Three Tune Tuesday - Obscure Songs

in Music2 months ago

Here is Crux with Wasted Day. Basically a hyperactive punk rock band, most of their songs sound like this.Here are a few obscure songs I haven't listened to in 26 years for this #threetunetuesday by @ablaze

Here is Zao with Lies of a Serpent. How could an angsty middle school kid not blare this on his boombox?

Here is The Blamed with Feeding the Ignorant. I now know this song is probably about the MSM. The trick is finally understanding what their yelling jibberish is all about lol.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


That is hardcore!!!!

Wow 😮

Simple riffs but an effective mix with the drums and yelling vocals.

Happy Tuesday 👍 these songs sure bring the energy 🙂 may not speed up your computer but certainly keep your pace up

Yeah this was back when they still had to record stuff on tape. They kept it simple and probably had to do a bunch of practice beforehand so they wouldn't waste tape in the studio lol.

Zao! That’s a great throwback! The Christian metal scene! I remember it well! Crux was on Tooth & Nail records right? Or there sister label Solid State? I definitely have them on a couple comp CD’s! Zao too! I had a Zao album! 💿 I was into Project 86 & Living Sacrifice! But mostly I was into the MxPx Ghoti Hook pop punk stuff.

I got to see Zao open for Devildriver and Trivium at House of Blues. They were of course the heaviest of the three.

Great choice! I loved it! 🧡

These guys were way at the back of my memory. I used to have their albums on cd but sold them ages ago, glad they are online again.