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RE: It takes being lost to be found

in Music2 years ago

Loss is never easy, although some are easier to bear than others. Easier is not the word I really was reaching for, but, I am hoping you would understand. It has nothing to do with size or value, but with how we perceive the loss.

It takes cause sun to cause a shadow... Yes! My mother passed a couple of years ago and I was totally wrecked. My mommy, you know? The only consoling factor was it wouldn't have hurt so much if I hadn't loved her so much. That quote helped me more than I can say. It was so very true.

If we can find ourselves through it all, yes. Yes. I have always found sadness in these songs, yet, not tragically sad, and they hug me close while listening to them.

You're beautiful, it's true.


I'm sorry for your loss although, as you point out, it was love that made you feel it and as a balance to the loss is a lifetime of memories. This is how I approach things with my mother whose life is in decline. The chemotherapy takes a toll her, the mental and emotional aspect and I know she is worried about leaving me along...not that I'll be alone, I have the best man a girl could ask for, but I think you understand. It's tragic.

Added to that is other complications with the guy and life's difficult, this life of ours, but at the same time it's beautiful too. Light and shadow.

Thank you so much for your comment dswigle, and I hope you have had a good week.

Becca 🌷