Lots of great thoughts here. Thank you for that. I had heard of Houdin's book but never read it so will see if I can get hold of a copy. I recall Houdini used his name out of respect, so it must indeed be worth checking out. I really loved Houdini as a kid and idea of performance magic is still quite interesting to me but as I learn more and more about the lies we call history I am wondering if magic wasn't once a lot more magical than we have been led to believe and perhaps even a part of everyone's life, rather than just a few performers.
Excellent info on 'child'. Offspring it is from now on! Modern language is out to catch us in so many ways. Like when we are asked by police if we understand them, to which the answer should be 'no, I do not stand under you'. All part of the same game to trick us into saying things we are not even aware of.
Interesting to hear your words of caution relating to something as seemingly harmless as LOA, which in my mind isn't much different to intentional daydreaming. That's a first for me and am very curious to understand more about where you're coming from. Karma is indeed an important lesson and I've mentioned it in the past to my offspring but perhaps not focused on it enough, so I appreciate the nudge. I am no expert but I feel like Karma is the Ultimate lesson, important because we are constantly recycling into new bodies, seeking always to evolve ourselves as spiritual beings. However, LOA is relevant because we can have whatever our heart desires right here right now in this life. Yes our deeds always carry forward into the next life but I don't see why that means we can't have what we want in this life? I am in no doubt about the effectiveness of LOA, having experienced the benefits first hand and am yet to find any reason to think of it as dangerous. In fact, all of us are manifesting all the time. We're just not aware of it. Perhaps you could expand a little on why you see it as dangerous?
Am curious also to know what you think as a Buddhist about the Dalai Lama's decision to be publicly vaccinated while encouraging his people to do the same? This from my perspective makes him either extremely naive or on the pay-roll of the elite. Either way, I am sorry for the people who took his advice. Happy to check out Venerable Guan Cheng as an alternative. Appreciate the PDF too. Have downloaded for future reading.