My second song: Raven feat. Kristin - Dance!

in Music3 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone! :)
How are you doing?

Like I already stated in my last 3Speak Upload, I want to move all my music over to 3Speak, because it´s so much better than YouTube for small artists.
I might already get on your nerves with that lol, but I cannot say it often enough:

I am so overwhelmed of all the support I get here in this community! For small artists like me, it is such an honor to be on HIVE, get support, feedback, get to meet awesome people.

The last weeks I feel as if I finally found my "home" here on HIVE, the place which feels just right for me, and that´s so great. I have been looking for this feeling quite a while in my life to be honest.

Anyways, enough sentimental talking. 😁

Let me tell you about this upload:

I will upload my songs here in order of their appearance. So this is my second song I made as RAVEN in 2016.

It is called: DANCE!

CD Cover Raven feat. Kristin -Dance!.jpg

This is a very special one for me, so I will tell you the background story to it.

-- It was my offical coming out song. --

I knew for a looong time already that I am also into girls. But I had so many problems, when I tried to come out. I was beeing bullied and even beaten at school once because some guy heard I am bisexual, and in the beginning my family had problems with it. So yeah, it was hard. After that I had a long relationship with a guy, trying to tell myself I`m not into girls at all.
WOW, when I write this, I realise how stupid that was, how bad I treated myself, only because others had problems with me beeing bisexual.

Well, i tried to live this lie and convince myself for quite a long time (for many years), finally I got very sick because of all this self-denial. My body screamed. I lost waight so much, that it became dangerous already. I made a journey from doctor to doctor, and no one could really help me.

Well it was obivous, I knew the problem already. I just would have to release myself from the cage I locked myself into.

I managed to break up with my exboyfriend and had my first girlfriend shortly after that. I felt so much better, but still, I was not myself completely. Something was still missing. I felt that I still feel bad holding hands with my girlfriend or even kissing her. I was still ashamed of myself, because that´s what I learned back in school when I tried to come out.
That was all so ridiculous, but I could not get rid of this feeling of shame somehow.
Well, finally my girlfriend broke up with me in a very very bad way, the worst I can imagine. It was the toughest time of my life. That is a story for itself, and would expand this post here to the length of a book lol.

But all this showed me something:

Life is too short to feel bad about yourself or even beeing ashamed of yourself! And life is to short to NOT beeing yourself!

I finally really managed beeing myself when I began to make music as RAVEN. I opened the cage and finally let my RAVEN out, which was trapped for so long.
I cannot describe this feeling. It was the best feeling I ever had in my life...

So after making a song ("You Say To Me") about my exgirlfriend, I decided to make this song here, and use it as my official coming out. I just wanted to show to the world who I am, and that I am ok the way I am! I don´t have to be ashamed for what I am and what I like. And if people have a problem with that, well, it´s their problem, not mine...

I was really nervous when releasing this song! But the reaction to it showed me that I was right to do so! I had so many people reacting sooo positive, encouraging me to go on! And this was a great feeling. For the first time in my life, I had the feeling, I can be me finally. I think this is the biggest gift you can get!

My family did not react so positive, but was either "shocked" that I talk about such a topic in a song. But well. You can never satisfy everyone... So let´s not talk about that part. 😁

As a litte bit of a bonus, I won a german song- and production contest with it in 2016! That was so mindblowing! I was so happy to win it with a song which is so important for me!

So yes, this song will always mean alot to me. And I still know that it was so right to do this song. Even now after all these years, I sit here and listen to the song and think to myself: YES, I love it!

Well thank you alot for taking the time to listen to my story behind the song. I hope you like the song!

We filmed the process while making it and made a little making off video of it. It was so much fun doing it! In the video you can see Kristin, a very good friend of mine who sang the most vocals in the song.
And Anika, my friend, soulmate, production adviser and encourager. Without her, I would probably not have released RAVEN out of her cage. 💜

Well I would love to make a real music video to it someday, dancing in a club with a sexy girl to it. 😜
But let´s see what the future might hold for me. 😄

I wish you a very great day, and always remember:

Don´t ever be afraid to be yourself! You are perfect the way you are and there is nothing to be ashamed of!!!

Best regards,


▶️ 3Speak


Wow, RAVEN, this is the best thing I have read today! What a story of finding your true you, release yourself from the cage that was making you unhappy and even sick! I can just try to imagine how hard was the no-acceptance of others. You were not understood, by others and hence by yourself too, as you suppressed that in yourself. How good you realized you have to be you! Making this coming out through music for sure could be one of the most important things you have done so far! 🙌

Loved the whole video, watched every second of it with joy as it is what it brings: true joy, freedom, and a lot of fun you three had while working on the song!

How great would be if we all would listen to your advice :

Don´t ever be afraid to be yourself! You are perfect the way you are and there is nothing to be ashamed of!!!

Oh wow thank you!! It´s great that you read all this and thanks so much for your reply!
These kinds of comments are the ones that asure myself that I am on the right path and encourage me to go on! When I wrote this post, I wasn´t sure if it might be to personal, or if people just don´t care about and don´t wanna read all this. So thanks for proving me wrong in my doubts!´

And youre right! Making this coming out through my song was one of the most important thing I could have ever done! I am happy that I did so, and I am more happy to see, that I have so much support in this community!
Thank you!! <3

It is up to each of us to decide until what point we reveal the deep and personal. But this is exactly what you are talking about, coming out and not being hidden, You said: still was missing something, when you find your first girlfriend... that something missing was not being ashamed taking her at hands in public, so the same, not be hidden when you want to talk about your experience!

The number of readers... the same as in music when we perform. Until there is one person listening to our performance, it is worth playing the music :)

So true!
Yes exactly. I think I am still struggeling with beeing myself and not going back to the cage I know so well at some days. So yes, I think to be able to continue beeing yourself, it´s important that you don´t hide for your feelings and that you just speak out freely what is important for you.
Therefore I am happy that I did it.
And even happier that people like you encourage me in it.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And you´re also so right about your last sentence! It was worth writing all this. You made my day. :)

Constant battles, I understand.
We all have our different cages to some extent, that are there "waiting for us" to give a fake shelter when fear and insecurities attack. But remember (talking to me too) there is no real joy! Once we sort out all that ( as it would be that easy hahha) and live in peace of mind and joy, and we see how it is reflected to others, no way back :)))

Yeah. I think really bad stuff, you never get rid of it totally. It will always come back sometimes. But if you can live with it, and don´t let it control yourself, everything´s fine. :)
Yes you are totally right, but yes its not easy. :D

I reblogged halfway through my read as I feel like you deserve all the airtime and good things that will follow you.

The name 'Raven' is sensational and sentimental which says a lot about you. Ravens were kings whisperers and queens aides. You belong 🐦

What a beautiful story. Resilience and courage are yours to keep. I am so glad you chose your freedom and that you have continued to be true to self.

The beats are off the charts and for someone obsessed with dancing, I'd dance to this 🔥

Thank you for sharing your beautiful scars and music!

Hello @tezmel! Thank you so much for reading, reblogging and supporting!!
Yes, a Raven has so many meanings to me and I can identify with the dark touch they have attached to them and with the ability to get out of the cage and just start flying into freedom.

So I think this name was well chosen and just belongs to me.

Thank you so much for your support and showing me with your message that I am on the right track!! <3

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It's so nice to watch such videos, you are great fellows! Gorgeous song, a charge of energy, everything is as it should be!
I'm your fan! Hugs!

Thanks for taking the time to listen! :) Happy that you like it and I glad that it took only one song to have you as a fan!! :) Thank you!

Huh .

This is a fantastic story @ravenmus1c, and your video shows how much this song means to you. Congrats on being true to yourself. Always stay this way!

Thank you so much! =) Yes, this song will always be important for me...

I love the song and the beat. It was great to read the story behind it as well. It's surprising in this day and age that you would still be made to feel that kind of pressure over your sexuality.

Thanks alot for reading and listening! I am happy that you like it!! :)
I appreciate the support and feedback!

Oh yes, it´s really sad that there is so much intolerance still. I just hope to be able to encourage others to not hide for themselves and show who they are, no matter how many problems others might have with this!

I love this song, it was the very first of your songs that I heard some years ago in PALnet! I loved learning a little more about you in the narrative of this post and I am glad that you came to terms with what resonates with you! 💜 I also love the artwork, too... to be honest, I love the photo as much as the song! 😁


Ohh thats so great to hear that you also like the photo that much!! Thank you very much for these encouraging words! And it´s also such a cool feeling that you already know my music for several years now. I never really saw where my music was played, who knows it and how people feel about it. And to get all this feedback now is really great!

Not only was the music fabulous - but i loved the video too! hehehehe I really enjoyed seeing the playfulness in the studio and how much you all enjoyed the process! Thank you for coming to PYPT at short notice to share with us!!! Hope to see you again! hehehe

Thank you so much! =) Happy you like it. And thanks sooo much for giving me the opportunity to post my link in your show and talk about it! I will definitely come back! It´s very cool!

I can remember reading this post but I was too late to upvote it at the time. So now that you used Listnerds to promote it I upvoted your mail instead :D

Thank you very much for this!! =) !PIZZA

Brave share! great stuff, thanks for showing us this on PYPT @drabs587

Thank you so much!! :) Thanks alot for reading and listening! <3

Brilliant and the song is absolutely fabulous.❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕💕❤️❤️💕💕❤️

Thank you so much for your comment!! It feels great to hear that!:) <3 !LUV

This is such an awesome and catchy song love all you do @ravenmus1c and am so glad through music you could come out and really express yourself.

Life is too short to feel bad about yourself or even beeing ashamed of yourself! And life is to short to NOT beeing yourself!

I agree completely we have to feel happy and comfortable with who we are when we try to lie to ourselves or fit into a society by changing who we are we never feel right or truly happy. Your amazing keep on killing it and so happy to have met you through rising star and all the power to you.




Thanks so much Drabs!! Your words mean alot and feel so good to read! I thank you for all your support! <3 It´s incredible how this community keeps me going on the way to my dreams! <3

Great song and hearing that background story makes it even more powerful. I am sorry that you had so many problems with your sexuality in the past and I'm glad you can finally be who you really are.

I hope to hear more from you 🙂 Have some !LUV & !PIZZA

Hello! Thank you so much for listening and reading actually! Thanks also for these kind words! I really appreciate it! <3
Yes, more will come soon! :)

Wow...just wow... There is a soul and life to this music and you created magic. I am impressed. Dance with me...😊

Thanks alot for this compliment! :) <3 💃


Sorry, I wanted to answer more to you. But I was sick yesterday, and that was all I was able to write lol.

Come on, I totally understand. Your comment section was on fire. You did so well to even reply.

Thank you! :) Yeah I hate when I cannot reply to everyone. But the last days, things are going crazy over here lol.

Hahahaha..I can imagine. Your talent and amazing personality drew most people here. I am happy you got the attention you deserve. More still to come.

Yes, lass den Raven aus dem Käfig :)
stay brave!
!LUV yourself ... and !PIZZA 😛

Danke! <3 Der RAVEN wird dieses Jahr komplett aus dem Käfig gelassen. 😱

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I really appreciate this personal post, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain that you did. Here's to everyone being able to be themselves, happily!!

Thanks alot for your kind words and support! @double-eagle

Sorry for answering so short yesterday. I was ill and therefore this was all I managed to do. lol But I really appreciate your constant support and beeing around!

No apology necessary! Hope you're feeling better.

Yeah it´s better today, thank you! :)

Much !LUV to you Raven ~ You are very honest, open, & a real pleasure to know 🤗

Somewhere, I have read much of this info about you, just can't remember where !LOL

In time you will make it BIG I'm sure, enjoy some !WINE 🍷

Thank you so much! I appreciate it! It´s not easy to talk about things like this. But if you don´t want to put yourself back into the cage, I think it´s important to be honest and open.

Thank you for your faith in me! This would be the best to happen! If I will make it BIG with just beeing myself! 😃

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Such a great song! Listening on Radio Evolved right now! !PIZZA and !ALIVE

Thanks so much, that you are always here to support me!! <3

@ravenmus1c! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @stickupboys. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good sound and interesting video with visual progress of your production going on.

Thank you for listening to it! :) I appreciate it!

Great song and wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks so much for listening and reading!! <3 !PIZZA

Cool song, but that video is awesome...just so honest it

Thank you! =) Very happy that you like it!

Huhh good sound!

Thank you ! :)

Not really my style but I have really enjoyed your voice :D

Well thank you for listening even if its not your style!! :)

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