death metal with real heavy bass vibrating the venue and they're rapping. Back then security wasn't so intense like it is today with pat-downs and metal detectors. An usher checked our tickets and waved us through.
There's a corridor that runs along the backside of the venue. About every 50 feet is a set of entrance doors identified by letter and number to match the assigned seat on your ticket. We had floor tickets in the front—standing only. Along the walls are pictures and posters of upcoming events and previous events, a bunch of artists we recognize, some we don't. Mostly Danzig posters that night, of course, and some Marilyn Manson ones, first time I'd seen their picture. In each one they're wearing black gothic dresses and veils, they all have real long hair, probably wigs and are wearing lipstick. This is way before dudes wore dresses and lipstick. Also are Korn flyers and posters. I don't remember band members posing on those, they just said Korn with that backwards Я they do.
We go inside and make our way to the stage. Korn is that echoing bass, rap type metal we've been hearing the whole time. By the time we finally made it to the front, their set was finished. They performed first that night. We only caught about 1n1/2 songs. They don't open for anyone anymore. Korn began headlining shows shortly after that and has been ever since. Next: Marilyn Manson.
Security positioned themselves in front as stage hands prepared the stage. The lights are on, it's bright in there. Stage hands are wheeling out drums, wheeling new ones in, switching out guitars, etcetera. 15 or 20 minutes later the lights cut back out and smoke filled the stage. Laser lights and visual screens light up the backdrop, all the special effects you'd expect to see at a concert and out walks Marilyn Manson with his band.
There's four or five members in total, they're each wearing long black dresses like you'd see in a Hollywood funeral scene except for Marilyn Manson himself. He's wearing tight black pants, no shirt, long black hair and about one foot tall platform boots. He's already a tall dude so those boots put him over seven feet tall on a raised stage, he towered over us. They walked out, picked up their instrument and took a position. Each stood at attention facing us - sound checks - distortion - some feedback - count down on drumsticks - 1-2-3-4—Sweet Dreams.
They already had my attention cuz the whole grunge / alternative / gothic scene was just taking off and these guys are grandiose. But when they began playing Sweet Dreams, I'm all eyes, I'm already a fan of the original version and these guys sound way better than the Eurythmics.
They kept playing. Apparently it's the extended instrumental version. Marilyn Manson's standing about 10 feet above us, he's pacing back and forth, staring out into the crowd with his Australian Shepherd looking eyeballs where one's dark and one's albino white.
Several minutes passed and the crowd's getting restless. People are screaming, more and more join in, it's getting tense. Finally he grabs the mic. All the screams shift to cheer and, in his computer generated sounding, Marvel-like growling voice:
Who wants to see my cock!
He's not talking about a rooster. I'm glad I was off to the side and not directly in front of him. Again, at the top of his lungs, WHO WANTS TO SEE MY COCK! People are pretty irritated now, they're booing, yelling, the boo's are getting louder, WHO WANTS TO SEE MY COCK! Now people are throwing plastic bottles and whatever else at him. This goes on another minute or two, the band's still playing Sweet Dreams, all the smoke and lasers and visuals in full effect.
He unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles. Now he's an abnormally tall, mixed eyeball having, butt naked guy with bright red lipstick in the spotlight with his dick out.
That's nothing.
He grabs hold of himself and starts pissing on the crowd. Everyone directly in front of him scattered immediately like a buncha pissed off people getting pissed on. Security is trying to maintain peace while bottles and garbage and whatever they could get their hands on made its way through the air to the stage. He's still pissing. Band's still playing.
He walked over to the drums, pants still around his ankles and picked up a fifth of Jack Daniels, twists off the top and downs the whole bottle without taking a breath—chugged the whole thing. Now he's naked guy with an empty bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. They're still playing.
He starts beating the stage with it, trying to break the bottle but he's having a tough time, those bottles are thick. He must've swung it 10 times before it finally broke. Now he's holding a weapon.
That's nothing.
He stabs himself in the stomach with it. I have no idea what I'm seeing anymore, shock factor is at an all time high, nothing I saw quite registered until some time after the show. I remember thinking it was staged, 'no way this dude's stabbing himself.'
He starts carving the thing into his stomach. He's twisting it and turning it, digging the bottle in deeper and toward his chest. Whether or not it's staged I'm still unsure at that point but there's blood all over him now. Blood's running down his stomach, down his balls and legs, it's dripping on the stage. If it isn't real it's a helluva performance.
He fell over, dropped the bottle next to him and curled up in a fetal position while the band kept playing. Within seconds a couple of medics run on stage to him. They signal for the stretcher. In rushes more medics and EMT's with a stretcher, they get him strapped in and rush him offstage. Shortly after, the band stopped playing Sweet Dreams, set their guitars and drumsticks down and left the stage.
While security and the whole audience, myself included are in disbelief and have no idea what in the actual fuck just happened, bright lights filled the Amphitheater. Stage hands mopped up all the blood and got ready for Danzig—wheeled out the drums, wheeled new ones in, replaced Marilyn Manson's guitars for Danzig's and out go the lights again.
When they came out, Glen Danzig grabbed the mic and, before he said thank you or welcome, thanks for coming out or are you ready or anything like that, he pointed in the direction they carried Marilyn Manson off and said "what the fuck was that?!"
Danzig put on a good show, great mosh pits too. They're the only reason we went anyway but all I really remember are the mosh pits. Good music, we had a good time but I can't tell you what songs they played other than Mother. That was the only time I saw them. I've seen Korn I'm not sure how many times now, they never disappoint. Marilyn Manson, like it was yesterday.
I told all my buddies about it the next day, it's a tough one to believe. The one about some dude none of us heard of who pissed on the crowd and carved his stomach with a busted Jack Daniels bottle until they carted him off the stage. I'm still not 100% certain what I saw. I think it was real, probably. Maybe. He did go on to do some acting too, though, so maybe it was all part of his act.

But if it was, then that means the very next CD they released was part of the act too. If it wasn't real, he never stopped performing. The following year in '95, they released Smells Like Children and there's Marilyn Manson with his shirt off on the back of the CD case, his stomach's all carved up.

Putting up long as post as always.
Well, I'm still occupied so I will get to reading it once I'm done 😁
Then I'll wait to respond, this is just thanks for the reblog.
I was desperately trying to think of a relevant response to this excellent writing and incredible anecdote and all I could come up with was 'What the fuck'...I know he's a character. Artists huh? Anyway, as I sat staring at a blank screen, I noticed the rewards payment at that point in time and it spoke coincidental volumes...
It seems that the 'Devil's in the details' !
Trust you're well young fella. I guess it was too much to ask that you were a Carpenters fan!
I sure do appreciate that sir. Thank you. Whoever says Nathen isn't encouraging hasn't seen Marilyn Manson's cock.
I got quite a bit of time in this one, tried to share the whole experience the way I remember it, all of that support you mentioned doesn't suck at all! = }
About that cock....you were timidly devoid of detail on that segment of the post...
I see it!
Or saw it.
Almost missed it.
But I found it. This is a clear case of timidly hesitant to comment on Manson's cock so it landed in the wrong spot.
Surreal. I know Danzig, but only because of 'Mother'. An entertaining support show, and a great way to push publicity, if you manage to live (him) and are not close to the front (the piss).
All that support felt good man. Thank you.
There's been quite a few memorable performers who promoted their self brilliantly huh? Dennis Rodman, Lady Gaga, Björk way too many to list. Marilyn Manson though.. Pick an adjective. Different level.
Lmao 🤣 that sounds absolutely batshit, especially if it's a guy that you've never really heard of.
😐😑😐 Blink Blink. "what the fuck did I just see?!?"
Lol. Sounds like quite the show though. Obviously it was a memorable experience
Crazy right? LA isn't seasonal, it's 7 nights a week, clubs up and down both sides of Sunset and Hollywood have top of the line talent. They have to to stay open cuz the club next door does. I just happened to grow up there.
I've seen some crazy things like Mickey Avalon pass out cold on stage, never woke up. I thought he was dead. Ozzy (at that same Amphitheater actually) didn't sing a word, either, all he said was (in his English accent) "turn the fuckin light off!" He kept saying it. They never turned it off. He walked off and never came back. Dude I've boycotted him ever since. = }
But Marilyn Manson? Craziest thing I've seen on a concert stage.
That is the crazy shit to see. I feel like that sort of thing doesn't happen anymore, though I could be wrong. I don't got to a lot of concerts. I've been to a couple. The Drop Kick Murphys were probably the best that I can think of.
Drop Kick Murphy's, nice! I bet that was exciting, I never saw them. Never got to see Operation Ivy either, they're probably my favorite punk band.
Saw Goldfinger one night, they're a hell of a performance too! And Pennywise, oh man.. Saw them in Glamis—sand dunes as far as you can see separating US from Mexico. We'd go out there with our dirt bikes, quads, sand cars, yata yata on the weekends and holidays. I miss Glamis. But that night was crazy, it was either a New Years party or Thanksgiving. At least 100k people singing their chorus and Pennywise had lit a Magnesium VW engine on fire so the center of the party was a glowing flame that continued glowing for days.
A different chick I dated in my 20's was best friends with Chad Yaro from Face To Face. He got us in so many punk shows.
That was a fun memory. Thanks man.
Sounds like an amazing time - many amazing times. Very cool, man 👍
Do I remember? Pssh. I rode a Cabalerro, it was white, remember that one? The whole bottom was a green dragon. I cut several different colored grip tapes into weird shapes and stuck them on it. I had pink rail and truck guards.
Yoo! This is the one I was telling you about, thanks for checking it out. I have so many concert stories. Some incredible, some "wtf?" He's the only one I saw piss on a crowd though. I never thought about sharing my concert experiences here cuz I don't wanna sound all braggy. I swear that's not it, it's just where I grew up.
I was a Beam drinker. Bourbon, please, no whiskey. I know they're fermented the same way with the same ingredients, been there done that, but Beam didn't hang me over like JD. The only difference is the water. Must be in the water. Fun fact: Both those distilleries own their own river. If you google their factories, Jack in TN and Beam in KY, they're both built on a river. They own the water rights. If you're caught drinking from or fishing in or probably even looking at that water you're done! Lights out, fall down, show's over.
That sucks about Jonathon Davis. I assumed he was the singer, had to look him up just now. I caught a '99 Woodstock documentary where he interviewed, seemed like a real cool, compassionate guy. I caught their bass player (whatever his name is) on Cribs once... geez, Cribs, how old am I?! Anywho.. He seemed cool too, his neighbors didn't think so!
Biggest asshole musician I've met - Wyclef Jean. Dude he hated me! I should tell that one.
Coolest musician I've met - Rob Zombie. I should tell that one too!
300 words. This is long. = }
Maybe it wasn't real, maybe it was but if i saw it up close I would probably have believed it myself, but knowing he is a good artist, 🤔 nahhhhh I think it's all acted up
He's real good at making front page headlines. You might be right, could've been all showmanship but I'm pretty sure the pissing was real. Notice I still say pretty sure..... = }
Good job engaging, posting, and getting your feet wet in your first month on the blockchain. Welcome to Hive.
Thanks ☺️☺️ yahh the pissing was diffinantely real hard to fake a piss
Hey @dandays Hope you're doing Good mate.
Oh perks of living in the different part of the world that I never heard about this band and him before
But still the way you remember each and every detail after this long time I can say they're just beyond our generation one's.
Lmao didn't expected that coming at all 🤣 Never pissed off people ~ LoL.
Gotta say you killed it in storytelling felt like ain't anyway to stop even without knowing anything about them lol just Too Good.
After reading this I feel like I didn't ever had enjoyed in my boring life.
Well, Have a Great Day ahead!
Have fun.
Thanks! It's a little after 8am here, I'm on my second cup'0 Joe, compliments are the best way to start a day. If you're gonna be cool like that I demand you stop by more often! = } And thanks for the reblog.
Yeah.. Marilyn Manson. Can't forget that one.
Where I grew up, shows are 7 nights a week year-round, there's no offseason. There's mainstream talent performing there tonight, tomorrow, the next day, the day after that etcetera. So not only are venues in competition with each other to host superior talent but also artists who want to be successful have to pass through LA. At the time while I was growing up, I didn't recognize it, it's just where I lived. But looking back now, I'm The Luckiest Guy I Know.
Thanks man.
And a great day to you as well.
Ah bro, you wake up too early I commented at like 2am or 3 around 😆.
Well, No doubt here.
And yea would definitely love to stop by more often. My pleasure
You're truly the luckiest Guy having this all of fun and wonderful experience isn't a cup of tea for everyone.
Glad to came across here. Thanks🥰
It wasn't until these days really, the time we're living right now that I'm recognizing it. At the time it just was, I had no way of understanding how extraordinary it was. I hope that makes sense.
Wow , reading this i could imagine a lot of funny scenarios 😂
By the way , very well written ✨
Thank you, I guess no one died so it could've been worse. = }
I'm glad you liked this one, thanks for noticing, I spent quite a bit of time on it.
Wow😬😳 I think this write it the only write I have read twice, I read and re read just to get what what said, to say I have never heard of this kind of band.
Nicely written
You went through 1700 words twice? Well for that, thank you and thank you again! = } Really, much thanks.
You never heard of any of the bands mentioned here? Did you listen to their tracks I linked? No worries if you didn't. But if you did, did you turn it off immediately? One of the many things Marilyn Manson mastered early in his career is how to draw attention to himself.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. <3
No I have never heard of this band, and I didn't listen to the track.
What kinda music do you listen to? I mostly listen to hip hop anymore. Not rap so much, just hip hop.
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🤣🤣🤣 oh my God! What an experience! Good luck you weren't in front of the stage 🥴🤭🤭 he used to do a lot of all that kind of crazy and bizarre things on his performances in the 90s, you can see his belly full of scars on the Sweet dreams video. I have always wanted to see Marilyn Manson live although the most of the rock magazines reviews I have read say that his shows are terrible hahaha. I can imagine those photos if you had a camera at that concert 😂😂😱😬Good post 👍 thanks for sharing 😺🤘
You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Back in '94 our best technology was a pager, remember those things? = }
What kids do on film nowadays without fully grasping once it's digital you'll never get it back, I'm so thankful camera phones didn't exist back then. Dodged a bullet on that one.
You should go. You won't regret it. He's touring with Rob Zombie right now. Just sayin.
Pager? Jmmm, I don't know, they weren't popular at all in my country so I can't tell you but of course was better, now people go to concerts and insteed of enjoying the show and the moment they're taking photos and videos 🤦🏻♀️
Hahaha, MM and Rob Zombie? I'm sure I won't regret it 🤘🤭🤭
You're so right. Nowadays the artist has to perform for cameras too and do memorable things like grab an audience members phone and sing directly to it for a second. Because if they don't, they get blasted on the internet for not embracing everyone's phone.
Pagers weren't popular in the 90's in Venezuela or that was before your time?
Hahaha 😂😂😂 you're right, in these days people feel like they have to please everybody, I can't imagine Sid Vicious or Jim Morrison pretending to be kind just for look good for your social media hahaha
I was a kid-teenager in the 90s and well, I don't remember had seen a pager never in the city I live, maybe they were popular in many countries but not here hahaha, my dad had a cellphone in the 90s and it wasn't one of those that look like a brick hahaha, it was a small and pretty cool one hehehe
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Another Great Post by my Java Slayer-Mountain Biker brother frum unuther... @dandays
Really good. I have always been morbidly fascinated by Manson, No, Not the Murderer,
Brian Hugh Warner
Most of Brians antics are an act. But early on in his career he admits to doing some really bad shit. Crazy shit for the PR. I can not remember what the television show was. Maybe that MTV cribs or some other shitty inside the lives of the disgustingly Rich and Famous. He is pretty much a regular laid back dude. Almost normal when not "performing". It was kinda a bummer. I was expecting a mentally unstable drunken high on allergy meds, breaking an entering, lunatic like
Youerrr? That other guy you wrote that fictional story about... LmfaoooSay What? A one-legged Mountain Biker?! You sure have a good imagination. = }
You agreed to believe everything was made up and never really happened before you even read the first word of that one so I'm free and clear of all charges.
Court adjourned!
Whaddup? Good moUrning. I just responded to your other one. Way to answer all my questions over there on this one over here. I like the way you did that.
I know he's had several allegations against him the past couple decades along with several achievements but like you said, "normal," end quote. What's real and what's not is one thing but I know that each time I heard him speak, I always thought he was a highly intelligent person. Real articulate, sharp, and very knowledgable.
Helluva performer too!
And about Manson the murderer. That was in my backyard too. Never met him or saw him or anything but we all partied at the same hot springs at Bowen Ranch I can't tell you how many times. We ditched school about every Friday in the summer and went there. So maybe we did cross paths and I just never noticed.
Thanks KrazzyMopedRider. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss all you guys a tiny bit.
Ahhh that good old disclaimer.
No one reads those. So do they really hold up in court like a claim of alcoholism and allergy med addiction would?
Laughing My ASS OFF here at your post and replies, as i sit on my deck refusing to go trucking. I sat on a closed down i-75 for a couple hours until the cops let us do u turns and drive off the on ramps. Southbound was shut down from 8:30 till well after 2pm. Bad day in Tampa yesterday
Fear and Loathing
Another one of my many Mental Issues.
I forgot where I was going with this. Somewhere between Murderer and Moped Riders..?
See above story as to why my "Moped" stays in the "Shed".
I clicked that link!! That's frikkin crazy like with a C! I've had to turn around on a freeway twice, both were due to fire. It's a Ca thing.
Your patio looks so comfortable. Like a story telling Amphitheater.
@pooky-jax has turned it into a greenhouse. I am gonna sneak a pot plant in the mix and video her reaction when she sees it... Lmao.
I'll smoke to that.
Oh and WTF with those accomodations at the Manson Bowen Ranch. Homeless man would kill for a one night high end flop and shitter like those... LoL
You need to own more token
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