Going round the roundabout: a song I wrote recently

in Music3 years ago (edited)


As truth-seekers we expose ourselves to the horrors of the world and this can feel like a heavy burden sometimes. Such darkness can of course be countered by habits like meditation, barefoot walking, sun-gazing & weed smoking, but even with these things I feel the need to acknowledge and release intense energies in a creative and enjoyable way. For me this usually happens in the form of a song and has been my process ever since my father died 20 years ago.

The music always comes to me first when I am alone with my guitar, usually in a matter of minutes. It comes to me in pieces and it is my job to put them together in the right order.

Then come the words, which take a few days to figure out. And then if I feel it, I will record the song on an old iphone which still just about works. I don't have any kind of professional recording equipment any more.

As a perfectionist perhaps this is why most of my songs remain unrecorded?

On this occasion however I was willing to let go of my desire for perfection and just record it.

Going round the roundabout

In many ways the song is a reaction to the complacency I feel in some of my older friends. They believe they understand what is happening in the world today and that their big houses & bank accounts will keep them safe, while I would personally beg to differ.

The roundabout I refer to is the cyclical nature of human development
because yeah, it ain't linear like we've been told. And this is not the first time we have experienced a 'great reset'. There is also a fictional scenario in there about two people who finish their relationship because they don't have the same views on vaccines.

So, I think that's it for now. Enjoy the song!

Love & Light everyone 🌱



Legend!! Ah man really what a vibe 😎😎 awesome semi-freestyle!

I snuck of to Mexico 10says ago and just got a base sorted! Your looking in great condition, how's the tribe forming there, and new joiners?

Mexico??? Man, you really are a moving man!

Gotta say, Mexico is moving higher and higher on my list of places where I might want to end up. The climate will be decent enough during the solar minimum and a lot of good people there now. I would be very interested to follow your journey to see how things are. Will keep an eye on your Odysee from now on!

Our tribe is currently still only four, but there is a hive user (who I've not yet revealed) now renting a house in our village, intending to move in this month. And she is bringing a man, so soon we will be six! Which is great :)

Thanks for the song comment bro. The music never stops in my head!

Good to hear that your not concrete in geography 😜👍 yeh Mexico, fuck it! 😝 All year round growing possibilities and papaya trees next to pine and oak wtf hahah

I haven't even been out into the campo yet,, eyeing up land and will ge a Mexican o inquire for me hopefully soon.

Great that it's atleast +1 where you are and soon to be +2!!

Sounds just as good the first time as on multiple listens. You're definitely tapping into something big!

Thank you for your kind words. Perhaps I will have a go at recording the current song in my head which appears to be finished now...

Finding the right moment for audio recording isn't so easy when you have children! But I will try :)

I'm pretty sure that universe that you're tapped into will make accommodations!

Da da da da daaa! Da da da da daaaa! !LUV
Thanks buddy. Roundabouts are not a joke... took them 15 months to finish the one in front of my place! It just kept going around and around and around...

Yeah Esteban likes the da da das too. Easy to remember!

15 months to make a roundabout??? I could have made an entire village of stone houses in that time ;)

Many thanks for the LUV!






@samstonehill, you've been given LUV from @drutter.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (1/1)

New law is now , kids will decide for themselves regarding vax !
After brainwash bullcrap many will do it but it doesnt matter since parents agree too!

They have been drumming the benefits of vaccines on kid's TV for the last few years so any children who don't have parents actively translating this propaganda for them are all primed and ready to follow the crowd and roll up their sleeves. I try not to think too much about these poor young souls. Meanwhile the media are reporting that thanks to all the vaccinated people we no longer need to wear our masks in this region while walking alone & outside... but only till October! So, people are celebrating here, like something amazing has happened. But really, nothing has happened at all and the elite plan is still working perfectly.

I bought x2 30L wine making buckets yesterday so next week I will start picking David's grapes. This year it's going to taste great! Vin de Stonehill ;)

No water ! 😆

haha! Thanks for the reminder ;) x

absolutely charming, love it! !PIZZA

Feel a bit shy sharing stuff like this so your comment is much appreciated.

Thanks also for the follow over on soundcloud and the PIZZA!

The worst thing that ever happened to me when I have shared music is errrr nothing it was just ignored so keep it up bro!

$PIZZA@samstonehill! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @stickupboys.

Have you voted for Pizza teams Hive witness (pizza.witness)? (9/20)

Ey Sam!

Coming at you live from England! Just came across your channel/page after seeing your most recent post about the UK funeral director.

Thanks for sharing your song with us and it's good to know that there are still people with critical thinking still around. Good to know also you and your family are doing safe in the Pyrennes. I've heard a lot about that region from my French friends that i have met throughout my life, but have never been.

Anyway, you've gained a new supporter!

Btw - on my channel/page I do these videos on common law. If you have time please give it a checks! Be good!

Hey there @jin-out

Many thanks for the follow and the message. I checked your intro post and am very happy to see another magician in our midst! I don't mention it much around here but magic has been a part of my life since childhood so it is a pleasure to meet you.

Magic was my mental escape from a horrible boarding school at the age of 7 and as a teenager I used to compete and won a few competitions in the late 80s but that was before I understood magic was real. These days I don't perform any more but rather I practice manifesting games with my children so that they may learn the true power of their minds. Having a pack of cards in my hands is a comforting feeling however and pulling cards from the air still feels easy. I suppose it's like riding a bike ;)

Anyway, good memories. Thanks for the trigger. Am certainly interested in common law so will keep an eye out for those posts. All the best to you and welcome to hive. This is the place where awake people live. And together we are stronger!

Hey fellow Magi!

Wow, very pleased to meet a kindred myself. If you can get a hold of an English or French copy of Robert Houdin's SECRETS OF CONJURING AND MAGIC then that would be a very good item for your collection.

I read your manifesting games blog post and found it curiously interesting. Very good to active not only yours and your offspring's (when you use the word offspring when dealing with the authorities, it puts you in common law jurisdiction...when you use "Child", that is statutory/admiralty jurisdiction) imagination...but also their spirit of wonder.

If i may be so bold, may i caution you to the dangers of the all teachings of the laws of attraction. This new age thing is rooted in the ancient teachings of Karma, to which the new age peoples have perverted. Teach your children about Karma. As a Buddhist myself, I see Karma span all livelihoods, all religions and spiritual practices. And if you have time you must read a Buddhist Sutra called THE BUDDHA SPEAKS ON THE TEN VIRTUES. Found a pdf here for your perusal https://learning.tergar.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/VOL201605-WR-Thrangu-R-Buddhist-Conduct-The-Ten-Virtuous-Actions.pdf

Not to bombard you, but just wanted to introduce you to jolly venerable master in Canada who runs a youtube channel that you may like

Lots of great thoughts here. Thank you for that. I had heard of Houdin's book but never read it so will see if I can get hold of a copy. I recall Houdini used his name out of respect, so it must indeed be worth checking out. I really loved Houdini as a kid and idea of performance magic is still quite interesting to me but as I learn more and more about the lies we call history I am wondering if magic wasn't once a lot more magical than we have been led to believe and perhaps even a part of everyone's life, rather than just a few performers.

Excellent info on 'child'. Offspring it is from now on! Modern language is out to catch us in so many ways. Like when we are asked by police if we understand them, to which the answer should be 'no, I do not stand under you'. All part of the same game to trick us into saying things we are not even aware of.

Interesting to hear your words of caution relating to something as seemingly harmless as LOA, which in my mind isn't much different to intentional daydreaming. That's a first for me and am very curious to understand more about where you're coming from. Karma is indeed an important lesson and I've mentioned it in the past to my offspring but perhaps not focused on it enough, so I appreciate the nudge. I am no expert but I feel like Karma is the Ultimate lesson, important because we are constantly recycling into new bodies, seeking always to evolve ourselves as spiritual beings. However, LOA is relevant because we can have whatever our heart desires right here right now in this life. Yes our deeds always carry forward into the next life but I don't see why that means we can't have what we want in this life? I am in no doubt about the effectiveness of LOA, having experienced the benefits first hand and am yet to find any reason to think of it as dangerous. In fact, all of us are manifesting all the time. We're just not aware of it. Perhaps you could expand a little on why you see it as dangerous?

Am curious also to know what you think as a Buddhist about the Dalai Lama's decision to be publicly vaccinated while encouraging his people to do the same? This from my perspective makes him either extremely naive or on the pay-roll of the elite. Either way, I am sorry for the people who took his advice. Happy to check out Venerable Guan Cheng as an alternative. Appreciate the PDF too. Have downloaded for future reading.


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