It is time for another #threetunetuesday by @ablaze
Here is Strapping Young Lad with Wrong Side. It's a great song to listen to first thing in the morning lol. Devin Townsend's skullet (bald on top mullet in the back) is most powerful in this video.
Another one of my favorite songs by Strapping Young Lad is Almost Again. Dang song gets stuck in my head because of the circular guitar riff.
After Strapping Young Lad Devin Townsend started his solo projects. Perhaps its because he lost the skullet and became even more powerful. Hyperdrive is from a hilariously themed alien invader album complete with puppet shows. Ziltoid basically wants to steal Earth's coffee.
Here is Ziltoid's warning to earth.
Thats pretty hard core for my peaceful, rural Vermont morning lol but a good skullett is never out of style
Copyright: © eclecticmayhem
Yipes I suspect he might have stolen his skullet idea from riff raff. Approaching Phantasm IV levels of creepiness.
Thanks for the discovery
He is a strange Canadian discovery indeed.
Yes the guys are not here to put on pearls, he strums the guitar and rushes headlong
Oh wow, thanks for the feature. I'm a big fangirl, also from his Strapping Young Lad times. Here's another epic video from his recent album:
I've been meaning to catch up on his recent albums. I have not heard this song yet. The skullet has just become a skull with a beanie now.